What are the wireless headphones for TV

What are the wireless headphones for TV


Today we will talk about one of the modern and actual accessories - wireless headphones. Watching TV is often turned into a real problem if most family members require silence, and you want to watch an interesting TV show. Headphones - a great way out of the situation, the wireless gadget will help not depend on the length of the cable, which every now and then tries to get confused under your feet and interferes with viewing. Next, you will find out what kinds of this accessory are available, what technical characteristics you should pay attention to and choose the right headphone for your TV.


  • 1Classification of headphones
  • 2Method of signal transmission
    • 2.1Radio Signal
    • 2.2Infrared radiation
    • 2.3Bluetooth channel
  • 3Quality of the reproduced sound
    • 3.1Sensitivity
    • 3.2Impedance
    • 3.3Frequency response
  • 4Top 5 Tips for Choosing Wireless Headphones
    • 4.1Video: review of wireless headphones

Classification of headphones

Technical progress does not stand still, and new varieties of headphone models regularly update the audio equipment market. To date, there are 3 main types of acoustic design of this accessory:

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  • plug-in earphones - are found in the wireless version very rarely, on sale there are only single models of "loose leaves" without a wire that are inserted straight into the auricle. The most compact type of headphones;
  • overhead headphones - an arc-shaped kind of accessory, cups are superimposed on the ears, not covering the entire surface of the ear, but only the auditory canal. Most of them have a folding structure - the size of the arc can be adjusted at its own discretion. For a TV, this type of headphone is excellent, and the purchase does not hit your pocket - overhead devices are wireless at the cost of the most budgetary, you can choose a good model from 1500 rubles .;
  • monitor headphones - otherwise called full-size, completely grasp the surface of the ear. They have the "cleanest" sound reproduction due to the huge surface of the speakers, they are used mainly in recording studios, musicians and DJs. For the TV, these wireless accessories are certainly suitable, but perhaps you are confused by the high price of the device - a good model will cost at least 4000 rubles. If you are willing to pay for quality, then it is worth choosing a monitor to listen to the sound - this is ideal.

Important! Monitor in turn are divided into 2 types: open and closed. Open wireless headphones allow in addition to the reproduced sound to hear what is happening from the outside; a closed type of headphones completely immerses in the audible sound, preventing the penetration of an outsider noise.

Method of signal transmission

This is one of the basic parameters for choosing a wireless headphone model for a TV. Wireless headphones connect to a sound source using a wireless channel, from type of which depends both the sound quality, and the transmission speed, and most importantly - the permissible radius actions.

Radio Signal

Huge range of action - over 50 meters, high-quality reproduction of sound immediately have this type of channel. However, there is one significant disadvantage - the radio signal is sensitive to interference.


If you have small children at home, or pets that like to "melt" in front of a television screen, then it is unlikely that you will be able to enjoy high-quality listening to the telecasts - the signal will be interrupted.

Infrared radiation

For IR radiation, interference is not terrible, this type of channel is very resistant to various kinds of external influences. But it has a very short range - only 10 meters. Therefore, if you choose wireless headphones for a TV with an infrared channel, take care The TV directly from you was located no more than 6-7 meters, it is necessary for transmission through the device quality sound.


Bluetooth channel

Bluetooth technology allows you to use accessories to listen to sound within a radius of 10 meters and a little over, depending on the specific model. Devices with a Bluetooth transmitter are more massive looking than other types of these accessories, but external bulkiness does not affect the convenience, and even more so on the quality of sound transmission. No interference with this type of wireless channel occurs.

Quality of the reproduced sound

If you choose a wireless device for a TV, then you probably noticed that often in the characteristics of writing sensitivity readings, the unfamiliar word "impedance etc. These data are needed mainly for professionals who are choosing the right type of device for working with complex equipment. But the information will not be superfluous for the ordinary buyer. We will not devote you to technical statements, we will only decipher the indicators used by manufacturers.



This figure affects directly the volume of the sound. The smaller the diameter of the cups in the accessory, the less sensitivity, and vice versa. The standard for headphone sensitivity is a value of 100 dB, if it is less, the sound may be too quiet for your hearing.


The impedance values ​​indicate the acoustic power of the accessory. On most headphones, the impedance is 32 ohms. For studio work and better and more accurate sound transmission, devices with an impedance of 16 ohms are used.

Frequency response


The main characteristic that affects the sound quality. The average value of the frequency interval is 18 Hz - 2, 00 Hz, accessories with a given frequency and should be chosen for home viewing of the TV. Professional headphones have a frequency of 5 Hz - 6, 00 Hz; the widest frequency range (for individual models) is 3 Hz - 120 kHz.

The producer, using ignorance of the consumer, can specify in the characteristics a more extended range than he really is.


Therefore, wireless headphones should be tested personally before buying - in low-frequency models the sound will be interrupted by hissing, distortion, "creaking" shades of reproduction.

Top 5 Tips for Choosing Wireless Headphones

  1. Convenience - when buying, be sure to try on the model you like, the device should sit on your head easily, without squeezing or hindering, but at the same time tightly adjacent to your ears and not falling off them;
  2. Two pairs for the price of one - some manufacturers offer in the package immediately 2 pairs of accessories for listening to the sound. It is very convenient, especially for a small living space and families where there is a child;
  3. Battery life - choose models with long working time, and large capacity batteries;
  4. Adjusting the sound on the cups - to instantly make it quieter / louder without distracting yourself from watching TV;
  5. Auto-tuning - greatly simplifies the work with the device, rather than tuning ranges from interference by a spinning wheel.

In conclusion, I want to note that you should choose the wireless headphones by the price / quality ratio, pay attention to reviews of common models, consult an experienced seller. Good luck shopping with you!

More on the topic: how to choose a TV

Video: review of wireless headphones

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