How to clean an electric kettle from contamination

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How to clean an electric kettle from contamination


"Cleanliness is the guarantee of health." This winged phrase from the Soviet cartoon "The Tale of the White Ice" has not lost vitality in our time. Hygiene dictates the rules of health protection, including in the kitchen. The main appliance in the place of cooking - the kettle - pollutes the scum, rust and carbon deposits. How to quickly and effectively clean an electric kettle at home, you will learn from our article.


  • 1What is the scale and how dangerous it is?
  • 2Proven ways to remove scale in the home
    • 2.1Vinegar
      • 2.1.1Video instruction: cleaning the electric kettle with vinegar
    • 2.2Lemon acid
      • 2.2.1Video instruction: how to get rid of scale with citric acid
    • 2.3Baking soda
    • 2.4Calcined soda
    • 2.5Special Tools
    • 2.6Soda + vinegar
    • 2.7Folk remedies
      • 2.7.1Coca Cola
      • 2.7.2Video: Can I remove scum with Coca-Cola?
      • 2.7.3Brine
      • 2.7.4Potato peelings
  • 3Remove from the walls of the kettle
    • 3.1Wet Salt
    • 3.2Activated carbon
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  • 4How to remove rust?
  • 5Eliminate the unpleasant smell of a new kettle
  • 6How to prevent the formation of scale, carbon and rust
    • 6.1Decrease the scale
      • 6.1.1Soft water
      • 6.1.2Comparative evaluation of water hardness (table)
      • 6.1.3Fresh water
    • 6.2Caring for the electric kettle
    • 6.3Prevent rust
      • 6.3.1Chipped enamel.
      • 6.3.2Low-quality water

What is the scale and how dangerous it is?

The composition of drinking water always includes salts, this is its benefit to living organisms. Water without salts is called distilled, sold in auto shops and pharmacies. But we do not recommend anyone to drink "perfect" water.

Scum is a solid precipitate that appears with time inside the kettle, on the bottom or the heating element.The deposits are water insoluble salts of calcium and magnesium.The content of these salts determines the rigidity of water - the harder the water, the more salt there is. Partly the hardness of water is reduced by filtration, but still it is impossible to completely eliminate the formation of scale.

Scale poorly conducts heat, so the heating element in the salt "cover" warms the water longer, does not cool enough and overheats. In the worst case, it burns out.

If you do not follow the kettle, in time it will be covered with a salt "cover"

Another trouble is connected with the fact that insoluble salts from the kettle get into the cup. Thin flakes nasty crunch on teeth and spoil the pleasure of tea drinking. Swallowing them is dangerous for the kidneys and the excretory system of the body.

Proven ways to remove scale in the home

The first thing that comes to mind is to scratch the scum with a hard object - with a knife, fork or metal brush. Such a mechanical method of cleaning we strongly do not recommend - in two counts spoil the kettle. All the methods described below are chemical, based on the interaction of scale with acids and the formation of soluble sediments.

The main assistants in the kitchen are soda, vinegar and citric acid


The most extreme way. With the help of acetic acid, deposits in industrial boilers and pipes are removed. In our case, it is suitable for cleaning metal kettles with a thick layer of old scale.



  1. Take acetic acid, dilute it in the proportion: 0, and pour into the kettle. The reaction begins immediately, the liquid hisses and bubbles.
  2. Turn the kettle on and heat it to about 60 degrees, the process accelerates.
  3. We observe and see that soon the reaction stops - the water calms down and becomes transparent. Let the kettle stand for about five minutes, pour out the solution and thoroughly flush the flask.
  4. Then pour clean water into the kettle and bring it to a boil to wash off the vinegar residue.

Perhaps, the procedure will have to be repeated in order to get rid of a specific odor.


Attention! The method is not suitable for plastic kettles, acetic acid is too caustic. When boiling the solution in the kitchen, there is a strong smell of vinegar: ventilate the room during and after the procedure.


Video instruction: cleaning the electric kettle with vinegar

Lemon acid

Citric acid is not as aggressive as acetic acid. Copes with weak and medium precipitation. The method is suitable for kettles with metal, plastic or glass bulbs.


  1. Pour into the kettle half a liter of water, turn on and wait for the boil.
  2. We take 1-2 tablespoons of citric acid and fall asleep in hot water.
  3. Turn off the appliance and wait until the solution has cooled.
  4. We pour out the waste water, fill it clean from the tap, then bring it back to the boil.

If the dirt does not disappear completely, we recommend wiping the inner surface of the kettle with a soft sponge to remove the ragged plaque.


To the mistress of the note. Instead of citric acid in powder, you can use lemon - the fruit contains a large amount of this substance. It is enough to cut into the kettle one lemon with peel and boil it for ten minutes. Bonus - the aroma of lemon throughout the kitchen.


Video instruction: how to get rid of scale with citric acid

Baking soda

Crystalline sodium bicarbonate powder also helps in the fight against scale. It is a weak alkali, does not dissolve scum, but only makes it loose.


  1. Pour into the kettle half a liter of water and bring to a boil.
  2. We take 1 tablespoon of baking soda, fall asleep in boiling water and let it cool. During this time, the scum becomes softer, it can not be washed easily.

In the nozzles of many electric kettles a reticulum is installed so that the scale particles do not fall into the cup. While taking care of the kettle, do not forget to rinse the filter.

Calcined soda

Unlike food, soda ash has a strong alkaline reaction. This chemical is used to clean tiles, wash and boil laundry, soften water in washing machines.


  1. First we prepare the solution. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of soda ash and knead in a small amount of water.
  2. Pour into the kettle 1 liter of water, bring to a boil.
  3. Pour into the kettle prepared solution of soda ash, and then leave the kettle to cool.
  4. After cooling, remove the scum with a sponge. Do not forget to wash the kettle thoroughly.
  5. The first boiling after the procedure should be "empty the water merges into the sink.

Attention! Calcined soda - caustic alkali. When handling it, use caution, do not touch with your hands, use gloves, do not allow eye contact.


Special Tools

Special means for removing scale - tablets, liquids and powders are produced. The composition of the drugs include organic acids that dissolve scum (sulfamic, adipic, lemon, and others). Carefully read the instructions to your product. Strictly observe the dosage. Watch the process to avoid damaging the appliance. If the kettle bulb starts to change color, stop the procedure and rinse the container with water several times in a row.

Special Antinakipin Combines all the necessary properties

Attention! Use these remedies with caution. They contain harmful chemicals. Rinse the kettle thoroughly after cleaning, repeat the boiling and draining cycle several times before use to rinse the remnants of "chemistry".


Soda + vinegar

If you got a neglected teapot covered with a thick layer of scale, a combination of soda and vinegar will help restore it to life.


Fill the kettle to the top mark.

  1. We pour into it soda from the calculation of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.
  2. Bring the kettle to a boil.
  3. We merge the water, fill the kettle with water, add a tablespoon of acetic acid and bring it back to the boil.
  4. Due to the reaction between alkali and acid, carbon dioxide is released, which loosens up the sediment. Cleaning the kettle will go easier.

Attention! Do not forget to ventilate the room while boiling vinegar. Rinse the kettle thoroughly after the procedure several times.


Folk remedies

Coca Cola


The active ingredient of this drink is orthophosphoric acid, an inorganic acid of medium strength. This property of Coca-Cola is used in the household to remove scale. Note that the method, although handy, but not very cheap - soda or citric acid are less than bottles of soda.


Attention! The drink can dye the plastic case.



  1. We open the bottle with a drink and set it to stand for a few hours to get out the gases.
  2. Fill Coca-Cola in the teapot to half, bring to a boil and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Drain the infusion and rinse the kettle.

Video: Can I remove scum with Coca-Cola?


Attention! If the gases are not released from the bottle, the expanding bubbles will displace the liquid during boiling. "Cleaned" will not only the kettle, but the table under it, and the stove next to, and the floor in the kitchen.



The brine contains acids that can dissolve the sediment.


  1. Fill the kettle with brine.
  2. Bring to a boil and wait until it cools.
  3. Drain the liquid, rinse the kettle.
  4. The first boiled water is also poured into the sink.

Potato peelings

Another home method helps keep the kettle clean by removing a thin layer of scale. This is potato peeling.


  1. We rinse the potato peel, add it to the kettle, pour water and boil it.
  2. Cool for two hours and pour the contents.
  3. Rinse the flask, wipe it with a soft sponge.

Remove from the walls of the kettle

A deposit is formed when the food is burned by the action of high temperature. It's hard to imagine how this can be in an electric kettle. However, in student hostels and not this happens. Nagar produces an unpleasant odor and secretes carcinogens. You can delete it in several ways.

Wet Salt

A small burnt place is wiped with a damp salt. More active means - a solution of salt in vinegar, the proportion of 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Gently apply the mixture on a sponge and wipe it.

Activated carbon

Aluminum kettle from carbon saves with activated carbon. Rastolkite a dozen tablets of activated charcoal, moisten with water, apply to the surface and leave for an hour. After wipe off the dirt and rinse with running water.

How to remove rust?

It is recommended to clean the kettle at the first signs of rust, while the layer is still thin: then it will be much harder to clean it. You can do this using the following methods.

Rust from glandular water is eaten into steel and plastic
  • Coca Cola.We stand for the drink, so that gases come out, pour into the kettle, boil, after a while we merge and rinse, we erase the rust remnants with a soft sponge.
  • Pickle of pickled cucumbers.Fill the kettle with brine, warm it to a boil. Cool, drain the brine, rinse the flask, wipe off the rust with a sponge.
  • Washing powder plus potatoes.Moisturize the surface, pour on the rusty stain washing powder, wait 20 minutes. We cut the potatoes, we wipe the wall of the kettle over the powder with a cut. Well we wash the kettle with running water - washing detergents are washed off badly, so repeat them several times.

Eliminate the unpleasant smell of a new kettle

Plastic, steel, glass - regardless of the material, the new kettle will smell. Plant, box, warehouse, plastic or metal. The manufacturer knows this: the preparation of the device for work is written in the instructions.


We recommend sniffing at your purchase in the store: you should refuse to purchase if you do not like the smell. Low-quality material comes across even from well-known firms, not to mention the crafts of Uncle Liao.


A good kettle is enough to fill, boil and drain the water into the sink (repeat if the factory recommends). If the result does not suit you, here are some more tips.

  • Baking soda.Pour the water into the kettle. Add to it 3 tablespoons of soda, bring to a boil, leave to cool. Drain the water, wash it under the tap. The smell should disappear.
  • Lemon acid.Boil the water in a kettle, add the citric acid to it. If there is no powder at hand, lemon juice will do. We leave for the night, in the morning we warm up again and merge the infusion. Rinse with clean water.
  • Sugar.The method is suitable for steel teapots, eliminates the specific smell of steel. Pour water, bring to a boil. We throw two or three pieces of refined sugar in boiling water. We wait for half an hour, merge the sweet syrup and rinse the flask. Again, fill the kettle with clean water, boil it and drain the water.

If the smell of plastic from the kettle does not disappear, we recommend that you return the product to the store. Badly smelling plastic probably contains dangerous substances.

How to prevent the formation of scale, carbon and rust

Decrease the scale

It is impossible to get rid of scum completely. Ideal water that does not contain salts is harmful to health. The following methods reduce the formation of scale and facilitate its removal.

Soft water

Pay attention to the water that you take from the tap. If it is too stiff, it is best to pass it through the filter. You can buy for tea drinking softer water, which is sold in bottles. If this is not possible, let the water stay at least for a day.


Manufacturers of bottled water indicate the stiffness on the label. The hardness of water is measured as the amount of magnesium and calcium salts per unit volume, the unit of measurement used in Russia is milligram-equivalents per liter (mg-eq / l).


Here is a table for assessing the rigidity of water. For the kettle, the water will come from soft to moderately stiff.


Comparative evaluation of water hardness (table)

Qualitative assessment of water hardness The value of hardness (mg-eq / l)
Very soft Before ,
Soft ,
Moderately harsh ,
Hard ,
Very rigid Above,

Fresh water


After tea, drain the water, do not leave it in the kettle for the night, the salts fall out slowly. In the morning, always pour fresh water. Regularly rinse the kettle from the precipitated precipitate, wipe it until the layer becomes thick.

Caring for the electric kettle

At least once a month, use the methods suggested in our article, for example, the repeatedly tested option - boiling with citric acid.

Prevent rust

Chipped enamel

If chipped on the inner or outer surface of the enameled teapot, it is better to replace it. The metal from which such a kettle was made is not intended to be in contact with food, chemical compounds from metal enter the water and harm your health.

Low-quality water

If rust gets into the kettle from the water, you should deal with the source. The cause may be old pipes, incorrectly chosen aquifer layer, terrain features. We recommend that you filter the water or take it elsewhere.

Scum is formed from the beneficial salts contained in water, so it is impossible to completely eliminate the precipitations in the kettle. But to grow stalagmites on a heating element is not good - you will spoil both the device and health. If you want the kettle to serve you for many years, take care of it regularly.

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