What should be the height of the washing machine? Washing machine sizes standard and custom - Setafi

The average height of the washing machine is 85 cm. This parameter is not accidental - it is due to the fact that many units are placed under the countertop in the kitchen or bathroom. Moreover, if you choose a unit for a small apartment, you should take into account other dimensions. How to do this is described in the presented article.

The content of the article

  • Medium sizes
  • Height of different types of washers
    • Front models
    • Vertical Models
  • Custom sizes

Medium sizes

The dimensions of washing machines are on average approximately the same:

  • height reaches 85 cm;
  • length (more often it is called depth) 55-65 cm;
  • washing machine width 60 cm.

These are the standard average dimensions of the washing machine, which are most common. Moreover, from the description it can be seen that the height and width, as a rule, are always the same. But the depth may vary due to different loading possibilities.

Washing machine dimensions

For example, there are devices that can be loaded with only 3-4 kg. Then the height of the washing machine meets the standard of 85 cm, while the depth is only 38-45 cm. But there are also larger models with a load of 7-8 kg and even more. The standard dimensions of the washing machine do not apply to them. For example, the height can exceed 100 cm, and the depth can reach up to 73 cm.

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Height of different types of washers

The depth of the washing machine is an important parameter, especially for small apartments with small baths. In this case, it is better to choose a compact unit, the depth of which does not exceed 50 cm, that is, half a meter.

At the same time, it is worth considering that the dimensions of the washing machine are highly dependent on its type, that is, on how exactly the laundry is loaded into it. According to this parameter, the following types of devices are distinguished:

  1. Front loading is the classic and most common option, when things are loaded from the side, opening a door made of durable glass in a plastic rounded frame.
  2. Vertical loading - a device in which for loading you need to open the lid from above, as well as the drum flaps. As a rule, the width of the washing machine is standard, but the height and depth may vary.Washing machine width

Front models

The dimensions of this type of washing machine are standard. Their width is 60 cm, and the depth varies depending on the maximum load. The range can be quite wide - from 38 to 73 cm.

Moreover, the height of the washing machine is still the same 85 cm, sometimes 82-84 cm. This is no coincidence, since it is with this parameter that it is easy to put the unit under the countertop in the kitchen. This placement option is very common due to the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom.

The advantages of frontal models include:

  • large load - for individual models up to 12 kg, while for vertical ones the limit is only 7 kg;
  • can be built anywhere, since the top cover does not need to be opened, besides, the height of the washing machine is standard;
  • the ability to use the lid as additional space (for example, to put shampoo, powder, soap).

Although there are also disadvantages. For example, loading laundry from the side is less convenient than loading from the top. As a rule, it is impossible to put a thing during washing, unlike vertical models. Also, many front devices are not so reliable, since the drum is equipped with only one bearing. Although this drawback does not apply to all models - many have 2 bearings.

Vertical Models

In this case, the standard width of the washing machine is 60 cm, the depth can be different - from 42 to 70 cm. As for the height, it is close to the front devices and is 80-90 cm. But in a situation with vertical models, you should not focus on this parameter. The fact is that the unit still cannot be installed under the countertop - it will prevent the lid from opening. It is worth considering that if you fully open it, the height will be already 120-130 cm.

Vertical models of the washing machine

Another point is connected with the same shortcoming. For obvious reasons, nothing can be put on the lid. Only temporarily can you place, for example, washing powder or a basin. But before each wash, they will have to be removed, then returned back, which is not always convenient.

However, there are also advantages:

  • the dimensions of the washing machine are standard, which allows you to put it in different rooms;
  • there are very compact units that are placed even in studio apartments and small families;
  • the drum is attached more securely, so it wears out less often;
  • top loading method is more convenient, especially for the elderly;
  • finally, the wash can always be stopped in order to put other things (thanks to the vertical design, the liquid does not leak when opened).

Thus, the height of the vertical type washing machine is not too different from the front. But the depth, as a rule, is only 39-45 cm, and the width is 40-45 cm. This makes it easy to fit even in a very small bathtub. Also, due to its compact size and light weight, the unit is easier to take with you, for example, to the country.

Custom sizes

If the standard width of the washing machine is 60 cm, and the height is about 85 cm and the depth is 50-55 cm, then in non-standard cases all the parameters are very different:

  • washer height from 85 to 102 cm;
  • width from 60 to 70 cm;
  • depth from 60 to 73 cm.

It is quite clear that the dimensions presented are different from the classic front-loading washing machine. But on the other hand, large units process more laundry - often 8-10 kg and even up to 12 kg. They are suitable for a large family, can also be used, for example, in a beauty salon, hotel.

Washing machine

When buying, you need to consider the standard of the depth of the washing machine, its height and width. This is especially important for small apartments with narrow doorways and corridors. It is also worth considering that the dimensions of the automatic washing machine should be taken “with a margin”, because the unit vibrates and should not stand close to any surface, including the countertop. Therefore, it is necessary to make all measurements in advance, as well as determine what load will be enough. As a rule, 5-6 kg is enough for a small family.

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