The main problem when growing a tomato at home or under a film shelter is how to pollinate a vegetable. In order to mature a good harvest and fasten the fruit, gardeners resort to methods of artificial or natural pollination.
.Table of contents
- Why pollinate tomatoes at home or in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate
- Pollinating rules
- How to properly pollinate tomatoes
- Natural pollination
- Artificial
- Preparations for tomatoes in the greenhouse
Why pollinate tomatoes at home or in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate
Productivity depends not only on growth conditions and variety selection, but alsoof the degree of pollination of plants. The more pollinated flowers, the richer the crop can be obtained.
When growing tomatoes at home, the procedure should be carried out artificially.
To make the plant happy with a generous harvest, it is necessary to create for it:
- Favorable conditions for the ripening of pollen (lighting, watering, ventilation)
- Apply in several ways. This gives a guarantee for a good fruit formation.
Many summer residents are faced with a problemthe fall of flower ovariestomatoes. This may be due to several reasons:
- Large load on the bush (a large number of ovaries)
- Insufficient lighting
- Overabundance of nitrogen-containing fertilizers
- Growing a tomato from your own seeds
- Diseases
Pollinating rules
Tomatoes -self-pollinatingplants (anthers and pestles are located on the same flower).
One flower can pollinate several plants growing in the neighborhood. For complete pollination, it is necessary to create a tomato bushfavorable conditions.
An unfavorable climate can lead to a lack of fruit:
- At a temperature+13 degrees and below, the anthers are distorted and as a result, the pollen structure is reduced.
- At elevated temperature,+ 30 degrees and above, pollen grains reduce their viability. Pollination does not occur, and the plant throws off all the flowers.
- Whenhigh humidity, the pollen is sticking together and unable to fly apart.
In order for tomatoesself-pollinated, it is necessary:
- In time, raise or lower the temperature of the air
- To increase humidity - increase the number of watering
- For lowering - bushes promulchirovat straw
- During flowering, top dressing with potash fertilizers - it is necessary to follow the instructions
Pollination of tomatoes occurs naturally and artificially. For a quality process, in hot weather, truck farmers open the windows, and tomatoes are pollinated with the help of wind or insects.
If you can not often ventilate the greenhouse from polycarbonate, you can use the automatic window. With its help, a temperature comfortable for tomatoes will be maintained.
To attract insects, in a greenhouse establishcontainer with sugar syrupor planted on the edge of the garden, dwarf flowershoney-nuts.
.How to properly pollinate tomatoes
Pollination is the guarantee of a high yield. Without it, the bush will throw off all the floral ovaries and there will be no fruit formation. There are two methods for tomatoes, growing in a closed ground and at home.
Natural pollination
There are three ways to pollute bushes in hothouse or domestic conditions growing on a balcony:
- Attraction of insects. For tomatoes grown under film shelter, it is necessary to create conditions for natural growth. To attract pollinator insects, flower plants are planted in the greenhouse, and containers with sweet water are placed between the rows. Growing next to tomatoes basil or marigolds, greatly improve the taste of fruits.
- Spraying flower ovariessugar solution- it also helps to attract insect pollinators.
- Airing. In hot and windy weather the greenhouse is ventilated, due to this a natural method occurs. To do this, open two opposite windows, to create a draft.
Artificial conduct, when the plant can not self-pollinate. This happens when tomatoes are grown at home or pollination for some reason does not occur.
Before manual procedure, it is necessarydetermine dust-free inflorescences. Pollen flowers have curved petals, and in neo-dusty they are closed.
There are 4 ways of artificial pollination:
- Shaking. In order to pollinate the plant with this method, you just need to gently shake the bush. In this case pollen falls on the pistil and the process takes place. This method is fast and convenient.
- Usingtassel. With the help of a thick and soft brush, you need to collect pollen and transfer it to dust-free flowers.
- Artificial wind. The method is similar to airing. The fan creates a wind effect, due to which the pollination of the plant occurs.
- Throughelectric toothbrush. This method is laborious. The included device is brought to the maximum closeness to the flower, the vibration occurs and the pollen falls on the pistil.
Artificial spend in the morning, in clear and sunny weather. The best time -8-10 am. Manual procedure is carried outevery 3-4 days.
Preparations for tomatoes in the greenhouse
For quality zavyazoobrazovaniya, after artificial pollination, apply drugs:
- A solution of boric acid. 10 grams of powder per 10 liters of hot water. After dissolving the powder and cooling the solution to room temperature, they spray all the pollinated bushes.
- Gibberros. With turbulent flowering will help in the process.
- Ovary. A universal, environmentally friendly stimulant for the formation of fruits.
- Thomaton. In adverse weather conditions, it harmoniously forms the ovaries.
- Bud.
Growing tomatoes at home or in greenhouses, you need to know all the subtleties. Correct and timely pollination, as well as the creation of a favorable microclimate, guarantee a good and high-quality harvest.