Scissors, knives like to grow blunt, do not lag behind hair clippers. Hairdressers, using razor know how many subtleties learn on the way to a sharp blade glistened in the rays of light (in addition to art to use profanity). Meticulously master not like steel manufacturing technology. Versed grinder practiced eye instantly determines whether the case will burn out. Knife sharpening clipper requires no less responsibility, takes much effort, now have a look.
Professional knife sharpening clipper
Professionals in order to sharpening knives clippers use special machines, like Adems Front Plate. The basis of the electric motor that drives the horizontal aluminum disk. For sharpening devices for cutting rams typical vertical position of the abrasive surface, we describe later. Aluminum is lightweight, allowing you to achieve the minimum transverse vibrations, is not the only advantage of the metal.
With a milling machine detail coming equipped with a small annular risk, everyone will see on the disks. Well, it promotes tight fit abrasive. Machine knife sharpening clipper works as follows:
- Aluminum abrasive disc revolves in the horizontal plane with a speed greater than 1000 rpm.
- On the opposite side of master steel wall, not giving scatter debris serves to mount laser level.
- Beam position to cross the drive, passing right through the center.
- Knife captured magnetic suction cup, put to the edge runs parallel to the beam.
- The disk rotates clockwise, place the blade teeth forward in the course of the abrasive.
- After some time, blade sharpening clipper is completed.
To test the results, complemented by a set of fur, you can mow the assembled device. If the result is happy, it's been established. After sharpening the blade clippers edge must be washed with a special solution, lubricate, assemble the blade unit.
The preparation process is limited as follows:
- Aluminum disk clean special liquid (set).
- Applied to the surface oil is triturated cloth.
- Abrasive brush is poured, leveled.
- Final smooth layer attached to a smooth bar.
The device is ready to work, set the laser pointer, the engine is started. There are two speeds, e.g., 1145 and 1750 rpm. The second need for sharpening ceramic knives, sometimes found in nature. For details, see operating instructions of the machine.
In the process, observe basic safety requirements. Wear a hat, long hair braid, no hanging branches, protruding threads. Sharpening clippers animals being slightly different way.
Sharpen the blade machine, cutting sheeps
The wool rough, useful shear the animals mercilessly when the time comes. Sharpening clippers Heiniger sheep maintained equipment. The machine is equipped with two related vertical large diameter abrasive discs:
- for a large knife, front, look to the rotation was counter clockwise;
- small knife.
Told how to prepare the grinding wheel machine, engaged clippers people. Sheep much more interesting. There is a special steel sandwich on aluminum wheels glued abrasive wheel. Take the bolt guide, on which is placed a working party to dial up. Clean the surface thoroughly, to abrasive glued quality. Hand shakes crumbs begin to wash the disc. You can not use solvent, it will negatively affect the bonding.
The disk is wiped with a soft cloth to dryness. After application of the adhesive spirals 20 ml. Rub, yielding an even layer, brushing, back of hand. Carefully place the grinding wheel woven cloth, press down on top of a steel circle sets the machine. Put another abrasive wheel, fabric is now facing up. We are preparing the second disc grinding machine, like the first, bottom panel. Apply the adhesive, put on a sandwich face down. Tighten the nut on top. Please note, the slightest distortion, delamination of the abrasive wheel can lead to disastrous consequences. Dub glue carefully, gently tighten the nut sandwich.
Produced mouthfuls only key hands. Excess glue, speaking edges blurred cloth. After a while, at least an hour, unscrew the nut. The upper disc is checked tapping hand abrasive. The sound of metal, reminiscent of a shovel blade in contact with the flat of a tree trunk. Verified that both disks install the machine in terms of knives. It is necessary to fix the nut design. Install both disks for proper operation of the equipment, even if at the same time using one. It provides the correct load of service mechanisms engine.
It turns out, two masters can be sharpened, occupying both sides. The principle of the former, to keep upright the knife is not possible, therefore, invented a special "Crane", adhere to - tenacious - detail. The process is preceded by setting. Helping to more accurately restore the outer edge of the teeth on a radial line on the mounting end of the "crane" in addition to the blade is worn thin plastic ruler. The median slot just have to point to the center of the disc. Trimmers mechanisms provided on the screws in all directions. Once the nuts are tightened, the line is removed, puts the knife, the machine is ready to grind.
The device starts up, you need to press after the holder of "crane" with the part to disk. Sparks will fly. It is not just the individual flashes, a solid row of orange. Run, sharpen clipper properly. During the swing piece left or right, simulating the trajectory of the pendulum. Please note: reception at sharpening clippers people missing.
Stop the engine, check the quality of the work done. Used test abrasive block, which is stored in a special pencil case. Having a knife transversely sharpened surface several times carefully check result. The black spots are allowed on the edges.
Similarly tochitsya second knife another disc. The product is placed prongs upwards sparks fly same direction. The question arises, why not make that tiny particles of metal moved to the floor. We believed to be linked to the nature of the blade movement in the assembled instrument shearing, the possibility of visual control of the process point. The works will require to wear safety goggles.
Grinding machines for cutting hair with his hands
Not difficult to see, the basis of the machine is a rotating circle. It is tempting to use the rows of grinding machine for the point. It is not recommended, but if you remember the prices for sharpening (450-550 rubles), it would be desirable. Sharpening blades for clippers can be, the quality is so-so. You need a fine abrasive such as nulevka.
Each will accommodate an electric drill with an abrasive disc pad for these purposes. The problem to ensure safe operation. Only on the basis of this criterion is not recommended to engage in experiments.
Sharpening clippers dogs can be conducted on the same hardware as that for men. It is of a similar structure of the instrument. Sheep model devices with large knives, four-legged friends serve as the human race. Sharpening hair clipper may require less effort because of softer steel that went to the edge manufacturing.
There is one way to save at least for dogs, for which will have to pay 2500 rubles. Buy Master Grooming Tools SharpPro Dog Clipper Blade Tool Sharpener. Powered literal name for easier search. Like on e-bay is next to the device, called the universal, for the quality and validity of the information can not be responsible. A small motor is provided with a horizontal grinding disc 8 cm in diameter. Given the abundance of kulibinyh in our country, many will be able to come up with a billion ideas yourself as to sharpen clipper.
The main thing to sustain the small size of the abrasive grains, the right direction. To be able to combine both requirements can fulfill the job.
Completed a review explaining how to sharpen clipper, the rest look on e-bay. Although there are Russian models of machines are not as widely advertised. We mentioned at the beginning. E-commerce key to world domination. Look at the Chinese occupying AliEkspress. No wonder the country's GDP grows.