How to make do-it-yourself curtain hooks: options with a photo

Curtains are an important part of the interior; they themselves are its decoration. But they will give the room a finished look, bring the finishing touches and add a sense of style to the tiebacks for the curtains. Small, sometimes seemingly imperceptible, these details will enliven the look of curtains, giving them a slight effect of novelty. And, of course, they will perform many important functions for which they are intended. In this article, we will look at how to make do-it-yourself curtain hooks.

Cat Tiebacks

The main purpose of the curtain hooks

A beautiful and useful accessory that is never out of fashion and fulfills several functions:

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  • Visually eliminates the drawbacks of the window sill and window;
  • Decorates the curtain, gives the interior a finished look;
  • Helps to hide the defects of the curtain fabric;
  • Helps in adjusting lighting.
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Hangers for curtains

The main purpose of the suspensions is that with their help the curtains can be assembled and fixed in such a way that the required amount of sunlight enters the room.

What are they holding on to

The hooks, if you simply assemble the curtain with them, will create the effect of shapelessness and inaccuracy. In order to create a beautiful view, they themselves must be fixed. For this purpose, hooks are used that are designed to hold these accessories.

Holder for curtains

The hook is attached to the wall, keeping a distance of about 15 cm to the side of the curtain. Before fixing it, you need to decide on the type of garters and their exact location.

Depending on where the curtain is fixed, you can create different effects:

  • In the middle - a standard option that allows you to visually lengthen the window opening;
  • Below the middle (1/3 of the floor) - the window opening will visually become wider, and also the imperfections in the appearance of the window sills will be hidden;
  • Above the middle (1/3 of the ceiling) - the window, and the curtain itself, will seem longer, and the ceilings - higher.
Holder for curtains

The hooks cling to the hooks using eyelets or ribbons. And the curtains are held by tying the ends, connecting them with magnets, fastening them with hooks.

"Before you install the hook into the wall, you need to decide how the hooks will look and at what level they will be located."

Design ideas: a variety of models

Accessories for fixing curtains are selected depending on how the curtains look and in which room they are located. You also need to follow a simple rule: the richer the curtain looks, the simpler the garter should be; the simpler the curtain, the more interesting and attractive the design of the accessory.

Knitted curtain tiebacks

There are many models of pickups. They can be sewn from various types of fabric, knitted and crocheted, weaved from ribbons and decorative cords, made from lace braid, toys, cut out of wood, converted from unnecessary things. But this does not limit the housewives in creativity - on the basis of ready-made ideas, you can come up with your own.

Knitted curtain tiebacks

For decoration, ribbons, beads, chains, beautiful stones, buttons and much more are used. You can supplement a do-it-yourself holder with original embroidery or volumetric applique from scrap materials. Suspensions decorated with artificial flowers look original.

DIY curtain hooks

The clamps, sewn from exactly the same material as the curtains themselves, look elegant. Clips with ruffles or in the form of fashionable tutu skirts decorated with tulle bows will add a touch of romance to the interior. Garters on magnets will hold tight lambrequins well: in this case, it is better to place them 3-4 pieces in a row.

DIY curtain hooks

What the clamp will be - laconic and simple, chic, a real work of art - depends on the abilities of the hostess. The main thing is that the accessory harmoniously overlaps with other details used to decorate the room.

"When choosing a pick-up option, it is important to follow the style rule: the more beautiful and richer the curtain, the simpler this accessory should look, and vice versa.".

Selection of materials and manufacturing techniques

The curtain holder can be purchased ready-made in the market or in the store. Or you can show your imagination and make it yourself.

Tiebacks for curtains

The selection of material for the manufacture of the retainer should also depend on the material from which the curtain is made. If it is a light textile, then the grip should also be made from simple lightweight fabrics or be refined and simple. Heavy fabrics are dramatically complemented by accessories adorned with tassels and cords.

Pattern of fabric suspenders

One of the simplest options for creating a garter with your own hands is sewing by hand or on a typewriter.

Tiebacks for curtains

The venture can be carried out in just a few steps:

  1. Choice of fabric. The structure should fully or approximately match the curtains. The color can be in tune with them or differ by several tones. You can take a contrasting color: for example, to yellow - purple, to white - red, to brown - blue, to light green - brown, etc.
  2. Making a pattern. It can be as follows: two strips 25 cm long and 10 cm wide for one holder.
  3. Sewing on a typewriter. Attaching the ribbons cut from the fabric to each other with the right sides, make a stitch, leaving a hole for an eversion.
  4. Turn the workpiece inside out. Insert the hook ring into the hole and sew.
Tiebacks for curtains

The length and width of the tapes can be adjusted at your discretion. You can decorate fabric pendants with various elements: bows, toys, applique, beads and beads, chains.

From a plastic bucket

A brilliant idea is to make an accessory for the curtain from a plastic bucket of mayonnaise or sour cream.

Holder for curtains from a plastic bucket

Its implementation will take very little of your time:

  1. Draw an oval on the outside of the jar with a marker.
  2. Cut it out of the jar with a clerical knife.
  3. Cut the middle inside the oval so that the workpiece resembles the letter "O".
  4. Braid the oval with threads, ribbons or thin pieces of fabric.

The gimbal is ready! Looking at it, an ignorant person will never be able to guess what it is made of. To fix the curtain in it, you need to take a stick or knitting needle and insert it along the edges of the oval behind the curtain. For such a clip, you don't even need a hook attached to the wall - it itself holds the curtain well, without creating sloppiness.

CD holder

No less original and practical is the method of making a pick-up from computer disks.

DIY CD curtain hooks

A little effort - and the stylish detail is ready:

  1. Draw a circle on the disk with a compass, the diameter of which will be 1–2 cm less than the diameter of the disk itself.
  2. Saw out the inner part along the contour, sand the resulting ring with sandpaper.
  3. Wrap the disc ring with crepe or satin ribbon.
  4. You can decorate the product with artificial flowers, ribbon flowers, rhinestones, beads.

You can fix the curtain with a wooden stick or knitting needle. Or you can just thread it through the hole.

Knitted tiebacks

Knitted curtain tiebacks

The curtain holder can be knitted or crocheted from any yarn. First you need to make a rectangular base with your favorite pattern, then weave one beautiful flower or several. Fasten them as decorations on the base, use the part as intended.

You can also decorate a knitted blank with tassels and pom-poms made of threads, bows and flowers from ribbons. The idea can be made more ingenious if you knit a toy as a base, fill it with padding polyester, and to fix the curtains, sew a lace to one foot, and a button to the other.

How to sew tie-backs with ruffles

Tiebacks for curtains

Ruffle garters look cute and delicate. And it is very simple to make them: cut tulle or other mesh material into strips of the same length and width. Tie strips one after another on a cord, decorate with a bow or a flower - that's it!

Magnetic grips

Such interior details look great on light, flowing curtains. To make them, you need 2 or 4 magnets (depending on the severity of the curtains), a strip of fabric for connection (you can replace it with a satin ribbon or a piece of lace), decorative elements for decoration.

DIY curtain holders

A few steps - and you can admire the result:

  1. Sew a blank from a piece of fabric or wide ribbons.
  2. Fix the magnets with glue around the edges. They can be pre-wrapped with cloth or ribbons.
  3. Customize the garter as you wish.

Such holders also do not require mounting the hook into the wall.

Video: how to make do-it-yourself hooks, holders, garters and hangers for curtains


DIY curtain holder
DIY curtain hooks
Hangers for curtains
DIY curtain garters
DIY curtain hooks
DIY curtain hooks
DIY curtain hooks
DIY curtain hooks
DIY curtain hooks
DIY curtain hooks
DIY curtain hooks
DIY curtain hooks
DIY curtain hooks
DIY curtain hooks
DIY curtain hooks
DIY curtain hooks
DIY curtain hooks
DIY curtain hooks
DIY curtain hooks

Having chosen the technique you like and thought over the design style, you can bring your most daring idea to life. Self-made products are exclusive and bring their own flavor to the home interior, making it different from all the others.

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