Which screwdriver to choose for home use

Which screwdriver to choose for home use


The farm always needs tools that will help to equip the house, to assemble something, and fix it. Now we will learn how to choose a screwdriver - a bright representative of the tools needed by the real master.


  • 1What is a screwdriver for?
  • 2Tool Options
  • 3Accessories and Appearance
  • 4Additional Features

What is a screwdriver for?

First, we'll figure out what works the screwdriver is used for, how much good is from it and whether it will not roll for years without work. Using it, you can:

  • screw and unscrew various fastening elements, for example, screws or bolts.
  • Drilling wood, metal and other materials;
  • To cut a carving;
  • tighten the anchor screws and dowels.

If you need to hang a shelf, picture, screw the cornice or handle to the door, the screwdriver will help to do it quickly and reliably. It is useful in the installation of television and audio equipment, the assembly of furniture, installation of drywall, and many other repairs and current home work. Often, a screwdriver is needed at the dacha, where you constantly have to do something with your own hands. This is the tool that, along with a hammer and a screwdriver, should be in any house. Of course, it is not necessary to buy a very expensive and powerful model. For ordinary household works, a reliable screwdriver with medium parameters is quite suitable. What are the signs for it?

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Tool Options

To know how to choose a screwdriver for a house, you need to have an idea of ​​its basic parameters. The main characteristics of the screwdriver are:

  • the idling speed or simply the number of revolutions;
  • the twisting moment;
  • power supply type.

By the number of turns, everything is clear. The more speed the device makes, the faster it drills or twists the screw. If the screwdriver only performs the twist function, then it is enough 500 rpm or slightly less. If it works also as a drill, which is quite common, then the speed should be at least 1200 per minute. Such an electric drill is quite suitable for a wide range of works with wood.

The twisting moment shows, what effort can overcome the tool in working order. The more this value will be, the more durable materials it will be able to drill. Since we are now talking about a household appliance, and not about the professional, used by specialists at construction sites, it will be enough for 15-30 N * m. With more powerful tools, the torque can reach 80-130 N * m.

The power supply of the screwdriver can be from the battery or from the mains. Since the presence of a battery makes it possible to carry out work anywhere, it allows you to freely transfer device and do not depend on the location of the nearest outlet, more and more models are produced with this type power supply.


The more powerful the battery, the more the instrument can be operated without recharging. You can also buy a model with spare batteries to change them if necessary. The most modern and environmentally friendly are nickel-metal hydride batteries. They are compact and can withstand a large number of recharges (up to 500), but their cost is high. It must be remembered that they are capricious to negative temperatures and should be stored when they are charged.


Nickel-cadmium batteries are cheaper, but the presence of cadmium makes them very toxic, therefore in Europe they are gradually abandoned. There are also lithium-ion ones, but they are much less common, and their cost is quite high, although they are powerful and very suitable for long-term work.

Pay attention to the battery indicator, such as the product of the current for a time (capacity). The more it will be, the longer the tool will work, since the battery can hold the charge longer.

Accessories and Appearance

It is impossible to fully answer the question of how to choose the screwdriver correctly, without considering the accessories and the appearance of the product. Often, screwdrivers are sold without additional parts and accessories, but there are kits, in addition to the main tool is a set of attachments (bits and drills). This is very convenient, because the fuller the set, the more types of screws you can twist / unscrew. In any case, bits and drills can be purchased separately.


Always pay attention to the design of the handle. When performing work, you should be comfortable holding a screwdriver in your hand. The most popular instruments now with a handle, in which the center of gravity is balanced, it is much more convenient to work with them. Such a handle is made in the center unlike the pistol type. The factor of ergonomics is especially important for those who work for a long time, collects a complex large structure.


Additional Features

Universal drills are screwdrivers that can be drilled and twisted alternately. They are equipped with speed switches. If you are interested in how to choose a screwdriver, you should pay attention to the speed of the device. Usually, for spinning, a speed of 500 revolutions per minute is sufficient, and for drilling, it is 1300. Buy a model that can do more than 1300 rpm is only if you want to drill very hard materials. Powerful devices can be twisted large in length and diameter screws. If you want your electric drill to be suitable for concrete work, it is best to choose a shock model with a torque of the order of 80 Nm or more.


All screwdrivers are equipped with a speed limiter. It's a ring that's right behind the chuck. Adjusting the position of the ring, set the maximum force, after which the cartridge stops rotating. This is necessary so that the slot of the fastening element does not break, so that the screw does not go too far and that the bits wear less.


An important part of the screwdriver is the chuck. With its help attach the nozzles for various jobs. The cartridge can be quick-clamping and clamping with a key. The first option is much better, so pay attention to it.


Very convenient function - reverse (reverse). If it is available, you can unscrew the screw or pull out the jammed bit.

Some tools are backlit, which makes it easy to navigate in the dark. There are models with a battery discharge indicator, which is also quite convenient. There are also models with automatic filing screws and with a magnetic holder, but they are more suitable for professionals.

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