Compressor for sandblaster: how to choose and what to look for - Setafi

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Buying a sandblaster is still half the battle, but when you need to buy a compressor, for some reason everyone stops. What to take? Where to look for true reviews and how not to make a mistake with a purchase? Don't rush, everything has its time. The main thing is to know the principles of choosing a compressor for a sandblaster, and your purchase will be the best. Not because "Vasya said so", but because it is your conscious choice.

Our article is aimed at helping you figure out which sandblast gun and compressor to choose. Let's start the analysis!


The content of the article

  • Pressure for the sandblaster - the basis of the right choice
  • What type of compressor is suitable for your sandblast gun
    • Piston Pump Features
    • Screw Compressor Features
    • Electric compressor
    • Fuel compressors: diesel and petrol

Pressure for the sandblaster - the basis of the right choice

Why exactly? - you ask. It's simple: the performance of the supercharger directly affects the operation of sandblasting. If the value “A” is indicated in the device as recommended, and your pump is not at “A”, but less, the sand will spill out, but not as an abrasive substance. There just won't be enough pressure to clean the part.

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The parameter of the working pressure of the sandblaster is measured in liters per minute. This parameter lets you know how much air the compressor needs to pump in a given time.

Different jobs require their own pressure for sandblasting. For example, for matting a glass surface (a new type of decoration in construction), a device in the region of 300-500 liters per minute is suitable. For furniture in the sandblast should be at least 700 liters. For pressure installations and for large areas, we need a larger value. It is customary to use devices with a capacity of 3 to 20 cubic meters per minute.

What type of compressor is suitable for your sandblast gun

The air flow for the sandblaster must be such that its supply to the chamber is uniform, so some pump options can win simply because of the features designs. Others are less powerful, but more affordable. What and how to choose is an individual decision. We will tell you about what pumps you can find in the store.

Piston Pump Features

For small and medium jobs, this option is the best you can imagine. The compressor is placed in the garage, unpretentious to temperature extremes. However, some troubles with this compressor are worth mentioning:

  1. The air mass comes in pulses, not evenly. All because of the design features.
  2. The sandblaster is selected only with an oil type, so the chance of oil getting into the chamber is very high.
  3. The compressor will stop working without the cooling system.

For sandblasting, one piston pump is not enough; additional piping is needed. It neutralizes bursts of air supply that harm the operation of sandblasting and can cause malfunctions of the entire system.

Regarding oil: its entry into the system can crumple sand and clog all pipes. After that, only a thorough washing and drying of the entire apparatus will help correct the situation.

Our recommendation is to buy a piston pump together with a ready-made air pumping station. It is versatile due to its design. It includes:

  • Receiver - removes the air supply in jerks and normalizes the operation of the pump;
  • Oil catcher - solves the problem with possible leaks;
  • Reducer - stabilizes the air flow at the nozzle outlet;
  • The trap is installed in the condensate collection system. It harms no less than the oil mixture.

Such a station is suitable for garage work or a small workshop. Properly selected pressure and a convenient length of the tubes will help you work with sandblasting without physical effort and wasting nerves.


Screw Compressor Features

The main thing to catch on in this version of the pump is no air jerks, as in a piston model. What is the beauty of such a device:

  • Minimum vibration when pumping air;
  • Precisely adjusted at the factory, requires minimal maintenance;
  • Works stably, despite running out of hours after purchase.

Why screw compressors are not so popular? There are several reasons - a high price, used for stationary tools.

The compressor produces good pressure and is characterized by high performance. It is better if it is used together with a storage tank, so as not to heavily load the pump with constant air injections.

Electric compressor

One of the most popular, along with piston. Among manufacturers, there are an abundance of models that differ in price and performance. Take whatever you like.

However, for large-scale use of the pump for sandblasting, its efficiency loses to other options in economic terms. Therefore, you will not meet them in large factories and enterprises - only in areas of small consumption.

Another point - the device does not work without electrics, and not even 220 volts. It can only be used on centralized lines, without generators and emergency power.

Fuel compressors: diesel and petrol

The last pumps on our list, but far from the last in terms of benefits. And there are a lot of them:

  • No network required for power;
  • Permanent operation even in frost - for this the device is “packed” in a special winter package.
  • More economical than electric compressors.

In what other devices overtake the electrician, it is greater efficiency. With the same mass index, fuel-powered engines will be more productive than electric ones. This can be traced not only in compressors, but also in any other technique.

Large workshops and factories praise fuel pumps for their efficiency. Which one do you use or plan to use?

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