Error codes for dishwashers

When the dishwasher does not start the washing process and displays an error on the scoreboard, pay attention to the code value. So the system tells you that a problem has occurred in the machine.

Errors of dishwashers "Indesit" are presented in our table. Having studied the meaning and causes of the appearance, you will understand how to eliminate the breakdown with your own hands.

How to decode Indesit

The fault code on the display may be the result of a malfunction in the system. To eliminate this, perform a hardware reset.

How to reboot the system:

  • unplug the dishwasher from the power;
  • after 15-20 minutes, turn it back on;
  • track the readings on the display;
  • if the error is again displayed - carry out the diagnosis of the PMM; If there is no error code, continue working in normal mode.

Indesit dishwasher models, which are not equipped with a display, are divided into:

  • PMM with management for 4 programs (in the table, figure 4);
  • PMM with management for 6 programs (in the table, figure 6).
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On panels without a screen, the breakdown is indicated by the flashing of the indicators.

DTC The number of flashes on PMM without a display What does Causes of appearance How to repair yourself
AL01 4 - 1, 6 - 3 Protection AquaStop reports a water leak. 1. There was a leakage of the PMM tank.

2. Depressurization of joints.

3. The integrity of the filler or drain hose is broken.

1. Inspection of the tank, elimination of the causes of leakage.

2. Strengthening of connections.

3. Inspection and replacement of leaking hoses.

AL02 4 - 2, 6 - 4 There is no water in the tank. Failure of the priming valve. How to fix the situation:

1. Diagnose the input valve.

2. Install a new part.

AL03 4 - 1-2, 6 - 3-4 There is no draining after the end of the sink. 1. The drain pump is clogged or damaged.

2. The contacts between the pump and the main module are broken.

3. The impeller is clogged.

4. The control module does not work.

1. Diagnosis of the drain pump. Repair or install a new part.

2. Checking and pulling contacts. Replacement of burned elements.

3. Inspect the pump impeller for clogging. Cleaning the element.

4. Repair or change the electronic unit.

AL04 4 - 3, 6 - 5 Connections of the NTC thermal sensor are broken. Problems with the operation of the main unit. Self repair: replacement of the control module.
AL05 4 - 1-3, 6 - 3-5 Breakage of the circulation pump or pressure switch. 1. The circulation pump does not work.

2. The pressure switch does not send data to the dishwasher module.

1. Check and repair the pump.

2. Inspection of the pressure switch. The multimeter of the electronic part. Sensor change.

AL06 4 - 2-3, 6 - 4-5 Problems with the operation of the inlet valve. Failure of the valve:

· Problem with wiring and contacts.

· Closing of the electronic part.

· Mechanical damage.

What can be done:

1. Inspect the wiring, isolate the damaged parts.

2. Use a multimeter to ring the coils.

3. Carry out a diagnosis of the mechanical part. Replace the valve.

AL08 4 - 4, 6 - 6 What is the error code: incorrect operation of the NTC thermistor. Incorrect positioning of the sensor. Check the installation of the thermistor. Adjustment of the location.
AL09 4 to 1-4, 6 to 1-4 With the software of the dishwasher "Indesit" an error occurred. There is no setting for the main unit. Problems with the panel. 1. It is necessary to correctly program the module.

2. Panel repair.

AL10 4 - 2-4, 6 - 4-6 Defective wiring of the heating element. 1. Broken TEN.

2. The heater wiring has burnt out.

3. The relay on the board, which is responsible for the operation of the heater, has burnt out.

1. Diagnosis and replacement of the heater (TEN).

2. Inspection and replacement of wiring.

3. Repair or reinstall the control card.

AL99 - No connection. 1. Violation of the network, or problems with the cable.

2. Malfunction of the electronic unit.

1. Check electricity in the network. Inspection of the network cable.

2. Repair of the control unit PMM "Indesit".

Malfunctions of the dishwasher "Indesit" (Indesit) are subject to diagnostics and repair. Be attentive to the work of technology, if you notice any unusual noise or disturbance - call the master or conduct an independent inspection of the PMM.

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