How to stretch leather shoes: 8 ways

A couple of times in my life I came across a situation where the purchased shoes were stinging hard and not sitting by the leg, although everything was fine in the store. I think a lot of women are familiar with this unpleasant situation. And in order to solve it as quickly as possible, today I will tell you how to stretch shoes made of genuine leather, leatherette and lacquered models.

Stretch shoes without special tools at home is quite realistic
Stretch shoes without special tools at home is quite realistic

Stretching features

Even if you notice that a new shoe shakes you, do not be in a hurry to despair - you can at least increase its size. But before taking action, you should familiarize yourself with several nuances:

  • Be patient. No matter how you want to quickly stretch your shoes at home, you need to act gradually. If you do not want to spoil the product, you need to wear it slightly.
Do not rush to stretch your shoes, otherwise you risk irreparable harm to her.
Do not rush to stretch your shoes, otherwise you risk irreparable harm to her.
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For example, you should not do this in the evening - perhaps shoes or shoes are too tight because your legs are swollen during the day. Try on them in the morning.

  • To prevent the formation of corns in uncomfortable shoes, in advance seal up all problem areas on your feet with adhesive tape.
  • Pay attention to the material. If you want to stretch tight shoes from textiles, proceed with extreme caution. Otherwise, you may damage the fibers and permanently damage the product.
The method of stretching shoes depends on the material from which it is made
The method of stretching shoes depends on the material from which it is made

After posting the shoe in width or in length, be sure to process the product with a special polish. This procedure will allow to fix the new size and prevent further stretching of the material.

How to stretch shoes: 8 proven ways

The method of changing the size of a shoe directly depends on the material from which it is made. Natural leather shoes stretch the easiest way - for this fit almost any of the methods listed below. But for lacquered products or accessories made of leatherette, not all methods can be used. But first things first.

Genuine leather: 3 ways

Leather shoes can be stretched quite simply. To do this, fit several ways.

Illustration Instructions for action
 Boiling water
  • Put a pair of shoes in the sink, basin or bath.
  • Pour the product from the inside for a couple of seconds, then pour out the hot water.
  • Blot the moisture with paper towels and wait until the product has cooled slightly.
  • Wear warm socks and shoes. In this form, a little walk around the apartment. If you are afraid to drench the product in hot water, pour it into the bags and tie it tight. And put the packages themselves inside.
  • Two small bags filled with cold water.
  • Dip them in boots or boots.
  • Send the product to the freezer, when the water turns into ice, remove it.
  • When the ice is slightly tarnished, remove the bags from the boots. After this procedure, genuine leather will stretch well.
 Vodka or alcohol
  • Thoroughly process the inner surface of the shoe with alcohol or vodka.
  • Put on a pair after it and wear it for several hours. Such an impact will help expand your shoes to your exact foot.

    Take into account that alcohol is an aggressive substance, so first apply it to an inconspicuous area of ​​the shoe and check if the paint will not rub off.

Leatherette: 3 options

It is more difficult to stretch non-leather shoes with your own hands — it cracks easily and loses its shape. But still do not despair, there are several safe ways.

It is more difficult to stretch non-natural skin than natural analogs - it can easily crack and lose shape
It is more difficult to stretch non-natural skin than natural analogs - it can easily crack and lose shape
Illustration Instructions for action
  • Grease the inner surface of a pair of shoes with Vaseline.
  • Wait a couple of hours until it is absorbed into the material.
  • Shoe and walk in shoes for 20-40 minutes.
  • Tightly stuff shoes or shoes with wet newspapers. But do not overdo it, squeeze the leatherette back will not work.
  • Leave the product until the material is completely dry.

    No need to try to speed up the drying with a hair dryer or a battery - the material may deteriorate due to excessive heat exposure.

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An option for those who want to stretch the tops of high boots.

  • Insert into the boots in the usual cellophane bag.
  • Pour into each of them small grits, fill it with water.
  • Leave your shoes for 8-10 hours - during this time, the croup will swell and stretch the tops.

Lacquered: 2 methods

Perhaps, patent leather shoes stretch the hardest. There is always a risk to spoil the coating: it can lose its shine or go cracks. So you need to act very carefully.

Illustration Instructions for action
  • Dilute alcohol in water in a ratio of 2: 1.
  • In the resulting solution soak tight socks.
  • Put them on and then put on lacquer shoes.
  • Walk in this form for 1-2 hours, until the socks are completely dry.
 Fat cream
  • Apply any greasy cream to the inside of your shoes. Pay special attention to the most problematic dense areas - toes and heels.
  • Insert into the shoes pads as in the photo (approximate price of 350 rubles).
  • Let the shoes stand for a couple of hours, but do not overdo it.


I told you several ways to stretch your skin at home. Choose the right one for your situation and try it out. Do not forget to see the video in this article, which clearly shows how you can change the size of the shoe.

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