How to wash coffee with white clothes: 5 folk methods and 5 household chemicals


  • 1 Competent cleaning for different types of fabrics
    • 1.1 Cleaning with improvised means: 5 reliable methods
    • 1.2 Household cleaning: 5 proven products
  • 2 Summary
It is difficult to remove coffee stains only if they are old.It is difficult to remove coffee stains only if they are old.

Coffee is a business drink. It is drunk at breaks in offices, in classrooms and cafes. A pleasant coffee smell gives the atmosphere a certain mystery and charm. But the cozy atmosphere can be spoiled by one awkward movement. Do not worry, I know how to wipe coffee with white clothes.

Competent cleaning for different types of fabrics

Experienced housewives probably know that different types of fabrics require special treatment and care. High temperatures are contraindicated to one, water is to another, to the third powders.

In order not to spoil things, first of all you should learn how to wash coffee stains on the white material from which they are made:

Picture Recommendations
table_pic_att15027383271 Silk

To wash silk, you will need soap and ammonia:

  1. Prepare a glass of saturated soap solution.
instagram viewer

Use laundry soap.

  1. Add 3 tbsp to the liquid. spoons of ammonia.
  2. Using a sponge, gently blot the coffee stain with the solution.
  3. Repeat the procedure several times.

If the stains are not completely removed, dilute the solution with a small amount of water and soak silk in it for half an hour, then wash in standard mode.

width = "800" Wool

Drying is best suited for wool:

  1. Dry laundry soap rub the place of pollution.
  2. After 10–15 minutes, scrub the soap with a brush slightly moistened with warm water.
table_pic_att15027383292 Cotton

A mixture of 9% vinegar and lemon juice is suitable for cleaning cotton:

  1. Mix the ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Apply the product to the stain for 20-30 minutes.

The denser the fabric, the longer you need to withstand the remedy.

  1. Wash as usual.
table_pic_att15027383303 Linen

Coffee stains from flax will easily remove the solution of ammonia and glycerin:

  1. Mix the ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Brush the mixture on the stain.
  3. In half an hour, wash the item in standard mode.
width = "259" Denim

To remove the stain of coffee from jeans, use a mixture of vinegar and soda:

  1. Moisten the contamination with water and sprinkle soda on the stain.
  2. Fill the soda with vinegar and wait for the reaction to start.
  3. Wash denim by hand.
table_pic_att15027383324 Fur

To remove coffee stains from the light fur with your own hands, it is enough to use hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Apply the product to a cotton pad.
  2. Wipe up the pollution.
  3. Repeat the procedure several times.

Cleaning with improvised means: 5 reliable methods

On the question of whether the coffee washes, we answered - yes, it washes. Especially if you remove the stain immediately, not allowing it to dry out. Then another question arises: what to do with old stains, how to get rid of coffee stains, which are firmly absorbed into the fabric:

Picture Instruction
table_pic_att15027383335 Method 1. Ammonia
  1. Spread the fabric on a flat surface with a cotton pad under the stain.
  2. Pour some ammonia into the contaminated area.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, wipe the cloth with a dry cloth, and the coffee is absorbed into the cotton wool.
table_pic_att15027383356 Method 2 Vinegar
  1. Mix vinegar and powder in a ratio of 1: 2, to get a thick gruel.
  2. Mix the mixture with a stain and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Wash the thing manually.

For reliability, shuffle the stain with a soft brush.

table_pic_att15027383377 Method 3 Glycerol
  1. Heat the glycerin in a water bath.
  2. Apply the product to the stain and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash the item in standard mode.
table_pic_att15027383388 Method 4. Salt + soda
  1. In a liter of warm water, dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt and soda.
  2. In a solution, soak the contamination for 30–40 minutes.
  3. Wash the item in standard mode.
table_pic_att15027383399 Method 5. Dishwashing liquid

Choose products without dyes:

  1. Apply the gel to the stain with a thick layer.
  2. After 10–15 minutes, wash the item manually.

Household cleaning: 5 proven products

For those who do not trust folk practices or for other reasons do not want to use the materials at hand, I have prepared five proven household chemicals. Each of them is efficient and available in many stores in your city.

Before use, be sure to read the recommendations from the manufacturer in the section "INSTRUCTION":

Picture Recommendations
table_pic_att150273834010 Ace oxi magic

Price: from 80 rubles

Properties: Stain remover Ace Oxi Magic White is designed for washing in automatic washing machines and hand washing. Removes stubborn stains.

Suitable for white and colored fabrics, as well as fabrics that require delicate care (except wool and silk). Effective already at 30 ° C. Does not contain chlorine.

table_pic_att150273834211 Udalix Oxi Ultra

Price: from 180 rubles

Properties: Powder removes stains from ketchup, wine, coffee, tea, iodine, green, lipstick, blood, soot, rust, oil, ink from ballpoint pens, markers, markers, etc.
High-speed universal stain remover. Effective in 93% of cases (one of the highest rates in the industry), removes complex stains, does not change or destroy the fabric.

table_pic_att150273834312 Astonish OXY PLUS

Price: from 300 rubles

Properties: Astonish OXY-Plus Potent Oxygen Stain Remover removes any stains - herbs, blood, mold, rot, coffee, wine, food, as well as stains from oils and tar (including tar).

The product whitens white laundry, keeps the color of paint, removes stains, neutralizes odors and gives freshness.

table_pic_att150273834513 Antipyatnin

Price: from 150 rubles

Properties: Due to the combination in the formula of a high content of active oxygen, affecting the degree bleaching, and natural enzymes powder removes stubborn stains and provides dazzling whiteness.

Suitable for all types of fabrics, white and colored.
Without chlorine, does not cause irritation and does not destroy the structure and color of the fabric.

table_pic_att150273834714 Bleach Bos plus Plus Maximum

Price: from 80 rubles

Properties: Oxygenated bleach “Bio-Plus + Maximum” is suitable for washing all types of fabrics. The product whitens and disinfects at a low temperature of 30 to 50 ° C, gently affects the fabric and keeps the color, enhances the effect of washing powder.

The fabric does not lose strength, does not deform and does not turn yellow, removes stubborn stains.


I hope you have found your ideal method, and now you know how to wash coffee from clothes. If you have any questions, or you have in stock other good cleaning methods, write - I will be glad to read in the comments.

You will learn how to wash the stain of coffee, wine or berries from colored clothes from the video in this article.

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