Description of the Colon-type Apples


President of the Colonialone of the most popular varieties in our country.

Proper care and adherence to the growing conditions contribute to an abundant and delicious harvest.


Table of contents

  • Variety description
    • The maturation period, the region of growth
    • Characteristics of the colonial trees, their fruits
  • How to properly store apples
  • Rules for planting apple trees
  • Caring for trees
  • Diseases and pests
    • Aphid
    • Apple pods
    • Apple Cobblestone
    • Apple Cvetod
  • Comments of gardeners on the variety President of the colon

Variety description

The variety was introduced by the well-known geneticist and breeder V. Kichin in 1974, with the help of crossing the variety Abundant and Vajak, which has a column-shaped view of the crown.

President is a colonial, unlike other types of apple treeshas a small growth, up to 2 m and the width of the crown is not more than 20 cm. Well tolerates the cold, is a frost resistant variety.

The maturation period, the region of growth

The main advantage of apple trees is

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the beginning of fruiting is already 2 years after planting. A tree at the age of 5 years gives about 6-8 kg of a crop, and at good leaving and additional fertilizing up to 16 kg from one tree.

The fruit-bearing period is short, after reaching the age of 15, the apple-tree stops harvesting.

This variety was widely spread in the Central region of Russia, Samara, Moscow, Perm region. The president is feeling well in the Black Earth as well as in the Non-Black Earth Region.

Characteristics of the colonial trees, their fruits

The shoots of the tree have a strong rigid structure. The foliage is elongated in medium sizes. The color is dark green, glossy. During the beginning of fruiting, the formation of flowers almost completely and uniformly covers the trunks of trees.

Thanks to solid and hard woodapple trees are not afraid of strong winds and any other bad weather conditions. Branches are able to withstand even a plentiful harvest. The distance of the fruit relative to the ground is 30-40 cm.

Due to the solid and hard wood, apple trees are not afraid of strong winds and any other bad weather conditions

Apples of this variety are considered large, the approximate weight is 150-250 g, very fragrant. The color is greenish-yellow or pale yellow with a slight reddish blush.

The shape of the fruit is round and symmetrical. There is no axial cavity, the skin is shiny, very thin and dense. Pedicels in the variety are not large.

The taste of apples is sweet with sourness, the pulp is white and juicy.

Advantages of the variety:

  • small compact size, ideal for small areas;
  • fast-growing variety;
  • good yield;
  • good resistance to pests;
  • beautiful appearance.


  • a small period of fruiting;
  • lower frost resistance, compared with other varieties.

How to properly store apples

Fruit ripening is at the end of August and the middle of September. The smallest shelf life is 2 months from the time of harvest.

If all the rules of storage and room temperature (from -2 to 5C), in which the harvest will be kept, are observed, apples can lie down until the end of December.

The President of the Colonies variety is excellent for consumption in any form (dried fruit, wetted), as well as for the preparation of any kind of home billets.


Rules for planting apple trees

Apple trees are planted in spring or autumn. In autumn it is done in good weather before the onset of cold weather.

The end of September is the perfect landing time, the tree will have time to grow stronger and will be strengthened by roots before the onset of winter.

In spring, planting is carried out in April, as soon as the warming comes and the buds do not have time to blossom.

Colon-shaped apple trees are usually planted in a close row, close proximity to each other will only benefit them. The distance between the apple trees should be 50 cm, and between the rows there is enough meter.

One by one the trees are not planted. The best location is the place next to the fence of the site or near the path. Such a dense arrangement of trees requires full fertilization and fertilizing.

The best location of the seedlings will be the place next to the fence or near the path

Basic rules for planting:

    1. Saplings buy in specialized stores, it is better to take annuals with a deciduous trunk and wet roots. Young trees with dry roots need soaking in warm water for 10 hours.
    1. Before planting, the soil must be well-fertilized. A fossa of medium size is pulled out, a seedling is placed there. The roots should be well spread out, and the root neck should be 5-6 cm from the ground.
    1. All trees are neatly tied to pegs, to avoid breakages from strong winds.
  1. Colon-shaped apple trees are very water-loving, but do not tolerate a strong stagnation at all. Therefore, they should be watered in moderation, avoiding excessive accumulation of moisture. It is enough once in 3 days.

Caring for trees

Trim the apple treeonly in the following cases:

    1. There are varieties in which shoots grow, they must necessarily be pruned. The branches of the fruit are cut every year into several buds. It is best to do this in the spring, when they are still green.
  1. With any damage to the fetal kidney. In the event that grow a few tops, the weakest of them clean. It can be used as an inoculation.
Harvest apple-tree The president of the column is not dependent on the number of circumcisions, so this procedure is carried out only if necessary.

To obtain good yieldsit is necessary to fertilize and podkarmlivat in time the apple tree.

Do this in the spring with the help of:

  • manure or poultry manure (for 1 apple tree-5 buckets of fertilizer, once a month);
  • Potash-phosphorus mixture (per 10 liters of water-70 g of sulfate and 100 g of superphosphate, 4 buckets for 1 apple tree once a month).

Apple pruning President:


Diseases and pests


I lay eggs on the bark, mainly in autumn or spring. Feed on young shoots, not allowing them to grow and grow stronger.

Methods of struggle:

  • Kinmiks- 10 liters of water - 2 ml of the drug;
  • Intavir- 10 liters of water, 1 tablet.

Preparations are applied before blossoming of an apple-tree, first kynmiks, after 2 weeks intavir.

The main diseases and pests of apple-trees: aphids, apple moth, medina and flowers, etc.

Apple pods

Caterpillars live under the bark of a tree, lay eggs on leaves or ovaries of apples. Podzhorka can destroy half of the crop, one caterpillar can spoil up to 3 fruits.

Methods of struggle:

  • Mitak- 10 liters of water -30-40 g;
  • Biorin- 10 10 ml of the drug;
  • Sumi-alpha- 10 liters - 5.

Spraying is carried out 15 days after flowering of the apple tree, repeating the procedure every 2-3 weeks.

Apple Cobblestone

Small specimens the size of, mm, live and winter in the bark of the tree and its cracks. They contribute to a sharp decline in yield, preventing the normal growth of apple trees and sucking out all the juice from the leaves and kidneys.

Methods of struggle:

  • Fas- for 10 liters of water - 5g;
  • Mitak- 10 liters - 20-40 ml;
  • Sumi-alpha- 5 g per 10 liters.

Also in the fight against the pest helps to spray apple trees with a solution of ashes with soap and tobacco.

Apple Cvetod

A beetle with a long proboscis lives in the bark and cracks of the wood. May appear on the apple tree in early spring, before the appearance of leaves. The apple tree is capable of destroying most flowers or buds.

Larvae of the beetle appear on light 2-3 weeks after deposition of the egg and hide in the bark until buds appear.

Methods of struggle:

  • Fufanon- 10 liters of water - 10 ml of the drug, treated at the time of the appearance of the kidneys;
  • Inta-C-M- 10 liters - 1 tablet, the treatment is performed during the appearance of buds.
Apple type President Colon has many advantages

Comments of gardeners on the variety President of the colon

Olga P.: "This brand was planted recently, 3 years ago. Very like apples from neighbors, I decided to try too. Planted, as it should be in rows, observing the distance. I love the President of the colonnade, apples are delicious and juicy. There are no problems with harvesting, we gather in September, the main thing is that the scab does not start. "

Dmitry N.: "My President has been delighting me with his harvest for 5 years. In the second year after planting, only 4 apples were fully ripened, a year was not productive. But the next very much, but sourish. I generally noticed that the taste depends more on weather conditions. The rainy the weather, the sweeter the harvest. "

Maria K.: "I have 3 varieties of colonial apple trees. All bear fruit almost equally, but not too much. The taste is almost the same. I like the president with my size. It takes a little space, a small distance between the apple trees allows you to economize the site. And their appearance is very pleasant, especially in the flowering period. Apples are used differently, but they do not stay with us until the winter. "

Roman V.: "The variety is not whimsical enough, it will be easy to deal with pests and scab. The only negative for me is the low frost resistance of apples. And so, it's not even a bad apple tree. "

The President of the Colonial variety has many advantages, which were appreciated by gardeners from different regions.

Thanks to the miniature dimensions and the early period of the beginning of fruiting, for many years this variety has remained a favorite among the countrymen of our country.

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