We work with flowering plants in February

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It is not at all difficult to imagine a winter landscape, when the earth is wrapped in a dazzling white veil, a cold wind blows and frost crackles. The full-fledged owner of February does not give up his position, keeping the plant world in the grip of torpor and rest. But it's only on the street. Under the roof of the house, where it is cozy and warm, the flowers blossom on the windows with nothing incomparable flowers, which are full of strength and charm. What is the secret of creating this magnificence? The incessant work of lovers of flowering plants.

Flower distilling is a manifestation of love for people

Despite the fact that outside the window in February, flower lovers create real floral masterpieces in their homes. To do this, they use pasture - a process that causes the plant to bloom in an inappropriate period for it. Most often for this purpose, bulbous plants of these types are chosen:

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  • crocuses;
  • snowdrops;
  • tulips;
  • hyacinths;
  • daffodils.

Preparation for forcing begins long before the start of the process itself. In the spring, when greens appear, choose suitable specimens for distillation. Watching the plant, gardeners tear off buds, so they do not have time to blossom. To successfully develop flowers, they are regularly watered and fed. As a result, the bulb absorbs a large number of useful elements, which are stored in it until the time of distillation.

The planting material is stored under the strict temperature regime established by biologists. In July - not above 23 degrees, in August - to 17. If at home it is impossible to create it, it is better to buy bulbs in specialized outlets.

For the process of distillation, large bulbs of the correct shape are suitable. Before planting, they are freed from the dried scales. In the pot, a soil is made, consisting of soil mixed with sand (:). Then the bulbs are planted on 3 or 5 pieces at a distance, They should sit tight, not touching each other. The depth of the soil beneath them is not less than 8 cm. The top layer is approximately, see.

The planting material to be used for forcing in February is subjected to artificial cooling. It is kept at a temperature of 9 ° C for 4 or 6 weeks.

After watering, the pots are taken to a cool room with a temperature of 5 to 9 degrees. There they are until the appearance of greenery, and then transferred to a warm room. The first 10 days they stand in the dark, to accelerate the growth of shoots. For this, the flowers are covered with a cap of black paper. So that they blossom by the beginning of spring, the rooted bulbs are put up for grazing in the first days of February. And then, to show love for dear women, it is quite possible with a bouquet of real flowers.

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Special care for indoor plants

Wherever people live on the planet, they try to decorate their homes with indoor plants. At any time of the year, flowers require attention, especially when the window is February. Right now their "spring awakening" begins.

Plants that grow in tubs or large pots are transferred to spacious rooms where there is a lot of light. It can be warmed verandas or loggias. At this time, the flowers are sprayed and poured with a solution of mineral fertilizers. For its preparation take 10 liters of water and 15 grams of additional fertilizer. Stir and use as a watering solution.

In February, it is advisable to inspect the upper soil ball in flower containers. If moss or algae is found, they should be removed. For prevention, the surface is covered with pebbles or small stones.

Abundantly expanded pots are time to replant in new containers. This is indicated by the roots coming out from the hole in the bottom of the pot. Some young flowers are transplanted regularly. These include:

  • diffenbachia;
  • monster;
  • ficus.
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Plants that bloom in winter, it is advisable to move to new pots just in February. During this period they are at rest, gaining strength.

When the flower is transplanted, the soil is moistened abundantly so as not to damage the root system. To the flower quickly rooted, it is placed away from direct sunlight, and regularly sprayed.

Transplanted pots are neatly trimmed, giving them a beautiful shape. In addition, February is the right month for propagation of indoor flowers.It is during this period that young stems appear suitable for reproduction in uterine chrysanthemum. They are carefully cut off, and then rooted in separate containers. Brought to the glory in the end of winter, you can "rest on your laurels" among the luxuriant flowering of indoor plants all year round.

Secrets of preparing flower sprouts

When the spring is around the corner, fans of street flowers in February begin to think about their favorites. They try not to miss the precious time, but to plant the seeds of flowers for seedlings. To do this, it is important to choose a quality planting material and successfully grow young seedlings.

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in a special solution consisting of a weak concentration of potassium permanganate with the addition of boric acid. The seeds are dropped there and allowed to stand for 12 hours at room temperature. Then, the dishes are placed in the refrigerator for the same time. The procedure continues until the appearance of green shoots.

As the seedlings grow very slowly, they are sown in February, in time for the spring warming. Most often in this period, grow flowers such as:

  • petunia;
  • salvia;
  • viola;
  • pansies.

To achieve the ultimate goal, it is important to consider the main points of growing flower sprouts.

Suitable containers

For sowing a large number of flowers use a low (about 5 cm) wooden boxes with a removable bottom. Such containers save space, but it is extremely inconvenient to extract seedlings from them. Some gardeners sow seeds in old bowls, pots, cardboard boxes. But in such containers, soil may become sour or stagnant.

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It is best to sow flowers for seedlings in peat containers, plastic cups, special pots. The main thing is to preserve the root system of seedlings when transplanting into new containers.


Fertile soil

The successful growth of seedlings depends on the quality of the soil where the seeds are sown. The best option is to buy it in the store. Some summer residents prepare the soil themselves. For this, one part of the turf ground is mixed with sand of the same amount, plus 3 parts of peat. As a drainage material, small gravel or coarse-grained sand is used.

In no case can you use the land on which such plants grew earlier. There are spores of various fungi, worm larvae and weed seeds.

Ideal place for seedlings

Sown seeds are initially grown in total darkness until the appearance of green shoots. Then the containers are placed in a room where there is a lot of light. The ideal place is a window sill, a veranda or a heated loggia.

Regular watering and top dressing

The watering of the seeds is carried out with a spray gun or jug ​​with a narrow neck. First, moisten the plants with a weak solution of potassium permanganate in a moderate amount, so that the sprouts are not affected by excessive moisture.

Until the moment when the seedlings are planted in the open ground, it needs feeding. The solution can be prepared independently, using 1 part of Mullein in 20 parts of liquid. Some gardeners use special mineral fertilizers for plants in ready form.

Applying such simple advice in practice, you can successfully grow seedlings, despite the fact that February is in the street. When the outside is cold and blizzard, and a flower lover does not sleep on the stove, he will meet the spring surrounded by lush greenery. And this is the true joy of their labors.

What flowers to sow seedlings in February - video

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