Mini washing machine

Washing machine Renova WS - 15 T weighs 5 kg, will allow to cope with a crowd of 1.5 kilograms of laundry. From the point of view of the effectiveness of mass witnessing record. Hardly conventional machine pulls weight 60 kg 18 - 20 kg of laundry (the percentage by weight of laundry and the instrument). Is the device warms the soul with an activator, is not able to absolutely nothing, including the spin? Pour water - Slay, laying clothes - take out... Machines semi-activator type have at least two tanks, one for washing and spinning. Get rid of the trouble can only drum patterns. Mini washing machine - we'll see!

Washing machine Solo

We are expecting a boring review about Embedded washing machines, models under the sink. Proceed later. Let's talk about the creation Chanhi Khan designer, the smallest washing machine, steam iron can.

World in May 2013 bypassed the news about mini washing machine, to cope with a thing called Solo. Contraption is hung on the wall, it is more like a fantastic turbine wing tip on certain flying object. The cylindrical tank with a diameter of 15 cm is attached with one side to the mid-plane of the horizontal shelf. It fits inside a single piece of clothing, but to hang mini washing machine host is free to arbitrarily. When the body length of 40 cm, at three times the height of the unit will be located in any place of the wall, does not require a liner water, waste drain hose. Dimensions of mini washing machines Solo impressive.

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Mini Washer Solo

Inside uses gentle steam cleaning, the friction against the surface of the drum. No chemicals, wait a little to expect miracles from the works of creative genius. On top of the compartment plane intensive stain removal shirt collar, cover plate on the processing time. Under the horizontal plane hanging aroma shower of steam, straightens the folds of clothing, gives a pleasant smell. Inside to periodically pour water Presumably, dirty liquid to be removed, some contamination is unable to split pairs. The technology is called a dry wash.

Back in 2011 the Australian Simon Hedtom created a prototype of the Eco Pod, which functioned in a similar way, hung on the wall. Inside the cylindrical drum pawned linen, slowly treated with steam to complete purity. In the production of the gadget was not allowed, the patent was sold to Asians. Wastewater supposed to water the flowers.

The concept was developed under the influence of futuristic trends, when the world will be a lack of energy, water. Drum washing machine performs the plastic basket for a special form of dirty laundry.

Assume both novelties same fundamental principles, in fact, in the United Kingdom in 2010 developed the principle of adsorption wash where dirt dissolved steam going special capsules, enough for applications 100 (half operation). The percentage of water is 2% duty cycle of conventional washing machines. However, mass production of prototypes not yet started. Working on the basis of steam washing machine could become a prototype for Solo.

Mini washing machines under the sink

Now, when told about the advanced technology, the reader learns more about quite ordinary models. On handouts pictures adorn the height of the drum type washing machine mini-machine visually does not exceed 40 cm. Nearby are a girl with my mother, we can try to estimate the dimensions. We believe a publicity stunt, because the sale of miniature hard to find products.

Mini washing machines under the sink

Model mini washing machines under the sink are beginning to rally from 67 cm. Dimensions allow properly fit in the bathroom, placed in the kitchen cabinets. To be honest, it is assumed in the West model is not placed under the sink, behind the door are placed once the furniture section. Do not want to use the phrase "necessity is the mother of invention" when invited to conduct installation of drain with knee replacement flexible corrugation, the thought comes to mind, in Europe, America, all made functional. Can not such a mess to go on the washing machine, bending impossible angle.

An indirect confirmation of the fact that there is a consideration of special worktop with sink for washing machine. The bottom is flat, at a height of the product is small. As a result, the washing machine becomes downwards without any problems in the cabinet under the sink section. As for domestic products, we recommend shell lily, wishing to get a washing machine, which stands under the sink for hand. In pottery drain is located at the far right, helping to solve the problem of communication wiring. Working hours is aimed at tandem with a washing machine, it refers to the domestic.

Not only solution known to other forms of shells. Please note one thing:

  • Bent at a sharp angle corrugated hose under the sink, this danger factor even because if you drop accidental engagement ring does not fall into the sump, go straight to the septic tank (private house), wastewater treatment plants (city). Dangerous tension fracture nothing good to bring special corrugations.

Washing machine under the sink

Aesthetically ugly. When lying in the bath, contrivances are visible. As for built-in appliances, special mention countertop with a sink under the washing machine. In furniture elements behind the sink, install the equipment there are no obstructions. Continuing the thought, affirm recessed washing machines "under the sink" must be installed inside furniture. No wonder maintained the characteristic dimensions, which allows to perform conceived. Corrugations - an idle domestic fiction.

Embedded washing machines

Height Embedded washing machines of two types:

  1. 67 - 70 cm ( "under the sink"), set inside the cabinet sections.
  2. 82 cm, fitted with a cap, mounted inside, follow the contours of the furniture.

List of mini washing machines ends. However, it should be mentioned among the rulers can be found narrow model, the depth is less than 55 cm. If you can clearly be seen in the embedded devices, a free-standing full-size washing machine will not find in the afternoon with fire. The depth should be 55 - 60 cm, the equipment - a rarity.

Built-in washing machine

Washers these two groups of height (67 and 82 cm) differ not only in size. More show special fastening the door (or ready-mounted door, covering the items loading screen). The models 82 cm cap present. Made to washing machine follows the contours of the cabinet. There are two options:

  1. Washing machine with base is completely hidden from view by setting a section of the furniture without a bottom. Outside it looks like Home appliances here and does not smell.
  2. Mini washing machine front panel forms part of the outer surface of the enclosure. The casing of household appliances can be seen, the person realizes that looks at the electrical appliance. Typically, manufacturers are trying to produce products under the popular kitchen sets, and models are additionally different color schemes.


Disadvantages of mini washing machine is the relatively high price. The difference is 25%. Similar quality pay a quarter more expensive to obtain built-in appliances. Installation equipment presents a certain complexity, the liner has to be mounted in a limited space. Many dishwashers are pushed into the section on wheels among the washing solution would look strange to say the least, because of the presence of high vibrations during the spin cycle.

The advantages of mini washing machines are obvious. Guests coming to the house, will not see the drum with the dirty linen, the need for special baskets will disappear. The device is hidden inside the cabinet is not attractive for young children, rarely attacked by pets (washing machines suffer hoses). But most importantly, the aesthetics. Rigorous, balanced design of the apartment creates a sense of security, convenience, most people's image today is worth a lot.

Washers mini gain great recognition. Noticeable in the segment of detached units, which, in principle, have disappeared from the shelves of model depth of over 49 cm. In the afternoon with fire will not find a full-size model, since Russian buyers to save space. Not surprisingly, in blocks of flats!

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