Housewives work hard to get a comfortable, cozy atmosphere in the apartment. Particular attention is paid to the kitchen, because food is prepared here, dishes are cleaned from dirt. Unpleasant odors often appear in this room, which gradually spread throughout the apartment. One of the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon is considered to be a blockage in the sewer system. From our article we will learn how to eliminate the smell from the sink in the kitchen, consider the causes of its occurrence and methods of struggle.

Before choosing a specific method for eliminating an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to understand the cause of its occurrence:
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- Blockage in the siphon. When washing dishes, grease, cereals, cleaning vegetables and food waste get into the sewer system. Over time, these substances accumulate on the walls of the pipes or in the siphon and form plugs. Rotting deposits create an unpleasant odor, which can only be removed by thorough cleaning of the siphon.
- The second popular reason is the inconsistent operation of the sink. A water seal does not form in the siphon, which should prevent the penetration of foreign odors from the sewer system. If the plumbing has not been used for its intended purpose for a long time, the liquid will evaporate and the smell will penetrate the room.
- Incorrect installation of the siphon.
- Deformation of the corrugation during operation. Over time, the tube changes its initial position, may sag or stretch. In this position, a blockage or complete drainage of the liquid into the sewer is formed, which prevents the formation of a water seal in the siphon.
- Lack of sealing at the joints of the riser and pipes. The corrugation is simply stuck into the drain hole after the siphon, its second end is inserted into the sewer.
- Airing is accompanied by the characteristic gurgle of the sink. This phenomenon often occurs when the neighbors from above have installed plugs on the sewer inlets.
As we can see, unpleasant odors in the kitchen can appear for various reasons. Next, we will learn how to get rid of the smell from the sink.

Relevance of the issue
The smell from the sink is not only unpleasant, substances entering the premises can affect human health. The air entering the room from the sewer system contains harmful gases (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and methane). The last substance is especially dangerous, it is impossible to notice its presence, because methane does not emit a smell.
Prolonged exposure to harmful vapors leads to loss of smell, affects the respiratory organs. These gases also act on the nervous system. A person develops a feeling of anxiety, which can lead to nervous breakdowns.

Determining the causes of odors
A plumber will help to diagnose sanitary equipment, but a specialist will have to wait a long time and then pay for services. This option is recommended for use in case of serious breakdowns, most of the work can be done independently without special skills.
First you need to follow the work of the sink. If the liquid runs off normally but the odor persists, flush the pipe with hot water and detergent or a solution of vinegar and baking soda. If such operations did not give the desired result, you will have to inspect the pipes and the siphon for cracks, leaks. Perhaps there is a leak in the utilities. If moisture is detected, the joints are sealed with sealant or wrapped with fum tape.

Methods for dealing with unpleasant odors
Before you eliminate the smell of sewage in the kitchen, you need to understand the cause of its occurrence. If all the connections of sanitary appliances are tight, then an unpleasant odor enters the room through the formation of blockages in the pipes. There are several methods for destroying plugs, let's get acquainted with them in more detail.
Cleaning rope
A standard steel cable will not solve the problem; a special tool with a hook and a brush must be used to break the plug. Its length ranges from 3-5 meters; a handle is installed at the end for carrying out rotational movements.
To remove the blockage in the sewer, the following steps must be taken:
- Remove the corrugation from the inlet to the sewer system.
- Insert the cable into the pipe and start pushing it to the maximum depth.
- We rotate the handle and at the same time hold the casing.
- Such manipulations are carried out until the cable comes into contact with the blockage. Next, you can try to destroy the cork or pull it out with a hook.
After the procedures, the instrument is thoroughly washed, its surface is lubricated with machine oil and placed in a box for storage.

Using a plunger
The specified device is used when deposits form in the siphon, when there is no desire to disassemble the device. Next, we will describe how to get rid of the smell from the sink using a plunger. This requires:
- install the hood on the drain hole on the sink;
- turn on the hot water tap and wait until the liquid completely covers the cap;
- turn off the valve and move the plunger handle one by one, up and down;
- after several such techniques, we take out the device, while part of the deposits from the siphon should fall into the sink;
- open hot water and wash off the dirt.
Instead of a siphon, you can also use improvised means, for example, a bag of juice or milk. In such a container, we cut off the upper part, insert it into the drain hole and act according to the plunger principle with periodic up and down movements.

Dismantling the siphon
If the reason for the unpleasant smell is in the siphon, then this device can be disassembled. We take out the corrugation from the sewer pipe and substitute the bucket, open the tap and pour water into the sink. If the liquid does not flow, it is necessary to disassemble the siphon. For this:
- we substitute the container and carefully unscrew the cap;
- unscrew the nuts and remove the corrugation, remove the blockage;
- the siphon is assembled in the reverse order.
At the final stage of work, we check the tightness of the joints. To do this, just turn on the water. Tighten the fasteners if necessary.

Fighting blockages using available tools
How to remove the sewage smell from the sink if you don't have the necessary equipment at hand? Available tools will help with this:
- Pour a glass of salt into the sink drain and add 500 milliliters of boiling water. After 3 hours, turn on hot water.
- Stir the baking soda and salt in equal proportions and pour into the sink. After half an hour, we act on the mixture with boiling water. If the smell remains, we repeat the procedure or use more effective methods.
- Pour 2 tbsp into a siphon. Spoons of baking soda, then pour a glass of vinegar and block the hole with a rag or cork. After 10 minutes, rinse the pipes with boiling water.
- Pour the contents of a sachet of citric acid powder into the drain, add a small amount of hot water. The chemical reaction should help break up the blockage.
- We use a special product "Mole" according to the instructions on the package. This drug is more aggressive than citric acid or baking soda and vinegar.
Other chemicals can be used to remove blockages in the sink. They are bought in a household chemicals store, used according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Preventive actions
How to remove odor from kitchen sinks? Preventing blockages is considered the best way. This requires:
- Use a special mesh to trap food waste in the sink. Do not sprinkle tea leaves or coffee grounds into the sink.
- After washing the dishes, rinse the pipes with hot water. This will prevent grease from accumulating in the siphon or in the corrugation.
- Carry out periodic maintenance of the sink. Pour baking soda and vinegar into the drain hole. Such operations must be performed at least once a week.
- If the plumbing will be idle for a long time (the owners have gone to rest), pour some vegetable oil into the siphon. Such a liquid does not evaporate, which will prevent the penetration of foreign odors from the sewer system.
Buy quality siphons that you can disassemble by hand. In this case, the user will be able to repair the equipment himself without calling a plumber.

There are a huge number of ways to get rid of the smell in the sink, but before taking specific actions, it is necessary to identify the cause of its occurrence and choose the most effective means. The recommendations indicated in the article will help you solve the problem on your own and achieve the desired result.
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