Mobile air conditioner and how to choose it: models, price, manufacturer - Setafi

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A portable air conditioning system (mobile air conditioner) is an indispensable device for those who do not have the means or opportunities to install a full-fledged air conditioner in their home or office. Its difference from the stationary model is that it is delivered in a small case that does not take up much space - a flower pot will be even bigger.

Another equally important advantage is its price. When compared with climate systems in a store, its cost will be an order of magnitude lower; this gives citizens with medium and low incomes the opportunity to enjoy the cool air during the hot season or warm up the room a little.

What can we say about the installation - even the "teapot" will cope with such a task. Installation of mobile equipment does not require knowledge, since there is no real installation here! It is enough to install the power supply in a convenient place and plug it into a power outlet. And that's it! If you suddenly need to rearrange the air conditioner - just took the unit and installed it in another area.

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Each manufacturer is good in its own way. And it is important to choose exactly that “ideal” model in terms of price-quality ratio for you. For this purpose, information has been collected in a separate article.

The content of the article

  • The principle of operation of climate control equipment
  • Several models for example

The principle of operation of climate control equipment

In the store you will immediately come across 2 types of household appliances: devices with and without an air duct. Whether they differ at all - we'll talk about this later.

A simple mobile air conditioner is a mobile device with a hose outlet. Such a device works according to the following principle:

  • Air from the room enters the case to the fans;
  • The flow passes through the filtration system and moves to the cooling elements;
  • The cooler reduces the temperature to the specified parameter and releases the air back;
  • Residues enter through the hose and are discharged as condensate.

A system without an air duct is ideal for those who do not want to bother with servicing the climate device. Feature - the absence of tubes for water drainage. Just press the power button and wait for the result.

Such equipment works with the help of a water tank in the body itself. A special pump supplies liquid to the equipment, followed by cooling and spraying water around the room. As a result, you get fresh air saturated with moisture.

Ask: "Where does the condensate go?". It simply does not form in such a machine.

The mobility of such an air conditioner is extremely high - you only need a place and an outlet.

How to choose a mobile air conditioner

When choosing equipment for yourself, you should understand the triggers that reduce the power of the device. To do this, compare several models and determine the pros and cons of each. Which has fewer minuses - then yours.

An equally important parameter is the complexity of the installation. If you don’t want to bother and run a hose through a window, buy a model without an air duct. If you have an outlet for condensate and are not going to often transfer the air conditioner - feel free to take a standard system.

Remember that portable systems are less powerful than fixed ones; do not expect to find a "super-duper air conditioner that will cool 10 rooms for 100 rubles."


Several models for example

After we figured out how to choose a portable air conditioner, here are some examples for future buyers who, in our opinion, are worthy of a place in the tops and ratings.

Cooper&Hunter CH-M09K6S

Everything a modern mobile cooler should have is here. 5-stage protection, precise temperature control, protection against excessive noise or short circuit - “candy”, not air conditioning. A small drawback is that sometimes the device makes noises above the norm, but only at maximum fan operation.

Electrolux EACM-11CL/N3

A small air conditioner, a collaboration between a Swedish idea and a Chinese assembly. It is assembled as a monoblock and is used for floor mounting. The main thing is that it strictly adheres to the set temperature parameters and works smoothly in a room up to 30 square meters. m. Disadvantage - at more than +40 in the room it will be extremely insufficient.

Timberk AC TIM 09C P8

A miniature complex designed to work in a room with a square up to 26 m. There are two modes: fan and drying. Filters are easy to remove and clean - you will always get only fresh air, and convenient mechanical control will allow you to set up the device, like in a jewelry store. Minus — control only on the mechanics, no remote control.

There are many other models - you can see the detailed top on our website and choose your unit.

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