Apple tree remains a popular fruit tree, new varieties and hybrids of which are deduced by selectors on a regular basis. One of the relatively recently derived ones can be calledapple tree Kandil Orlovsky.
.Table of contents
- Variety description
- Advantages and disadvantages of apple trees
- Additional fertilizing
- The region of natural growth and adaptation in other regions
- Tips for planting seedlings Kandil Orlovsky
- Care
- Diseases and pests of apples
Variety description
Thanks to the versatile work of breeders of the Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crops, a cultivar of the apple tree was named Kandil Orlovsky. The dream was obtained through the free pollination of hybrid seedlings of Wesley and Jonathan varieties.
The authors, working on the introduction of a new variety, wereSedova EN, Serovu ZM, Zhdanova VV, Dolmatova EA. This variety was accepted for state tests in 1997, and registered in the State Register in 2002.
The apple tree of Kandil Orlovsky is of medium size, low, small crown, round, not thickened. The main shoots are rarely located, the curves, but from the stem go almost at right angles. Intensively crop and shape the crown is not required.
The treewell-developed root system. This variety loves light, places with loamy and sandy loam moist soil. Positively reacts to fertilizing and fertilizer.
The shoots of this apple tree are of average thickness, in section rough, cranked. The bark on the trunk, the main branches and shoots is brownish-brown and smooth.
The leaves are small, in the form of a narrowed oval, the tip is pointed and twisted in a helical manner, bright in a dark green color, shiny. They differ in coarse venation, wrinkled with small-grained and wavy edges.
Sheet plate of medium thickness and length. They have small acicular stipules at the base of the leaf. The cuckwheat on the runaway is small, they are small.
This variety is small, pressed densely to the shoots, pubescent kidneys in the form of a cone. White-pink flat inflorescences of medium size, rounded, on long stalks.
Kuldil Orlovsky begins to produce a harvest quite early, already in 3-5 years after tree planting. It has a high yield. From young trees, you can shoot an average of 160 kg of apples from one tree.
This variety of apples fructifies regularly, almost every year. Over time, however, the yield decreases, and the taste quality of the fruit deteriorates.
The fruits of this variety are juicy, light green flesh, which has a pleasant sweet and sour taste, good aroma.Fruits are rich in vitamin C, small, weighing about 150 grams.
Have an attractive appearance in the form of an elongated cone, yellow-green with a bright red blush, with a smooth and shiny skin.
Kandil Orlovsky is distinguished by winter hardiness, resistance to many fungal diseases, scab. Being a self-fertilized variety, it nevertheless needs pollen of other varieties of apple trees for better tying fruit and increasing yield.
Thanks to the climate stability, it is possible to grow practically in any region.
.Advantages and disadvantages of apple trees
The main advantages of the apple of this class is the resistance of the scab of leaves and fruits, high commodity and taste qualities, unique attractive form of fruits, high yield, early fertility.
Resistant to cold climate, takes the temperature to -35 degrees, has a natural immunity to fungal diseases.
Is the record holder of fruit. It is used as fresh. So it is good for various types of fruit processing.
This variety does not tolerate shading, it needs a maximum illuminated place.
Additional fertilizing
Like any plant, to increase the yield of apple trees Kandil Orlovskyneeds top dressing, root and foliar.
In the first year the seedling is not fertilized, but regularly and abundantly watered, especially in the dry period, loosen the soil, while getting rid of the weeds.
FurtherIn the spring they produce nitrogen fertilizing of the tree, in the summer period sprayed with liquid fertilizers. For the next season, the spring feeding is repeated, and the autumn is fertilized with phosphorus and potassium.
.After the tree has begun fruiting, bring up their number up to four times a year.
The region of natural growth and adaptation in other regions
InitiallyThe variety is bred for growth in the Central, North Caucasus and Black Earth regions. But being winter hardy and resistant to all sorts of diseases, including fungal, can grow everywhere.
The region of growth does not influence fruit quality and yield.
.Tips for planting seedlings Kandil Orlovsky
First and foremost, it is necessary to determine the place of planting of a young plant.Choose a well-lit place, to avoid a fall in yield.
It is necessary to have a drained place, on loams, sandy loam soils. It is possible to grow on chernozem with weak acidity, as well as on sandy soil, subject to regular fertilizing and fertilizing.
Apple tree does not tolerate water stagnation. In this case, probably a weak development of the tree and its possible death.
For the landing in advance, prepare pits with a width of about 80 cm and a depth of about 1 meter. This is necessary for the land to settle. Drive in the landing peg.
If you have chosen a site where there is a possibility of flooding, make a drainage. In the lowest part of the excavated pit for planting apple trees drill the canal up to, meters of depth, fill it with gravel or broken brick.
Properlyfertilize the soil with the help of harvested top dressing from peat, humus and mineral fertilizers. When the soil settles, and for this it can take up to two weeks, proceed to plant the young plant.
Do not deepen the apple tree too much when planting, the place where the root passes into the trunk of the tree must necessarily be 5 cm above the soil level.
Tie a tree to a peg, thus forming the correct direction of its growth. Root the ground well and pour abundantly.
To the crown of a tree to develop more rapidly, when planting it is necessary to cut off the branches of the seedling by a third.
Acquiring the apple tree seedling Kandil Orlovsky in the spring,cut the branches immediately, but you can not touch the roots.. The number of roots depends on the time of its survival.
If you got a seedling with a weak root system, get rid of almost all the leaves on it, leaving only 10% of the total.
Due to its shape,the tree of the selected variety does not require pruning to form the crown. Damaged and dry shoots are cut only in adult apple trees in order to rejuvenate the plant. Do this in the early spring, until the buds are not blossomed.
Experts recommend cutting off up to 80% of color in the first year after disembarkation, it will help to get better and faster in the tree.
The following years it is worthwhile to carry out the procedure for normalizing the harvest: to cut off the extra "green that is, small, newly tied, several centimeters in diameter fruit.
If you do not perform this operation, the tree itself will later throw off excess, but the remaining fruit after maturation will be smaller and less sweet.
Normalizing the harvest in this way, you can tryget rid of the fruiting of the tree year - a year later.
Diseases and pests of apples
With rare exceptionsmay be attacked by aphids, apple blossoms and sawflies.
To fight pests, burn dry branches, leaves, wood treat insecticides.
Choosing this very unpretentious variety for the garden, which does not require serious care,You can get the maximum result with minimal effort, having received a high yield of fruits with excellent taste and commercial appearance.