Which washing machines are the most reliable

We are often asked: which washing machines are the most reliable? Customer feedback is useful, but not the most accurate information. It is necessary to seriously approach the choice, based on needs and wishes. But the price does not always indicate the degree of reliability. So what should be considered when choosing?

Content of the material:

  • 1Manufacturers: making choices
    • 1.1Budget models
    • 1.2Average price category
    • 1.3Elite cars
  • 2The choice of shape and size
  • 3Select by download type
  • 4Characteristics and functions: decoding
  • 5Choose a reliable machine
    • 5.1LG M1222ND3
    • 5.2Bosch Wig 24060
    • 5.3Siemens WS10G160
    • 5.4Bosch 24260
    • 5.5Bosch WLG 24160
    • 5.6Indesit Mise
  • 6Some useful recommendations

Manufacturers: making choices

A huge number of models are represented on the market of home appliance manufacturers. Of course, almost every buyer will face the question of which machine to choose, and whether the brand is important in this case. Initially, the characteristics should be studied. At the same time it is necessary to rely on the ratings of specialists and the history of companies. You can pick up a dozen of the most reliable companies and study the information about their products in detail. This will help to quickly answer the question of which firm is better. Today, all CM are divided into three categories in accordance with the quality and functionality: budget class, medium and elite.

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Budget models

Among budget junkies, the brands AlJ, Beko, Samsung, and Indesit are in the forefront. They do not always erase things qualitatively, but this disadvantage is covered by the affordable cost of the machines. Based on the feedback from experts, Ariston and Ardo begin to break after 4 years of use.

Average price category

In the middle category were not less well-known manufacturers: Virpul, Kandi, Electrolux, Bosch. In addition to high profitability, these SMA effectively cope with dirty laundry. Consumers are satisfied with the functionality and capabilities of the models, which can be obtained at a reasonable price. There is one downside - these washing machines do not always work silently. This disadvantage can play a significant role in the choice of reliable technology.

Elite cars

In the elite category are models of two brands - AEG and Miele. Quiet operation, economy, lifespan of at least 15 years - every model of this brand pleases such advantages. But the high cost of technology often frightens off buyers. As for the Hansa, Gorenie and Eurosoba washing machines, it is very difficult to classify them as one of the categories, since even in 2016 they were not sufficiently represented in the local market.

The choice of shape and size

If you have a large bathroom or kitchen, do not focus on the dimensions of the SM. But if there is practically no free space in the bathroom, then it is worthwhile to accurately determine the dimensions. Especially for small rooms, the manufacturer produced models with a small depth of 33-35 cm. Another way to save space is to install under the sink. In specialized stores you can find compact models to which shells of a certain shape are produced. A compact styaralka has a smaller capacity, but it does not erase any worse than a full-size model.

Select by download type

Pay attention to the type of loading. Models can be frontal and vertical. The first type is very popular, since their upper part is used as an additional surface. Another such stiralka is suitable for embedding. "Vertical" is also convenient to some extent. The main advantage is the possibility of adding things during washing. Also, if you accidentally forget to add detergent powder, you can stop the washing process. Models of a vertical type do not clutter a narrow room.

Characteristics and functions: decoding

The label lists the main technical characteristics - they should be taken into consideration when choosing. In addition to important parameters, manufacturers supply the equipment with additional "makings". Because of this, the styralka can cost an order of magnitude more expensive, but it does not always make sense to spend money.

  1. Drum capacity. For a family of 2-3 people, a 4-5 kg ​​model is perfect. Large families often prefer cars, designed for 5-7 kg.
  2. Spin speed. Modern models can rotate the drum from 400 to 2000 rpm. But the expert's opinion converges to the fact that it is sufficient to use 1000-1200 revolutions. Such fabrics as wool or cotton are not allowed to be pressed at high speeds, so remember this when buying.
  3. The level of electricity consumption is the energy consumption class. The most economical cars are A-class washing machines, the second place is class A, and then - downward.
  4. Protection from leaks. The function can prevent flood or fire.

Which model is better, you must determine yourself, based on the information received. Specifying the dimensions, type of loading and determining the necessary technical characteristics for yourself, you can choose the appropriate model.

Choose a reliable machine

Understand what kind of washing machine is the most reliable, will help some of the nuances that should be considered when choosing. The first thing you need to look at is the cost of the machine. It's not difficult to guess that a cheap model will not be reliable. Then the owner of the future technology should familiarize himself with the additional functions of the machine. If the model is equipped with many options, more programs, it can be more vulnerable to breakdowns. Another indicator of reliability is the type of management. According to statistics, models with electronic control break more often than with a mechanical one.

Important! When choosing it is necessary to look inside. If the drum is made of plastic, it means that the manufacturer has clearly saved on materials. If you do not want to constantly contact the service center for repair, choose models with a drum from stainless steel.

In the last few years, the most popular models have won frontal models with a capacity of 3 to 6 kg.

LG M1222ND3

The model, which was included in the top 10 most reliable washers 2014-2015. Its attractive and modern design in relation to excellent stability has pleased many customers. In addition, it provides additional functions for rinsing things. But the new programs did not worsen the quality of the SM. It works silently, independently determines the type of washing by the type of fabric, it qualitatively wipes clothes from impurities.

Bosch Wig 24060

Stiralka with a small capacity. Its main advantage is protection from leaks. The disadvantages of the model are only a few - the lack of an adjustment wheel for setting the speed and spin manually. After washing from the drum, you can not get dry things, most often they remain wet. But these shortcomings cover a quiet and soft washing. Choosing such a compact model, you can easily install it in a small bathroom.

Siemens WS10G160

Budget model, which is ideal for a family of several people. The manufacturer has provided all the necessary programs. By choosing Siemens WS10G160, you are guaranteed to receive linen, which will not leave any stains. There is protection from leaks and locking the hatch door. The small size of the SMA is the ability to install the equipment in a small bathroom or in the kitchen. Of the notable shortcomings are loud work and strong vibrations when installing a prewash program.

Bosch 24260

Another budget model, not inferior to the quality of the previous one. There is protection from children. Also the manufacturer took care of washing in a lot of water. Disadvantages: noisy work and crumpled things after washing.

Bosch WLG 24160

Low cost and attractive design is the first thing that buyers pay attention to when choosing this model. This machine is good because it has a separate program for washing children's clothes.

Indesit Mise

Having stopped on this model, you can be sure of the correctness of the solution. The machine is designed to wash 6 kg of dry linen. Weight regimes, protection from leaks, excellent design. This stylalka does not show significant shortcomings.

Recommendation! If you want your new machine to last as long as possible, install a coarse filter. It is designed to delay large particles of rust.

Some useful recommendations

Councils of masters agree that for prolonging the service life of the stylalki it is not necessary:

  • put heavy objects on the top cover;
  • put pressure on the drum;
  • Allow children to play with the control panel;
  • to advance the powder receiver during the operation of the equipment;
  • Change the washing program after the machine has already started working on the previously selected parameters;

We offer to watch video on the topic:

To choose a high-quality and reliable washing machine, you need to build on its value and your preferences. And then you can easily choose the most suitable model.

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