Diesel heat gun: how it works - Setafi



In our short review, we will consider the design features and characteristics of a diesel thermal guns: why is it so in demand and how to use the system correctly so that it lasts for 10 years, how minimum.

Warehouses or garages rarely have a central heating supply, so they either use home-made "potbelly stoves" or buy heat guns. The scope of the heat gun on diesel fuel is quite extensive and includes:

  • warehouse heating;
  • additional temperature during extremely prolonged cold weather, not typical for the climatic zone;
  • warming up the construction site until the laying of central heating;
  • effective temperature maintenance in greenhouses and greenhouses.

And this is only a small part of what the machine can do. We tell further.

The content of the article

  • The principle of operation of a diesel heat gun
  • How to calculate the device of a diesel gun for a specific place
  • The principle of operation of a heat gun on diesel fuel. Specific types
  • What are the advantages of a thermal gun

The principle of operation of a diesel heat gun

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Such a machine works quite clearly even for an inexperienced master: a reaction occurs inside the case combustion of diesel fuel, as a result of which a lot of heat is released and transferred to the outside through a special fan.

The main fuel is diesel. The internal structure of a diesel heat gun has quite productive and economical components that increase the efficiency of the entire system to almost 100%. The design is weak in that, in addition to working fuel, we still need 220 or 380 volt power in order to turn on the electric motor. It will just process diesel fuel for the heat we need.

Guns on a solarium are very useful in harsh climatic situations. Now let's find out what type of equipment is suitable for a particular room.

How to calculate the device of a diesel gun for a specific place

If your building does not have utilities in the form of heat supply, then the best solution is to use a thermal unit that will raise the temperature in the shortest possible time.

Consider several parameters for choosing a particular machine:

  • room size;
  • Is there an insulating base?
  • the desired time after which the air is saturated with at least a little heat.

Both stationary and portable models are considered. The principle of operation of a diesel gun in such variants is generally no different. The only point is the engine power, which is reduced in portable devices.

The principle of operation of a heat gun on diesel fuel. Specific types

Among diesel heaters, two large groups can be distinguished:

  1. working by direct heating;
  2. with indirect heating.


The principle of direct heating is that such an apparatus has a combustion chamber, a pump with nozzles that are responsible for creating an active flame. Behind is an impressive fan.

The heat generated in the system, together with the residual products, enters the interior of the room. The device does not have a separate hood, so direct heaters cannot be installed in residential premises - gases are very harmful to the human body. Ventilate the work area regularly to reduce the concentration of burning and unpleasant odors.

Another thing is indirect heating units. Machines that are more advanced than their competitors. This is because the gun does not heat the system itself, but the surrounding air placed in the diesel fuel combustion chamber. That is, for the production waste of the machine, a separate chimney has already been thought out, which must be taken out into the street, and then calmly use the device. The room no longer needs ventilation.

In diesel devices of indirect heating, air does not come into contact with the flame. All fumes and soot are removed to a separate hood. It is for these characteristics that all experts recommend using indirect motors, although they are more expensive than their competitors.

What are the advantages of a thermal gun

Although you can buy an exclusively electronic model of any power in the store, this does not take away the high demand among diesel heating systems. This is explained by the fact that the cost of maintaining an electric or gas heater exceeds the price of diesel fuel. But this is not the only plus of the gun of this format. Let's take a closer look at the benefits:

  • high efficiency - even taking into account the fact that direct heaters need constant ventilation of the building, the speed of heating the atmosphere is really amazing;
  • to set up the heating, just pour diesel into the tank and press the power button;
  • safety of use - all models have long been equipped with thermostats and dozens of sensors that turn off the device in a critical situation;
  • diesel generators have the smallest weight among other formats. The machine of 10-12 kg is easily carried in the hands. Some even have a chassis for transportation;
  • even the most powerful cars spend up to 3 liters of gasoline per hour. Believe me, in just a couple of hours the building will be so hot that you will have to turn off the system at least for the whole day!
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