Height of sockets in the bathroom above the sink: distance requirements – Setafi

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The height of the sockets in the bathroom above the sink can theoretically be any, since there are no strict requirements for this parameter. However, it should be placed at a distance of 60 cm from any source of water. This and other requirements are discussed in more detail in the article.

The content of the article

  • Requirements for socket placement
  • Socket Requirements

Requirements for socket placement

The socket at the bathroom sink is installed in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 50571-7-701 as amended in 2013. The document does not require a specific height, but there are rules for installation in a certain area, which depends on the distance to the bathroom.

There are 4 such zones:

  • 0 – the bathtub itself is located here, the boundaries of the zone coincide with its perimeter;
  • 1 – adjacent area;
  • 2 – distance up to 60 cm;
  • 3 – interval more than 60 cm.
Height of sockets in the bathroom above the sink

The socket can only be installed in the third zone. It is considered relatively safe for placing electrical appliances. Therefore, the minimum distance from the socket to the sink and to the bath should be 60 cm. But it is best to place it further away to avoid splashing water.

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Socket Requirements

Socket Requirements

As already mentioned, GOST determines the distance from the sink to the outlet, but not the height of the placement. When choosing parameters, you should be guided by generally accepted standards:

  • height on average 50-60 cm for convenient connection;
  • minimum height 30 cm;
  • maximum height 1 m.

Thus, the socket is not placed next to the sink in the bathroom. Moreover, even installation in a safe area is possible provided there is a waterproof case, preferably with a protective cover, as shown in the photo.

SocketSocket by the sink

Requirements for a cover are optional, but it is better that the outlet near the sink has one, especially if the room is small and splashes can reach even a long distance.

You can determine the degree of waterproofness of the case by the IP marking, followed by 2 digits. A device rated IP44 or higher is ideal for installation in a bathroom. If it is possible to install in a safe area with maximum distance, IP20 is sufficient, but not lower.

Thus, there are no strict requirements for the height of the outlet. It can be placed at any convenient height in the range of 30-100 cm. But it is important to find the most distant place from the water source so that the interval is at least 60 cm.

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