A detailed description of the variety of tomato Rapunzel

Gardeners who love new items in their business should be familiar with the name of Rapunzel tomatoes. This variety was bred quite recently and is practically not common with us, has been heard by many, but few have seen it with their own eyes. Below is a detailed description of this hybrid tomato.

The content of the list2015, but still has not received widespread distribution in Europe and Asia. The following characteristics are characteristic of him:

Early ripe Rapunzel tomato
  • The variety is classified as indeterminate plants, , which characterizes it as tall. With normal care, it can grow from 180 cm to 240 cm.
  • The vegetation period of is only 70-80 days.
  • Fruits at a trunk are placed on long tassels, each of which can contain up to 40 tomatoes .
  • The tomatoes themselves resemble cherry tomatoes in appearance, they have the same small size and bright red color.
  • The taste of tomatoes is excellent, each fruit has a minimum of seed cells, the pulp is juicy and very sweet.
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The variety is grown for fresh consumption, it is not suitable for storage and preservation.

Cultivation features of

Tomato cultivar Rapunzel is suitable for cultivation both in open field through seedlings and in indoor rooms with with good light. Initially, the variety was bred for balconies, terraces and greenhouses.

When planting in tubs and drawers, tall trunk should be taken into account, not every balcony can accommodate a beauty 2 meters high.

Tomato Rapunzel is great for growing in the greenhouse. Next door you can plant nasturtium, digitalis, marigold, coriander.
The plant is light-loving, it is better for him to look for a place without any shading.

Advantages and disadvantages of

Tomatoes of the Rapunzel variety, like all other plants of this species, have their own disadvantages and advantages, thanks to which they are chosen by gardeners as a seed. Rapunzel is chosen because of these positive qualities:

  1. High yield grade.
  2. Excellent taste .
  3. High disease resistance to and pests.
  4. The beautiful is a presentation of the fruit.
Among the advantages of Rapunzel tomatoes is their number on one plant and the excellent taste of

. Among the shortcomings of it can be noted that it is tall.

From now on, seeds of variety cannot be found in any store in our country, and indeed in all of Europe. There is an opinion that shtamb breeds are not seeds, it is enough just to have a cutting.

Selection of soil and sowing

Before you start growing shtamb and sowing seeds for seedlings, it is worth picking up the soil. Tomatos Rapunzel will be most comfortable in acidic or slightly acidic soils. This should be the soil, starting with the seedlings and ending with the full development of the plant.

The planting technology of the variety is no different from the cultivation of other tomatoes:

  • The first step will be preparation of containers, filling them with heated soil;
  • in parallel in a weak solution of potassium permanganate soaked the seeds of soaking, it is worth keeping them in pink for at least 12 hours;
  • the next step will be the direct sowing of seeds, place them at least 1 cm apart;
The sowing of Rapunzel tomato seeds is often carried out at the end of March, but sometimes this process can be extended until mid-April
  • after everything is sprinkled with a layer of nutrient soil, it should not be more than 4 mm;
  • a container with seeds is poured with warm water and placed in a room with a temperature not lower than +25 for 5-7 days.

At the end of this time, seedlings should appear in the container.

To speed up the germination process, after irrigation, you can cover the container with glass or seal it tightly with film.

After the appearance of the second pair of these leaves, tomatoes must be dived into individual containers.

Planting in open ground and subsequent maintenance

Dive shafts grow and develop in individual tanks until the threat of frost disappears completely. Only after that you can confidently plant tomatoes in the garden. At the same time adhere to such rules:

  • surely maintain the distance between bushes 50 cm ;
  • The depth of the well must not exceed 10 cm;
  • land better transhipment method, that will minimize the injury of the root system.
Rapunzel tomato seedlings are planted in open ground when the frost threat passes

In order for the plant to develop well and be able to please the gardener with the maximum yield possible, it is necessary to care for it. For this, it will be enough:

  • to regular feeding every two weeks with slurry in diluted form or with manure itself;
  • make integrated store dressing, which is prepared in accordance with the instructions;
  • water in containers and pots as the soil dries;
  • for the entire period of growth and development two weeks before harvest to conduct several sprays of Bordeaux mixture for the purpose of prevention;
  • should not be ignored and regular spraying of garlic and onion with soap;
  • regular staining plants and the formation of one or two stems from one rhizome;
  • timely fixation of the trunk to the support by normal tying;
  • quality harvesting as the fruit ripens.
Rapunzel tomatoes are well suited for canning for the winter
It is worth regularly inspecting and stitching the keyhole, if this is not done, the number of fruits will decrease, and their quality will be slightly worse.

Diseases and pests of tomato

With the cultivation of the Rapunzel variety, genetically the high resistance to various diseases was laid, among which special attention was paid to late blight. During the growing season, breeders recommend treatment with Bordeaux mixture in order to prevent , but even without this means the plant successfully repels all such microbes and bacteria.

Ground pests of the Rapunzel variety are not terrible, the bush is not subject to them at all. But the underground inhabitants of the site can enjoy the tomato root, most of all it attracts the bear, the mole and the larva of the May beetle .

There are no precise recommendations for growing the Rapunzel tomato variety, in our country few people have done it. Despite this, wanting to get hold of the seeds or stalk of a plant becomes more and more every year. We hope that the "parents" of Rapunzel will soon delight gardeners with the constant release of quality seeds in sufficient quantity.

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