The use of propolis tincture at home


Healing properties of propolis, known to all for a long time. People from ancient times used it in folk medicine to combat various diseases. It helps cough to children and adults. In addition, many like to use milk with propolis from cough for children. But the alcohol solution of propolis already helps adults.

In this article we will talk about the indications for the use of propolis tincture, learn how to take tincture of propolis on alcohol, and also how to make a tincture of propolis on alcohol in domestic conditions.


Table of contents

  • What is it like to insist and use it
    • What diseases can be treated with bee propolis on alcohol
    • Instructions for preparation and use
  • How to make tincture at home
    • How to make and insist alcohol tincture
    • How to make vodka tincture
    • How to prepare an aqueous solution
    • An extract for adults for joints
    • Tincture of propolis with milk for children at night
    • How to take propolis from a cough: indications for treatment

What is it like to insist and use it

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Let's start, perhaps with what is and how propolis looks like.
Bees produce a special substance to protect against diseases and covering the cracks in the hive. Many people think that propolis is a bee-droppings, but it is not. Bees collect resin from their feet from plants and take them to a beehive. In the hive, the processed resin is processed. It is added the secret of the jaw glands, wax and honey.

Recycled resin in this way, the beekeeper collects from the tapes and the edges of the frames. Cleans from debris and rinses in clean, icy water.

It is brown, rather chocolate colored, sometimes with a greenish tinge.To the touch resembles a soft clay,so it is easy to roll into balls. At resorption slightly bitter and burns a little. It smells of wax and honey. One family per season produces from 30 to 80 grams of propolis.

For medicinal purposes it is used in a natural form for resorption, water solutions and tinctures are prepared for alcohol.

Has antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. According to researches of scientists, unlike medicinal preparations, bacteria and viruses do not get used to products prepared on the basis of propolis.


  1. To increase the effectiveness of adrenaline.
  2. For anesthesia.
  3. Vascular Cleansing from Cholesterol.
  4. Increases oxygen saturation of blood.
  5. Healing of wounds.
  6. Promotes the restoration of affected areas of the skin.
  7. Improves metabolism.
  8. Rejuvenating effect for the body.
  9. Suppresses the increase in the body of cancer cells.
  10. Excellent antioxidant.
  11. Heals diphtheria, scarlet fever, tuberculosis.
  12. Increases the body's immunity.
Therapeutic tincture of propolis

What diseases can be treated with bee propolis on alcohol

Infusion (tincture) of propolis on alcohol helps to cure many diseases. Promotes improvement of appetite, normalization of sleep, at increased pressure and as a sedative for the nervous system.

In the respiratory system:

  • cold;
  • flu;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis.

Digestive system:

  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • flatulence.

Genitourinary system:

  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • nephritis.

Skin diseases:

  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • rashes;
  • mycosis.

Dental problems:

  • stomatitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • caries;

Diseases of the eyes and ears.

  • cataract;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • otitis.
Before using beekeeping products, consult a doctor and make sure you do not have any allergies.

Instructions for preparation and use

And now let's talk about whether it is possible to take propolis infusion inside.

Tincture of propolis depending on the diseaseis applied either externally or internally.There is no contraindication, except for allergies. Eat it can both adults and children. There are no contraindications for treatment with aqueous tincture internally for pregnant and lactating mothers.

When ingested, tincture should be diluted with liquid. In this case, the liquid should be added to the tincture, and not vice versa, otherwise the therapeutic effect is lost.

How to prepare a tincture of propolis

Dosage for adults 20 drops per day. Accepted within a month, a break for 2-3 weeks.

For the child, the dosage will be different. 10 years old child is enough 10 drops a day.

For external use:

  1. For treatment of wounds- 3 times a day.
  2. Purulent otitis media- Introduce ear turuns for 1-2 minutes or 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.
  3. Pharyngitis and tonsillitis- Lubricate the tonsils. Dilute the tincture 1-2 weeks a couple of times a day. For inhalations - 2 times a day for a week. Set the tincture: 0.
  4. Chronic sinusitis- solution with sodium chloride (: 0), rinse the maxillary sinuses 2 times a day for two weeks.
  5. Paradontosis- for 5 minutes inserted into the pockets of turunda.
  6. To rinse throat- in a glass of water dilute 15 ml of tincture. Rinse at least 5 times a day for 4 days.
Fans of beekeeping products will also be interested to know about:
What should you do with a bee sting?
How to determine the quality of natural honey?
The benefits and harms of honey can be found in this short article.

For internal use:

Tincture is useful for the prevention of acute respiratory disease, acute respiratory infections, is used to treat influenza, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, high blood pressure, stomach ulcers, colitis.

The course and dosage depends on the type and severity of the disease. Usually it is for adults from 20 to 60 drops.Reception tincture can last from 5 to 30 days.

For young children, the dosage should be a twentieth of the adult dosage. Children older than 10 years, half the dose is enough.

Children under one year can not take alcohol tincture. Only water, in the form of compresses or ointments, cooked on the basis of butter. In severe cases, dilute with milk.

How to make tincture at home

How to make and insist alcohol tincture

How to make a tincture of propolis on alcohol? In fact, everything is extremely simple.
For treatment, tinctures of different percentages are required. Therefore, make it 5%, 10%, 20% and 30%.

In order to cook on your own,70% medical alcohol and propolis are needed.

Propolis needs to be frozen, so it is easier to grind it. After freezing, gently break it, as small as possible.

Put the crumbs in a container of dark glass. This is necessary in order to preserve all the valuable properties of propolis. Pour alcohol and put in a cool, dark place.

Ready alcoholic tincture, cooked at home

To prepare an alcoholic tincture of propolis 10% tincture, take 10 grams of propolis and 90 ml of alcohol. It follows that if you need 20% tincture, then take 20 grams of propolis and 80 ml of alcohol.

Infused liquid for 7-10 days. It must be shaken regularly. When infused, the solution must be filtered. The liquid is poured into another, clean container and put in a cool place. This tincture is stored for up to 3 years.

To prepare tinctures, it is not recommended to use 96% alcohol. In this case, it must be diluted with distilled water.

How to make vodka tincture

And now let's talk about the prescription of tinctures of propolis on vodka.

Before you start cooking, choose quality products. It should be a good 40 degree vodka. Do not skimp on quality. Propolis is desirable to be purchased from a beekeeper, and not in a market where it is possible to get caught in a fake.

To begin with, it should be frozen in the refrigerator and gently crushed, wrapped in a napkin. On, vodka requires 100 g of propolis.

In a container of dark glass, place the powder and pour it with vodka.We insist two weeks in a dark, cool place.Regularly you need to shake the container, so that the powder dissolves better.

Preparation of tincture of propolis on vodka

After a certain time, you will get a turbid liquid with a yellow or greenish tinge of pleasant taste. The precipitate at the bottom should not scare you, it should be so. It must be filtered and after, the filtered liquid is bottled and put in a cool place for further use. Shelf life is three years.

According to the advice of beekeepers, it is not recommended to store the tincture for more than a year.

How to prepare an aqueous solution

Preparation of water tincture of propolis is also not difficult. For some people, taking tinctures on alcohol is contraindicated. These are pregnant and lactating women, children and alcohol addicts.

And with some diseases it is impossible to use propolis on water.Therefore in such cases it is possible to make a solution on water.

Preparation of propolis solution on water

  1. Pre-powdered propolis, in an amount of 50 grams, poured into a glass container.
  2. Pour 500 ml of distilled water heated to 50 degrees.
  3. Infuse for 24 hours from time to time shaking the bottle.
  4. At the end of the infusion time, the liquid must be filtered out.
  5. Pour the solution into bottles and store in a dark, cold place.
  6. It should be used within a week, then the solution loses its healing properties.
Filtered particles should not be discarded. It will go for the preparation of propolis extract.

An extract for adults for joints

To prepare an extract of propolis, both fresh propolis and the remains from the previous variant are suitable.

One part of the powder is taken with 10 parts of distilled water.Water should be heated to 95 degrees, but in no case do not boil. Pour the powder and put on a water bath.

Propolis does not lose its medicinal properties when heated, unlike honey.

To sustain on it about an hour. Remove and cool. Prepared in this way, the extract should be poured into a container with a dark glass and put away for storage in a cool place.

Application of aqueous tincture of propolis

The period of use of this liquid is one week.


  1. For inhalation.
  2. Paradontosis and stomatitis (rinse mouth cavity - pour on a glass of water 2 tablespoons solution).
  3. Angina.
  4. Female diseases (syringing, for 0.5 liters of water 20-30 g of solution).
  5. Conjunctivitis and cataract.
  6. Wound healing tool.
  7. Cardiovascular system (10 ml of infusion are taken per 100 ml of water).
  8. Gastrointestinal tract.

Tincture of propolis with milk for children at night

On the advice of pediatricians, the use of propolis with milk for treatment has a greater effect.

This method of treatment is not suitable for those who are allergic to lactose.

How to cook

Boil 0.5 liters of milk. Add the propolis powder and keep on the fire for 15 minutes. Remove and cool. Remove the wax from the surface. Strain and pour into a clean container. Store in a cool place.

The dose of consumption is: 1 dessert spoon for 20 minutes before meals.

  1. Colds.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Strengthening of immunity.
Preparation and dilution of propolis tincture with milk

Option 2.

Without boiling. In one glass dilute with 20 drops of infusion.

Children under seven: 3 drops per quarter of a glass.

Older than 7 years increase by one drop by age.

Since the tincture has a peculiar taste and with bitterness, it is recommended to add honey, which will enhance the effect in the treatment.

They are used to quickly cure colds and viral diseases (cough, runny nose, flu).

How to take propolis from a cough: indications for treatment

How to treat propolis with cough? When choosing between medicinal treatment of cough or folk remedies, many lean toward the second. Tincture of cough is bought and done for a long time, especially since it is an effective and natural remedy. It is important that there is no allergy to this product.

When a disease occurs, you should prepare a milk-propolis solution.In boiled milk beforehand, drip the alcoholic tincture of propolis in the ratio:. Drink should be hot at night. Take the medicine an hour before meals.

Tincture of propolis: instructions for use for children.

For the child, take a 10% solution. Dissolve in milk as many years as your child (if 8 years, then 8 drops).

A child up to a year of alcoholic infusion is not recommended. For these purposes, an aqueous solution or compresses on the bridge of the nose and chest are used.

Before taking it, make sure that you and your child do not have any allergies to this product.

In conclusion, I want to say that propolis is a storehouse of medicinal properties, because what in it only does not exist! It is used in the treatment of almost all diseases.There is no getting used to it.He heals even joints. Preparation of tinctures and ointments is not difficult. It is used in the treatment of adults and children. In spite of the fact that propolis is a natural and effective product, consult a therapist before use.

The use of propolis tincture at home

The use of propolis tincture at homeBee Products

. Healing properties of propolis, known to all for a long time. People from ancient times used it in folk medicine to combat various diseases. It helps cough to children and adults. In addition, ma...

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