Apparatus oil heater

Oil heaters are flat and garmoshchatye, the first hard to find. The configuration of the heater is not chosen by chance. Already described how to assemble and disassemble radiator, despite the resemblance, will not work with an oil heater. Section privaltsovany to each other, is very different from the average. Therefore it is impossible to confuse that where to put. The assembly is carried out on the machines, but we believe that an experienced blacksmith could overpower the problem and lengthen the heater. Action would provide favorable conditions for PETN. The power of the oil heater is not changed, the oil temperature and the spiral could have been a little lower, increasing the amount. A simple citizen of the oil heater of the device can not change.

How does oil heater

Pros and cons of oil heaters discussed repeatedly. Undeniable conclusion - the best choice for small kapterok. Oil heaters called because of the content inside the oil tank, the working environment, while satisfying a number of criteria:

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oil heater

  • In oil low coefficient of thermal expansion. For example, for water heaters is the difficulty. When the fence is made of sprue starts raising the temperature cycle, the liquid expands at a different rate. Water has a thermal coefficient of larger size is many times higher than that of steel. tank surface is often covered with enamel having thermal characteristics similar to a metal. This makes the device durable, otherwise, if the layer of paint is covered with cracks, corrosion begins, the tank will flow. To avoid such difficulties, the oil inside the water heater is not poured. At reflux, to form vapors, ripped tank.
  • Worldwide heating appliances disturbs electrochemical corrosion when two metals are placed in water (with salt solutions) resulting between the electrodes begins to flow current. The first piece is restored, the second is destroyed. For obvious reasons copper rivets are prohibited in aircraft. Otherwise the plane of the wing and fuselage surfaces begin to fail. Aluminum is considered a donor unless heater made of copper, steel body feels damage-accordion. As a result, oil is spilled on the floor at the next startup. If you pour the liquid inside, pass a current of charge carriers, galvanic corrosion would become the scourge of the heaters. This did not occur.

Oil heater for the home

  • With the previous property is closely related to security. TEN is a tube, which is pressed onto the powder. At the heart is a spiral, a current is passed, giving warmth. If the tube breaks, the powder gets wet, showered, get on the housing potential. Short circuit depends on the nature of the damage does not always happen. Therefore, in an aqueous medium to note the possibility of electric shock if the unit is not grounded properly. In the case of oil heaters chance less. However, the ground terminal should not be left hanging in the air, Seat tab on the zero phase wire. Then, when a potential for a short circuit occurs housing. As a result, burn or fuse heater switch box.
  • The oil boils at a higher temperature (olive - 150 degrees Celsius) than water. Therefore, the radiator is heated above 100 ° C, performance will not be lost. The upper limit is determined by a thermal operation, fortified with the inner side of the housing in the area of ​​PETN. Element needed in case of failure of the thermostat device. Unlike water heater in this case on the surface of the sensor heating element is not installed. Bimetallic strip is located in the electronic unit controls the air temperature. If stuck, stray settings, the situation will save thermal fuse. Thus, the oil heater operating principle is fundamentally different from the heater. Remember, if necessary, replace the heating element.

Inside the tank, other than oil, for one-eighth of the vessel contains air.

The matter oxidation. The oil will burn if the oil heater to turn upside down and turn on heater will be aggressive in an oxygen environment. Initially appear deposits, then heater will start to fail. Increase the operating temperature, the process will take place later on increasing, oil begins to burn. For this reason, some devices are provided with sensors fall. Fire impossible, the oil heater temperature is not so high, the thermal fuse to protect against overheating. Last standing on the housing near the heating element, to protect the device if the oil has been drained or cooler fall and heater tube will be in the air.

How does an oil heater. Heater consists of two helices, working separately or together. Access to the emergency mode is controlled by a thermal fuse. Thermostat based on the bimetallic plate, in domestic iron. Rotate tightness varies, hence different activation temperature is obtained. The bimetallic plate does not touch the body, this unlike iron. Typically located on the casing of the electronic part, fixed on the radiator side. The air passes through the gap from the floor to the ceiling compartment, passing the sensor. At the right moment, there is an operation. We believe that the casing due to conduction heated but below the temperature of the oil. This is easily seen with his own hand to touch when the device is turned on.

Settings panel heater

Especially oil heaters - mode is not directly dependent on the temperature of the wire. We see Unlike iron, wherein the bimetallic plate is secured to the sole near the thermal fuse. You can not replace the sensors directly. So:

  1. The device is activated.
  2. Enters the mode.
  3. It turns off at the right moment of the bimetallic plate.
  4. Cools.
  5. On again.

Therefore, the sensor does not fasten to the body. Too quickly (despite the impressive volume) accordion changes temperature. As a result, the relay will trigger more endurance in hours would be reduced. would be lost the ability to control the air temperature. Radiator to give power, should have a fixed difference in temperature between the room and the surface atmosphere. We think selected manufacturers control method looks effective, convenient addition to output adjustment on the front panel.

Home oil heater

As a result, the principle of operation of the oil heater is reduced to the natural circulation of oil inside the radiator.

Especially oil heaters device

Describes a device of the oil heater will now discuss the details. Firstly, the airbag, which eliminates the possibility of the radiator burst. The oil has a thermal expansion coefficient which falls compensate. Airbag is not the only step in the right direction. Used musical accordion effect - gain air bellows and giving, changing the volume. In the event of the pressure inside the body just gets a little longer than that seen with the naked eye is difficult, at the hearing can not determine the quiet rasping sounds.

It is interesting! Airbag partially compensates for the deformation temperature. Option prolong life, reduce the requirements for seam strength.

Oil heater molded, do not try to open the enclosure. When the holes would be the best method microwelding. Pike not an option, electronic devices operating temperature does not exceed even 150 ° C. Thermal Cutoffs transformers DVD-players Elenberg designed for 135 ° C.

Soldering is not designed for harsh conditions, it will leak. tin melting temperature slightly above 200 ° C. A separate line mention low viscosity. Cyclic temperature changes inevitably cause suture degradation. Oil spilled through the cracks on the floor of the room.

If repair is required, the best non-contact thermometer to measure a surface working device. the maximum mode. Then measured the room temperature is measured and the difference with the warmest place where the operation is performed. Found necessary to supplement the amount of evidence on the case of the oil heater. This is necessary for equality. Power oil heaters depends little on the environment, to maintain the heat exchange surface of the medium and the temperature difference between them is the same. EXAMPLE: 17 ° C in a room, a heater temperature of 65 ° C. Then, in a 25 ° C heat sink surface is warmed to 73 ° C. The difference in both cases is 48 ° C.

The advantages of oil heaters that aggregates easily allow to dry things. Do not forget about thermal conditions. Disadvantages of conventional oil heaters, for example, convectors dealers say that the heating oil equipment air dried. In fact, just a subsystem of adjustment is far from perfect, due to which there are side effects.

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