How to wash woolen things in a washing machine

To keep a woolen sweater in its original form, protect it from damage and shrinkage, you need to know how to wash things out of wool. In this article we will talk about manual and machine washing, and also how to care for woolen products.

Content of the material:

  • 1Care instructions
  • 2What is prohibited
  • 3Handwash
  • 4Washing in the AGR
  • 5Drying
  • 6Advice

Care instructions

To woolen dress was constantly attractive and flawless, you do not need to wash it often. In this case, dry cleaning will help, which will not damage the fabric and clothing. To clothes as long as possible fresh, ventilate it, hanging it on a hanger on the balcony or on the street. Feature of the material - the smell of sweat and other unpleasant odors quickly and easily weathered.

Recommendation! Clean small spots with a soft dry brush.

The question remains, how correctly to wipe woolen things. Consider what means to use when washing. How often to wash clothes from wool? Optimal will do this no more than once every 6 months. But if the clothes are heavily soiled, then you can not do just cleaning.

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What is prohibited

We will tell you what is strictly forbidden to do when wiping a woolen product. This will help to avoid mistakes.

  1. Do not change the temperature of the water for washing - a sharp change will lead to spoilage of the fabric.
  2. Do not wash things at temperatures above 40 degrees, otherwise the sweater will stretch, lose shape and will look ridiculous when worn.

  1. Under no circumstances do not rub a thing, even if it has a stubborn stain on it. No rinses and push-ups. When washing machine wash, you can not put out pressing.
  2. Use of washing powders and detergents is prohibited. You can use them only if it is provided by the instruction.
  3. Woolen sweaters or dresses can not be dried in a suspended state - forget about hangers and clothesline.
  4. Do not dry clothes using a hair dryer - it should dry naturally.
  5. It is strictly prohibited to iron such material.

If you neglect these rules, then the woolen jacket will lose shape after a few washing cycles, cover with pellets, break down and fade.


In spite of the fact that you have a stiralka or not, it is important to know how to manually wash woolen things. Many of them machine wash is contraindicated. Initially, you need to prepare a sweater for washing. To prevent spools, comb the pile starting from the bottom and moving upwards. How to wash a wool sweater by hand:

  • Type in water with a temperature of up to 38 degrees, and preferably up to 30 degrees.
  • Load things.
  • Do not wash clothing in contaminated water. It is better to change it several times.
  • Than to wash a wool? Suitable liquid means.
  • In order not to spoil clothes, do not use soap.

The temperature of the rinse water should be identical to that of washing. This is how you need to wash woolen things so that they do not sit down. Recommendation! To protect clothing from staining, during the rinse, you can pour a glass of wine vinegar or a little ammonia!

Washing in the AGR

Expert tips will help to effectively wash woolen things in a washing machine. You need to remember the three main rules. Use them when planning to wash the woolen jacket:

  • When choosing a powder, see the instruction - is it suitable for washing woolen things.

  • When choosing a washing course, turn on the program for delicate fabrics. Some stylalki provide a program for wool.
  • Do not wash the woolen product with things from other fabrics.

Important! Spinning of wool clothes is prohibited, otherwise it will stretch.

Washing woolen things in a washing machine does not require much time and effort. Knowing how to do it right, you will ensure the long life of things. Instructions for washing:

  1. Choose the mode "Wool" or "Delicate washing" (the main thing is that the regime provides for slow rotation of the drum and absence of temperature differences).
  2. If the program provides spinning, be sure to turn it off.
  3. Load a suitable detergent into the cuvette.
  4. Run the program.
  5. At the end of the mode, remove the items and remove the rest of the water with gentle, stroking movements. For the same purpose, a terry towel is suitable.
  6. Dry clothes.


After you finish washing the woolen things, you need to dry them properly to avoid loss of shape. When drying, use the surface of the table, sofa, bed or chair. Be sure to choose only a flat surface, where the wool does not stretch. Place a terry towel or thick paper under the sweater - this ensures faster and more harmless drying.


We offer an interesting way that will help to soften the wool blouse. The effectiveness of washing delicate fabric guarantees a potato broth:

  1. Cook 1 kg of potatoes in 10 liters of water.
  2. When the water begins to boil, strain the broth through a colander.
  3. Wait for the water to cool down to 40 degrees.
  4. Dip a thing in the broth, lightly rinse and squeeze.
  5. Spread out for natural drying.
  6. After complete drying, comb the product with a comb.

Recommendation! To make things smell nice after the potatoes, add a little conditioner to the broth.

Housewives tips

Marina, Irkutsk

My favorite jumper is only washed by hand. Once my mother loaded the machine into the "Wool" mode, I then barely saved him. It is better not to trust such a tender car.

Olya, Moscow

I NEVER use powder, but I put the temperature at 30 or even 20 degrees. I like the "Laska" tool most of all, after it the dress seems even brighter and softer. Sushu is always on the windowsill, not on the rope. Dress three years!

Irina, Chelyabinsk

Here is my washing instruction. I invented it myself, but things do not deteriorate!

  • Choose the mode "Wool put "delicate spin".
  • Instead of a powder I use shampoo. The dose is one teaspoon.
  • I control the washing. I sit directly and look at the hatch, so that everything was OK and there was not a lot of foam. If there are many foams, I react instantly - I put rinse.
  • The washing temperature is 30 degrees.
  • Spin - 400 turns of the drum.

Now you know how to wash wool. Care of the material requires care and caution, and compliance with the rules will help to cope with any difficulties. Stick to our recommendations, and woolen things will serve you long.

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