How to install a washing machine yourself

Few people want to spend money after the purchase of a washing machine and on the installation, obsessively offered by employees of household appliances stores. In this article we will tell you how to install a washing machine yourself.

Content of the material:

  • 1First step. Installation
    • 1.1Where is the best place to install the AGR?
    • 1.2Hot water: yes or no
  • 2Second phase. Connection to water
  • 3The third stage. Connecting to the network
  • 4The fourth stage. Fixing the machine
  • 5The final stage. Testing

First step. Installation

You have received the long-awaited technique, now it's time to move on to the installation. You will need to remove the transport bolts on the back of the machine. Fasteners are necessary to ensure that the tank does not dangle inside during transportation, as this can damage the "insides" of the machinery. Bolts will not allow you to turn on the machine, moreover, it can lead to serious damage. That there were no problems with the removal of bolts, use a wrench or pliers. Cover the holes with the plastic plugs that come with the stylalk. Do not throw away the fasteners - they will be useful in case of moving.

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Recommendation! Read the instructions carefully before using the washing machine for the first time. This will protect the technician from possible damages and damages by negligence.

Where is the best place to install the AGR?

It is not difficult to connect the washing machine itself, but it is necessary first to understand where to install the equipment. The place should be such that in the future the equipment was convenient to service and be selected to all necessary details. Often, owners prefer to install a car in the bathroom, as it is not only convenient and practical, but also combined with any interior. But in this case it is necessary to take into account that increased humidity can be detrimental to the work of the AGR.Also, the stylalka is installed in the kitchen. This option is quite acceptable, especially when there is not enough room in the bathroom. And in the kitchen, the machine can be built into the cabinet, hidden in a closet or installed in a niche. If you want, you can install the CM in the hallway, if there is enough space and there is an outlet. Before installing it is very important to think everything over, weigh all the pros and cons.

Hot water: yes or no

Today, some modern models of machines are suitable for connecting cold and hot water. But the experts' opinion boils down to the fact that there is no advantage when connecting hot water. Modern machines have a heating element that heats water to the right temperatures. But the shortcomings are significant:

  • Water can be highly contaminated as opposed to cold water. Therefore, it is often necessary to clean the filler filter (and the drain valve, too). Do this either yourself, or call the master, and it will hit the family budget.
  • Hot water is very hard, so you have to spend more washing powder. Otherwise, after washing, things will remain dirty.

If the connection of the washing machine to hot water is impossible, then there is no need to think about this issue.

Second phase. Connection to water

Connecting the styralka to the water pipe is a process that requires special attention, accuracy and accuracy. If you do everything right, your machine will work properly. To connect the equipment to the pipeline, flexible hoses with a diameter of 2 cm will be needed. To connect the washing machine to water, you need to do the following:

  1. Find the right place in the water pipe and cut the carving.
  2. What do I need to install the valve? Fasteners - they guarantee reliable fixation.
  3. Install a protective mesh to prevent the penetration of small foreign objects into the drum.

Advice! Clean the mesh and after each wash, close the valve - this will ensure a stable and efficient operation of the machine.

To supply water, you need a ready-made tap, which connects to the mixer or drain tank. Such a simple installation scheme will help you to cope with the connection to the water.

The third stage. Connecting to the network

This process requires responsibility. It is necessary to install one outlet, which must be protected against water and ground. Most modern styaroks are often protected from current and have a ground connection. But it is better to be reinsured once again than to expose your life to danger, and technology - to failure. Basically, all machines have a power cord approximately one meter long. Therefore, the socket must be at such a distance that it is possible to connect the equipment to the network.

Recommendation! Do not use extension cords, as they do not guarantee safety!

If this stage is passed without any difficulties, it's time to move on to the final step.

The fourth stage. Fixing the machine

Continue the installation instructions. Do not know how to install CM so that when washing and wringing, there are no vibrations, jumps and jolts? This problem occurs because of uneven sex. The machine must be mounted on a perfectly flat floor. Having found out any roughnesses, use a rubber rug - put it under the machine. The mat perfectly extinguishes the vibration. Do not use wooden linings or cuttings from linoleum - they only temporarily eliminate the problem. We offer a method that will help to make sure that the stylalka is installed correctly and at the right level: lean all the weight on each corner of the top cover. If none of them fall down, the machine is set exactly.

Important! If you neglect the installation rules, during the washing the machine will start jumping. Usually it ends with a breakdown.

The final stage. Testing

Have you coped with all the difficulties when installing the equipment yourself? Now it remains to estimate the result of the work done - to make sure that everything is done correctly and the machine is working as expected.The test is as follows:

  1. When the washing mode is selected, the drum rotates and does not stand still.
  2. There are no signs of leakage - hoses are connected qualitatively.
  3. In the included state, there are no extraneous noises inside the machine.
  4. The correct operation of the spin and drain, stably functioning after washing, confirms the correctness of the installation.

If you are interested in the detailed detailed installation of the washing machine, the video instruction will help you to understand:

Now you can check the effectiveness of washing clothes in the AGR. Good luck and enjoyable use.

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