What is the use of apples and is there harm for the human body?


Any person from an early age can understand thateating apple is very useful! However, not everyone knows why these fruits are so useful.


Table of contents

  • An apple is a fruit or a berry?
  • Caloric content of fruits
  • Useful composition: vitamins and other usefulness
  • What is the use and harm for the human body
    • Properties of baked fruit
    • Than rich in moist
  • Can you eat apples for pregnant women, nursing women, children
  • Useful from peel to sunflower seeds?
  • What harm can the fruit do to health?
    • Gastritis

An apple is a fruit or a berry?

Berries and fruits likeand children and adults! The variety of fruits and small berries, make almost every person to admire the taste of this divine food, given to mankind by nature itself!

Many have often wondered what is the meaning of a watermelon, an apple, a plum? Which of the following is a berry, and what is a fruit?

Fruit isjuicy edible fruit of a tree or a bush.

Berry isA variety of fruit, characterized by a huge amount of seeds. As a rule, the berry is more fleshy than the fruit.

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If you go into botany, then the apple tree is a fruit-colored rose-tree from the Roses family. Refers to the department of angiosperms, to the class of dicotyledons.

Apple tree - the most common fruit tree on earth. In the modern world there are a huge number of varieties of apple trees, which differ in the following characteristics:

  • on harvesting (summer, autumn, winter varieties);
  • on color of fruits (green, pale yellow, light and dark red, etc.);
  • by diameter (large, medium, and small fruit);
  • to taste and aroma.
Apple tree - the most common tree on earth, each of the varieties is valuable in its composition

Each of the varieties is valuable in its vitamin composition. In some cases, the content of vitamin C is too high, some contain a high content of sugar, and some contain more iron.


Caloric content of fruits

Apple is one of the unspoken characters of an excellent figure, embodies the right diet. All this is due to the fact thatin these fruits contains a large number of nutrients and very few calories!

Virtually no diet can not do without the inclusion in the diet of juicy apples. The calorie content of an apple depends on its type and size.

Green appleis the lowest calorie. For example: the apple of "Granny Smitt" contains only 4, kcal., And in the apple of "Semerinko" - 40 kcal.

Red applesa little calorie, for example: in the sort of apples "Idared" contains 50 calories.

How many calories are in yellow apples?Yellow applesthe most high-calorie, for example: in apples Golden "contains 53 kcal.

Baked apples(without additional ingredients) are in no way inferior in caloric content to their fresh counterparts, that is why they are also effectively used for food as a dietary dish.

Dried applesmuch more calorie fresh! The energy value of apples in a dried form: from 200 to 236 kcal. Based on the type of fruit.

The energy value of 1 apple can increase in proportion to its size. For a more accurate calculation of calories, use a scale!

Caloric content of apples depends on their variety, fruit size and method of harvesting

Useful composition: vitamins and other usefulness

These fruits, especially those that have just been ripped off,contain a large number of vitamins and minerals.

Any apple consists of:

  • water;
  • cellulose;
  • organic acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • dietary fiber;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • pectins.

Rich apple and onvitamins:

  • PP;
  • beta-carotene;
  • vitamin A;
  • B1 (thiamine);
  • B2 (riboflavin);
  • B5 (pantothenic acid);
  • B6 (pyridoxine);
  • B9 (folic acid);
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • H (biotin);
  • K (phyloquinone).
In apples contains an orogenic amount of vitamins and minerals

Minerals, contained in garden and wild apples:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • chlorine;
  • boron.

Apples: you can not throw it away, the program "Live healthy!"


What is the use and harm for the human body

Thanks to a large number of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients found in apples,they contain almost everything that is needed for the human body.

In many varieties of apples, useful substances remain even after long-term storage.

The usefulness of apple juice: can destroy microbes that cause dysentery. Due to the high content of pectin in apples, this fruit can be called a fighter with cholesterol.

Applesare useful not only in raw form, but also in the form of cooked meals from them.

Properties of baked fruit

When baking applesmicro- and macro elements are not destroyed. If you add honey to these apples, the dish will become even more useful, but the calorie content will increase.

This way of consuming fruits will be enjoyed by persons who do not have the opportunity to consume them in their raw form (for example, because of intestinal diseases).


Baked apples can be eaten for:

  • improve metabolism;
  • restoration of lymph;
  • weight loss;
  • improvement of skin condition, increase of its elasticity;
  • improving the state of the cardiovascular system, and others.
In baked apples are preserved macro- and trace elements

Than rich in moist

It should be noted that wet, sour apples are the first method used for cooking apples.

This way of making fruits also does not destroy vitamins and other useful substances contained in them.

Eating apples can be:

  • improve the digestive system;
  • clean the body of toxins;
  • improve the condition of patients with fragile bones, reduce the risk of osteochondrosis;
  • increase immunity.

The use of apples in any formhas a positive effect on the digestive system. Green apples do not cause allergic reactions. They help people suffering from low acidity of the stomach. And also bring up the mood!


Can you eat apples for pregnant women, nursing women, children

Apples are an important part of the dietpregnant, lactating women, and children. These categories of people need to eat this fruit.

With his help, the body of a child or woman in a state of pregnancy, as well as a nursing mother,will receive all the necessary vitaminsto ensure normal functioning and growth.

Nutritionists and pediatricians recommendinclude in the diet green applesfor:

  • reduce the risk of asthma;
  • protection of the child from skin diseases;
  • reducing the risk of allergic reactions in an infant of an early age.
Pregnant and lactating women, as well as children, must include apples in the diet

Useful from peel to sunflower seeds?

Many children like to eat apples whole, together with sticks. Parents are asking themselves whether it is harmful to health?

The answer is short - no.In seeds from apples contains a huge amount of iodine. Seeds from one apple are able to satisfy the human body in the daily requirement of iodine.

You can not eat more than 5 pcs of apple pits per day! In the seeds of apples is contained amygdalin glycoside (poison, related to cyanides).

Contraindications to the use of apple seeds:

  • pregnancy;
  • childhood;
  • chronic diseases (period of exacerbation).

The peel contains many vitamins, more than in the flesh of an apple. Also, only the envelope contains the antioxidant quercetin, it is with its help that heavy metals are excreted from the body, and cancer prevention is carried out.

Product of the day. An Apple. The program "About the most important"

What harm can the fruit do to health?

As you know, the benefits of eating apples are undeniable.They increase immunity, saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, help stabilize blood sugar levels, normalize the work of the cardiovascular system, and much more.

But apples, in addition to useful properties, have contraindications.


Appleshelp to normalize the acidity of the stomachpersons suffering from low acidity. And what to do to people who have high acidity of gastric juice (gastritis)?

Many varieties of apples (especially acid)use in food, people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, stomach ulcers and / or duodenal ulcers, etc., is contraindicated!

If you very much want to eat them, then before using, consult a doctor!

You may be interested in the following publications:

  • How to store dried apples at home?
  • 5 step-by-step recipes for caramelized apples.
  • 5 ways to freeze apples at home.

Do not forget about pesticidesand that chemistry, which is processed glossy imported apples! Such fruits can cause enormous harm to the body!

It is better to be safe and protect yourself and your loved ones from such products! Well, if you doubt, thenwash the fruit with a brush with warm waterwith the addition of soap or dish detergent.

Apples will benefit if you carefully wash them, eat them after eating, do not eat a lot of sunflower seeds

Apples are, of course, useful fruits! Eat them properly.Eat these fruits on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before eating, or by accident 2 hours after. So more useful substances will be assimilated.

Do not eat a large number of their seeds. Choose ecological fruits. Do not neglect contraindications!

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