Unripe apples: what can be done with them?


Apple is one of the useful and popular fruits, which retains useful and healing properties for six months. Fruit trees can be found at every dacha site.

Many faced such a problem, as in the middle of the summer fall unripe apples. What is the reason?

It can be a biological process, excess or lack of moisture, improper care, poor nutrition.

What to do with immature, unripe green fruits? There are many options. You can make juice, confiture, make jam and much more.


Table of contents

  • Benefits and harm of unripe fallen apples
  • Application of green fruit: what can be done from them?
    • Jelly
    • Confiture
    • Shavings, apple
    • Honey and Apple Tea
    • Making Vinegar
    • Drying
    • Microwave oven
    • Juice from unripe apples
    • Jam
    • We use for candied fruits

Benefits and harm of unripe fallen apples

Apple is the fruit of health, there is an opinion thatfruit can replace any doctor.

This is all due to the fact that the unripe apple contains vitamins, trace elements (manganese, potassium, etc.), and most importantly it is a source of easily digestible iron.
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Cellulose, which is part of the fruit is digested for a long time, so the feeling of hunger does not feel long. Healing power of immature apples:

  1. Strengthen immunity, as apples are rich in antioxidants. These substances do not allow the cells of the body to degenerate into oncological neoplasms.
  2. Apples can reduce blood sugar.
  3. Regular use of apples, reduces the level of heart disease by 20%.
  4. Apples are a wonderful prevention of anemia.
  5. The fruit has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  6. The presence of apples in the daily diet - there will be no constipation.
  7. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.
  8. An unnecessary liquid is produced, that is, it has a diuretic effect.
  9. Increases hemoglobin.
  10. The level of nervous excitation decreases.
Unripe apples contain vitamins, microelements, are a source of easily digestible iron

The benefits of apples are obvious. It is worth noting thatfruit is used even in dietary nutrition. There are several daily diets, the essence of which is that you can eat only fresh apples.

Thanks to such unloading days, the body is cleaned without harm to health.

Despite the useful properties of apples,they can cause harm to the body. This concerns the fact that it is now very difficult to buy environmentally friendly apples. After all, they are mostly processed by chemical means to have an attractive look longer.

But not only processed fruit, but even pure apples can do harm:

  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Increased gas production in the intestine.
  3. Immature apples adversely affect the tooth enamel, so after eating apples, rinse your mouth with water.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to eat fruit in the acute stage of peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Cyanic acid, which is contained in the fetus, can harm the body.

Application of green fruit: what can be done from them?

Unripe apples can be used to prepare a variety of dishes. It is worth noting thatwith an unripe fruit, beautiful drinks are obtained, apple cider vinegar and many simple dishes.

Unripe apples are recommended to mix with other fruits or berries. This helps improve taste and satiety with nutrients, because the juice from unripe fruit is sour.

Prepare the following dishes based on immature apples.


For preparationneed apple juice and sugar. Proportion to use:. Boil apple juice with sugar for several minutes, pour into molds, close tightly.

From immature apples you can make jelly and confiture


For preparationneed apples and sugar. Wash the fruit, cut into small slices and pour a small amount of water. Cook for about 30 minutes, then add sugar to taste. The resulting confiture should be cooled and expanded into sterilized cans.


To prevent confectionery from becoming moldy, you can not close it if it has not cooled down. To close the cans, use only the plastic cover, on the bottom of which lay parchment paper.

Shavings, apple

Ideal for filling pies and pies. Peel apples, grate on a large grater. Banks are good to wash,rubbed apples in banks.

On the floor, a liter jar put 50 grams of sugar. Sterilize the jars with apples for 20 minutes.

You may be interested in the following articles:

  • North or Orel synaps - a detailed description of the variety.
  • Pink pearls are a variety of apples with pink flesh.
  • Full description of the variety of apples Bogatyr.

Honey and Apple Tea

For preparationNeed a peel, which should be slightly browned in the oven. For 1 liter of water, you need about 200 grams of peel.

Combine the ingredients, bring them to a boil, infuse the broth for 20 minutes, add honey.

Making Vinegar

Apples should be washed, cleaned of heartwood, and placed in a container. Fruit pour water,for 1 liter of water add 30 grams of sugar.

Tie the neck of the container with a napkin. Apples will roam as soon as the process stops, drain.

Keep vinegar in closed form. Home-made vinegar is rich in useful substances, so it can be used in cooking and folk medicine.

From unripe apples you can prepare vinegar, used in cooking and folk medicine


Fruits wash, cut into thin slices and lay out one layer.Dry only in partial shade. For drying, it is recommended to use electric drying, apples in it will dry for several hours.

From drying you can brew compotes with the addition of other fruits.

Microwave oven

Apples wash, cut out the core. Inside put a spoonful of honey, you can mix honey with nuts. Add the apples in a large bowl and place in a microwave.

Bake the fruit for 15 minutes. Bake unripe apples and can be in the oven, the principle is the same.

Juice from unripe apples

Drink apples on juice, this is the most optimal solution. To remove the sour taste of the unripe fruit, add more sugar.


Cook the jam, which can be used to make pies and open pies.

From green unripe apples you can cook jam

We use for candied fruits

Candied apple candy is a good alternative to sweets. For cooking you need apples 1 kg, sugar approximately, kg, water 2 cups.

Apples should be washed, cut into slices, if small apples can be cooked whole. In boiling water, lower the apples for 5 minutes, remove and quickly dip into cold water. Add sugar to the water in which apples were cooked, boil the syrup.

Cool apples pour hot syrup. After 8 hours, drain the syrup, boil and pour the fruit again. The procedure should be repeated several times, until the moment when the apples become transparent.

Then grab the apples and put them on the parchment leaf, dry the fruit in the oven. Dried candied fruits pour sugar powder.

Store in a closed container in a dark place. The remaining syrup is ideal for impregnating baking, so preserve it in sterile jars.

As you can see,immature apples are also useful. They can be used to prepare a variety of dishes.

If you see fallen apples in the summer, do not get upset,store the fruit for the winter.

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