Electrician Tool Kit

Electrician Tool Set

Depending on the type of installation work performed, existing kits for electricians are divided into several types:


  • What should the minimum electrician's kit contain?
  • Roomy durable bag
  • Phase tester
  • Multimeter
  • Special multimeter
  • Megohmmeter
  • Cutting tool
  • Accessories for hand tools
  • Auxiliary pliers
  • Streamers
  • Wrenches and screwdrivers
  • Selection criteria and tool requirements
  • Price and best manufacturers
  • Selection recommendations
  1. For all assembly and installation workwhere wires up to 250 W are used (VISIO 2007, SATA, FIT). This set is ideal for beginners. Consists of dielectric tools that are reliably covered with rubber to protect a person from possible electric shock.
  2. For the installation of electrical networks with a power of up to 500 W (NIE-01, AVL elecrtonic company, Stankoimport nabe).
  3. For the installation of electrical networks with a power of up to 1000 W (1000 V NIZ No. 5a, UniPro U-900, Pro'sKit PK-2803BM). Such a set is considered the most professional and the included tools are used to repair overhead transmission networks, transformer stations and other specialized equipment.
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What should the minimum electrician's kit contain?

There is a certain set minimum of tools that a professional specialist must always have at hand.

The kit includes the following main elements:

Roomy durable bag

Electrician's bag

Designed to store all devices and transport them safely. It is best if it will consist of several compartments that will contain the necessary tools for various purposes.

Phase tester

Phase tester screwdriver

Essential for an electrician, allowing you to determine the presence of a phase in sockets and on other contacts used.



A universal fixture that is usually always included in the minimum kit. However, the devices included in the kit often quickly fail, so it is better to buy such a tool separately, giving preference to the most demanded models. The device helps to carry out all the necessary measurements to determine the mains voltage and current strength.

Before buying, you should carefully inspect the probes - they, as a rule, are only black and red shades and should be characterized by softness, flexibility and high quality used in production plastics.

Special multimeter

Its distinctive feature is the possibility of contactless network measurement. It is also intended for determining the inductance index and some auxiliary parameters.



A tool that is necessary to assess the quality of the insulation work performed. Such a device should be carried by both a professional worker and a novice electrician, who should take into account the fact that the imported megohmmeter differs significantly in many parameters from the domestic version of such equipment.

Cutting tool

Electrician's cutting tool

Such an auxiliary element allows you to carry out all installation and assembly work., cut wires, carry out subsequent insulation and other stages of repair, without which no installation of electrical systems can do.

Accessories for hand tools

Cable cutter

Usually includes a side cutter, a cable cutter and a special stationery knife.

Auxiliary pliers


This includes pliers, which are required for all insulation work., and pliers used for bending and cutting.


Allows you to get rid of any excess insulation in a neat way and almost always included in the kit for electricians of the most famous manufacturers.

Wrenches and screwdrivers

Electrician's screwdrivers

With regards to screwdrivers, they use tools that differ in a variety of sections. Wrenches, in turn, differ in the standard small size of the product.

Selection criteria and tool requirements

Choosing the most suitable option for tools should be based on two main criteria, namely:

  1. Product quality. You should give preference to trusted manufacturers who have proven themselves from the best side. To do this, it is best to monitor existing products in advance, and opt for those products that can guarantee the required quality and durability of the product.
  2. Security. Tools must be designed in such a way as to protect a person from electric shock. To do this, they must partially, and best of all completely, be non-conductive. That is why, the composition of the products must include special materials that do not conduct current, as well as tools that have contact with wires must be rubberized.

The main requirements include the following features:

  1. As a material used to cover the handles, must be the option that has all the insulating characteristics, which means it can prevent electric shock. Due to the presence of the appropriate marking on a particular instrument, you can find out what materials were used as insulating materials in the manufacture of this product.
  2. A quality product must be made of dielectric material, without the use of impurities and substances harmful to the body.

Price and best manufacturers

Stern Austria Tool Set
Stern Austria Tool Set

The cost of the kits can vary and depends primarily on three main factors:

  1. The functionality of the product.
  2. Its quality characteristics.
  3. The manufacturer of the goods.

Nevertheless, the most popular are imported manufacturers and the price of their products starts from $ 50 and ends with $ 70.

The following manufacturers are popular:

  • Metalist;
  • Stern Austria;
  • HTS-BT49;
  • Gerät PROFI;
  • Jonnesway;
  • Pro'sKit PK-2803BM;
  • UniPro U-900;

Selection recommendations

Electrician tool kit

Very often, when the masters carry out an independent selection of all the necessary tools, they do not pay due attention to the product in which all used accessories will be stored and transported.

Therefore, for this purpose, inconvenient bags, cases or suitcases are often used, in which the devices are folded at random, creating a solid pile of technical elements of various purposes. This becomes the main reason for improper transportation and rapid breakdown of products, which sometimes cannot even be repaired.

To avoid such consequences, you should be more responsible when choosing a bag designed to store all fixtures, and make sure that each instrument has its own separate a place.

Special attention should be paid to work clothing, which also plays an important role in the safe performance of all electrical repairs. It must be a specialized suit made from non-flammable materials.

The design of shoes should not contain any metal elements that could conduct current and be a serious threat to human life. Also, special gloves, a helmet and a comforter should be used.

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