Choice of bowl for multivarques: ceramics or Teflon?

Choice of bowl for multivarques: ceramics or Teflon?


Today, the multivariate has become almost a must-have attribute, which is regularly used in modern kitchens. It has a number of advantageous advantages:

  • durability;
  • ease of use;
  • possibility to store useful substances in products;
  • cooking speed;
  • wide culinary opportunities;
  • low cost of the device.

All the above advantages have made multivarkas unusually popular among the population.


  • 1What are the Multivarks Made of?
  • 2Teflon multivarka
  • 3Ceramic Multicolor

What are the Multivarks Made of?

The body in most multivaracters is made of special plastic. This is quite logical, since plastic is much easier, cheaper than metal. Often sales consultants place an emphasis on the metal case, but this advantage is practically irrelevant. The main thing is to understand what kind of coverage is more suitable for the bowl - the working capacity of the multivark.

Today, there are two main versions of materials on the market that are used to make the bowl. This is Teflon and ceramics. What a better bowl, definitely can not be said. Both variants are distinguished by rather high non-stick parameters, therefore they can be called quite good. However, each consumer will need to choose a specific coating of the bowl, for which it is necessary to objectively evaluate the features, advantages and disadvantages of each material.

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Teflon multivarka

Teflon bowl is now estimated by experts to be more popular. This material is a unique plastic, invented about eighty years ago. The main advantage of Teflon is chemical passivity with respect to acids and alkalis. In addition, it is distinguished by its strength and slipperiness.

Also, Teflon coating has the following, no less important advantages:

  • heat resistance. This coating ability to undergo a temperature of about 260 degrees. At the same cooking of food requires heat resistance at 100 degrees, frying at 190 degrees;
  • simplicity of care. If the consumer ponders the question of which bowl is easier to wash, the answer is Teflon. It does not burn anything at all, does not stick, it is easy to clean, resistant to chemical agents. In addition, it can be washed in a dishwasher;
  • high non-stick performance. Teflon coating allows cooking dishes without additional use of oil, without fear of danger of burning.

However, the Teflon coating of the bowl has several drawbacks, which many users are forced to choose a ceramic model. Despite the high mechanical properties of Teflon, this material is a kind of plastic. Accordingly, it is easy to scratch, damage. Many leading companies try to take into account such a nuance as much as possible, producing a really high-strength coating that even withstands deliberate scratching with a knife. Naturally, the cost of such analogs is much higher.


When the temperature reaches over 260 degrees during cooking, Teflon begins to release toxic substances. Therefore, with the regular use of the bowl for cooking, it is better to purchase a ceramic model. In addition, if we talk about longevity, then a qualitative ceramic bowl is better than Teflon. Because the latter is often enough for 3-4 years.

Ceramic Multicolor

Ceramics is a fairly familiar material for the production of kitchen utensils, so it does not need special representation. Ceramic multivark is much better with respect to heat resistance. It is able to withstand temperatures of over 450 degrees. Therefore, the question of which multivarker is more heat-resistant is more than obvious.

Even at such a high temperature, ceramics do not emit any toxic substances. This guarantees to the material impeccable ecological properties. If the family has small children, it is better to choose a ceramic one.

In addition to the above advantages, ceramics have serious drawbacks. The operating life of the Teflon bowl is about three years. A similar indicator of budget ceramics is about a year. Therefore, it is better to buy a more expensive model.

If Teflon wears out for a few years, then budget ceramics will not last and a year and a half. Of course, there are expensive covers, but they are expensive, and that not everyone can afford them.


The next disadvantage of ceramics is low protection from alkali exposure. The ceramic bowl has a protective coating, which often breaks down very quickly. In the future, this leads to a violation of the normal state of the entire coating.

If you ask yourself which multivarker is cheaper. Here it should be noted at once that, in general, ceramics are more expensive. Even budget ceramic models have a fairly high price.

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