Chaos at home stars. Foreign and domestic idols in their apartments

My house - my fortress. Because each person is trying to restore order in his home, make it cozy, comfortable. But it comes our favorites? They contain their "nest"? Let's take a look behind the scenes look at how live audience favorites.

Chaos at home stars

Foreign idols in their apartments

The content of the article

  • Foreign idols in their apartments
    • Miley Cyrus
    • Lindsey Lohan
    • Kim Kardashian
    • Taylor Swift
    • Britney Spears
    • Johnny Depp
  • stars of Russian
    • Ani Lorak
    • Alena Vodonaeva
    • Anastasia Volochkova
    • Olga Buzova
  • conclusion

Not all celebrities believe that the cleaning in the house of their concerns as well as ordinary people.Many of them forget for a wash bowl, gently fold the things to clean their "feathers". Here are some of these "heroes".

Miley Cyrus

Famous actress contains several dogs and a small pig, which she loves. But her favorites are not accustomed to the toilet for a walk. Because fragrant "gifts" from them can be found in every room. In addition, according to the hostess said they "help" in building a mess in the house: take away the things in the apartment, torn carpets.

instagram viewer
Chaos at home stars

Miley and indeed not so chistyulya and does not hide it, willingly photographed against a background of dirty dishes and piles of scattered things.

Lindsey Lohan

Chaos at home stars

Beauty does not hesitate even at a party. Nothing can make it at least a little tidy up, to bring the beauty of the house, to create a cozy atmosphere. On the calls by many fans to remove trash Lindsay just smiles and continues to show a photo shoot of your mess.

Kim Kardashian

Chaos at home stars

The American TV star does not lag behind their colleagues, and not bothering to restore order. Though not so often, but still a large part of her royal wardrobe can be found scattered throughout the room. BUT when the apartment is transformed into a landfill, Kim did not miss the opportunity to fix this mess in the resulting image, and then boast pictures in front of fans.

Taylor Swift

Chaos at home stars

The well-known singer in country style is characterized by its passion for order. But it can sometimes catch in the lung disorder. She is a great lover of cats; the house has five adorable pets that is not conducive to restore order. Housekeeper Taylor constantly complains of country star that such a love for Fuzzy complicates her life. But our heroine does not care.

Britney Spears


Entrainment actress alcohol accompanied by the presence in the apartment of the present chaos. Burgers, leftover potatoes, the packaging of fast food can be found under the sofas, armchairs. On the table marks an evening of fun: the unfinished bottle with alcohol, the remains of some food, litter. According to her bodyguard, Britney was fond of drugs and that, too, did not contribute to the maintenance of order. I do not adhere to it, and the rules of personal hygiene, could not for a few days to take a shower, forget to brush your teeth.

Johnny Depp

Mess in the apartment at the stars

A favorite of many fans, the creative people, the famous film actor is a tremendous lack of organization. Clean up after themselves - something unreal to him. Just a child is not accustomed to cleanliness and loses his head when it is necessary to restore order. In addition, Johnny did not think much about the rules of cleanliness: could walk for weeks in the same shirt. Teeth cleaning him not too attractive.

stars of Russian

Domestic idols are not far removed from foreign colleagues actor's workshop. They also do not mind to excel both on stage or in the movies, and in everyday life.

Ani Lorak


Famous singer tries not really show his carelessness, but sometimes it still misses the mark. Recently, making photos to post them on the network, it did not pay attention to the litter. But this mess notice its subscribers, who did not hesitate to accuse Ani carelessness. And her passion for French fries caused outrage addiction to junk food.

Alena Vodonaeva

Mess in the apartment at the stars

Self-confident, ready to show fans their photos taken against a background of turmoil in an apartment, a former member of the project "Dom-2" did not hesitate to order the chaos that accompanies her life. Telekumir calls this chaos in the cluttered rooms of creative disorder. And because of the lack of a home chiffonier heroine is forced to keep his clothes on the floor. Apparently, Alain believes that the shortcomings in setting fans forgive her for her good looks.

Anastasia Volochkova

mess in the apartment at the stars

Unmatched dancer lover palaces, furs, colors and Russian bath life shows itself in ordinary slob. Living in a huge mansion, with a few maids, Anastasia manages to overwhelm the room trash. However, she says that he prefers the royal way of life and all her detractors sneeze.

Olga Buzova

Mess at the stars in the apartment

Fans of the famous leading noticed that the household TV star does not hold water. A terrible mess in the apartment; clothes, personal belongings piled on chairs; Shoes in disarray scattered on the floor. At the same time Olga did not hesitate to put your photos on the background of all this mess. Fans are advised to hire her favorite maid, that could sprucing up the rooms.


Our idols are people just like us. Nothing human is alien to them. But the plant like a mess, while having a solid income, and in some cases, domestic helpers, for them worthless. Especially ugly they look on the background of arranged by themselves disorder. Obviously nothing to be proud of here.

22.06.2019 at 07:02

what a shame!! it vseravno that face in a piece of shit!

To answer
AvatarAlla Usachenko (Epanchintseva):
26.07.2019 at 17:40

And this Lorak, or whatever her Kuyko? On it at all clear that it uncleanliness, fu!

To answer
28.07.2019 at 16:06

Most of these artists really talented. And for the talented, artistic person is neglecting the order in the house - almost the norm.
I'm sorry, but those who write comments on the Internet, to put it mildly, mediocre. No offense.
Otherwise, the comments would be writing articles for you.
Funny is, if the chickens will condemn swans... yes, even the crows, for the fact that they did not live like chickens.
A creative person has other priorities. He lives a life of NAD. Head is not clogged with rags and crockery, and most other things.

To answer
30.07.2019 at 16:39

Yes, what do you care how they live??? They are constantly on the set and they have a maid who cleans it all after their photo shoots, can they ransacked the cupboard in search of attire. Or do you think that they have beds in the morning and fill with spring cleaning their mansions do.?

To answer
30.07.2019 at 16:42

Tatyana, quote: "Otherwise, the comments would be writing articles for you." Class !!

To answer
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