How to connect a heater in a washing machine

When the washing machine stops heating water, it is most likely the cause in the burnt TEN. He is responsible for heating the water for washing to improve its quality. It looks like a tube in which a spiral is installed, heated and cooling during operation. The specificity of this work of the heater together with the hard water forming the scum lead to its breakage.

If it breaks, the most important thing that you must do is to ensure the correct connection of the new heater in the washing machine. If something is confused, it can again burn out and even explode, which means that the repair will "fly out into the pipe."

Next, we'll tell you how to connect the heater and give you a diagram of how to install the part.

Content of the material:

  • 1Where is the heater in the washing machine
  • 2How to connect the TEN correctly and safely

Where is the heater in the washing machine

To replace a part with a new one, you first need to get rid of the old one. The difficulty is that in the machines of different manufacturers, the location of the heater can differ substantially. Therefore, before you start replacing, you need to determine where the element is located.

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Examine the car: if the rear panel is of impressive size, then most likely the heater is located behind. It should be done on this side.

This option is the easiest and requires minimal effort. The rear wall is attached with just a few screws, so even if you make a mistake and do not find the part you are looking for, you can quickly put the panel in place.

If the rear hatch modest size, with a high probability to dismantle the stylalki will have to front. This option is more time consuming, requires more time and tools, but here you can manage yourself if you follow the instructions.

The location of the heater in washing machines of different brands:

  • In SMA Ariston, Indesit, Zanussi, to remove and install the heater, you need to remove the back panel.

  • In Bosch or Siemens, the heater shank is in front, therefore, the frontal part must be dismantled.

  • In some models, Electrolux and Ardo body can consist of two monolithic parts, but still in this case, the back of the case is unscrewed.

If you have a washing machine of another brand not listed in our list, be guided by the size of the service hatch from the back of the case.

How to connect the TEN correctly and safely

We will skip the disassembly stage, as for each brand and model the technology is different. You can find detailed instructions for disassembling machines in our other materials:

  • How to disassemble a washing machine LG.
  • How to disassemble a washing machine Bosch.
  • How to disassemble a washing machine Indesit.
  • How to disassemble the washing machine Ariston.

Important! During the disassembly of the washing machine, do not be too lazy to make a video recording or photograph the contacts, so that when you assemble, ensure that the wires are properly connected.

Consider how to properly install and connect the heater:

  • Buy the original analog. Tell the seller the make and model of your AGR so that it can pick up the part that is right for your car. The heater should be similar to the old power and size. Along with the part, get a rubber gasket, since the old one is more likely to be already unfit.

  • Before installing a new part, clean the landing hole of debris, debris and debris (if the old element exploded).
  • Install the part in the groove, carefully monitoring its position. It should stand exactly as the previous one was installed. There should be no slopes and curvature, and the heater should sit tightly in the seat.

  • While holding the heater with one hand, the second one, carefully tighten the fasteners.

Important! While tightening the nut, do not overdo it! The thermoelectric element should sit tightly, but when screwing it, do not tear the thread.

  • Connect the temperature sensor and the wiring. Use the connection diagram or browse the footage to avoid confusing the wires. If the wiring is not connected correctly, a short circuit and another replacement can not be avoided.
  • Assemble the machine (if you dismantled the rear part, the hatch can not be closed, you may have to fix it, screw the lid when you are sure that the styralka is working).
  • Start the test wash. To make sure that the heater heats the water, put the temperature at 60 degrees and when washing, touch the glass of the hatch with your hand if it is warm - the heating happens.

If everything is good, the laundry is on, there is no error on the scoreboard and the water is warming up, you can install the panel in place and use the machine.

Remember that the quality of water affects the service life of this fragile component, therefore, in order to prolong the working capacity of the element, use water softening agents. Also carry out periodic cleaning, falling asleep in an empty machine mixture of citric acid and soda.

Now you know how to properly connect the heater in the washing machine. Repair household appliances yourself without problems and unnecessary costs.

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