The healing properties and characteristics of pears


Autumn is not only a wonderful time for walks in the autumn forest, but also time for collecting useful fruits. Ask what fruits can be harvested in the forest?Pear wild - a tree with fruits of small size, but with unique useful properties.


Table of contents

  • Description of the pear Dichka
    • Advantages and disadvantages, medicinal properties and contraindications
  • Features of planting seedlings
  • Conditions for growing a wild pear
  • Caring for a tree in autumn
  • Harvesting and storage, the benefits of dried fruits
  • Features of this variety
  • Diseases and pests, methods of treatment

Description of the pear Dichka

Pear wild or common pear is a wild tree. The bark of the tree is gray, the crown is dense. Fruits of green or yellowish color of round form, keep on pedicels. Flowering in April.Maturation occurs in the first half of September. Fruiting begins with the tree's 8th year of life.

Pear wild

You can meet an ordinary pear in the forest belts of Russia, in the south of Ukraine, Armenia, Europe. During the flowering period from the tree there is an unusual sweetish aroma that attracts insects. In the autumn, ripe, red-fruited fruits are inedible, since the flesh is coarse, even rocky.

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In order to start eating fruits, they must lie down. Fruits are stored for more than three months. The harvest from an adult tree can reach up to 40 kg.

The plant grows both singly and in groups. Wild pear is not a fastidious tree that develops a powerful root system in nutrient soils with neutral acidity. Propagated by seeds and root shoots. In general, you can find abundant pneumatic shoots.

Pear is considered a long-liver, can grow in one place up to 70 years.

Advantage of wild pearThis is a strong-rooted rootstock, which is combined with cultivated varieties. A wild tree grows in the penumbra and in sunlit areas. In cultured conditions, it is better to plant a pear near the forest.

Advantages and disadvantages, medicinal properties and contraindications

The merits of the pear-wild can be attributed to the following:

  1. A useful fruit that has a wonderful healing effect.The broth can reduce the temperature, the flesh has a diuretic effect.
  2. The composition includes tannins, which have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
  3. Containednatural antibiotic, which is able to stop the inflammatory processes.
  4. Fetushas bactericidal action.
  5. Baked pearBenefits in the treatment of upper respiratory tract.
  6. You can eatin cooked, dried, baked and fresh.
  7. Tree in springis an early medon.
  8. Wood of wood is used in the carpentry shop, thanks to dense and valuable wood.
  9. Bark of a plantused for dyeing wool, carpets.
  10. The fruit is beneficialaffects men's health.
  11. Fruits are rich in vitaminsA, B1, B2, E, P, PP, C, folic acid, a number of useful metals, macro- and microelements.
  12. Frost resistance.
The fruits of wild pear have excellent healing properties

Contraindications pear-wild:

  1. Categoricallyit is forbidden to eat on an empty stomach.
  2. You can notwash down with water.
  3. After eating pears,it is not recommended to eat meat products.
  4. Do not eatgreen fruits.

Features of planting seedlings

Pear wild planted as field crops, but you can plant it in the suburban area. Unlike other varieties, this species of wild plant is well tolerated by severe frosts and does not need shelter.

After planting, you must trample down the ground and pour 2-3 pails of water

The plant is wild, therefore, in cultural conditions it is better to place it recommended near the deciduous forest. The place for planting should be picked up. A fertile soil with neutral acidity fits the tree.Unbreakable trees are recommended to water more than an adult plant. Flowering in April, but can bloom and later depends on climatic conditions. Reproduction is carried out by cuttings or grafting, but can also be tested with seeds. When choosing seedlings, choose young trees, with a well-developed root system. The best time to plant a young seedlings is autumn. Spring can be planted after thawing the soil.

Pay attention to the fact that the plant should be planted several weeks before the ground is frozen solidly.

Conditions for growing a wild pear

Everyone knows that the right place for a plant is the guarantee of a rich and healthy harvest. thereforeAn important step in planting is the choice of location. It must be sunny and protected from winds. Once you decided to get ready for a landing pit. It should be dug in advance, its dimensions: width and depth of at least 1 m. Planted in the ground Only young plants that do not have injuries, diseases and have a powerful developed root system.Planting can be spring and autumn, but it is better to plant a pear in the autumn - in the middle or the end of September, when the seedlings are opal foliage and the sap flow has stopped.


Pits are excavated, the seedling is picked up and we begin to plant. In the pit from the center at a distance of 30 cm drive in the stake, which is necessary to support and correct growth of the young seedling. At the bottom of the pit manure, superphosphate, potassium salt is added and mixed with the ground. Seedling pears shake, straighten the root system and set in a pit, gradually falling asleep with earth. The root neck should rise above the ground level.The last step is soil compaction around the tree and watering. Watering is moderate if there is no drought.

For the first time for four years the tree must be fertilized with nitrogen and potassium fertilizing.

A young seedling can begin to bear fruit only for the fourth year of life, but this may depend on soil and climatic conditions. Flowering occurs in April, harvesting in the second half of August.

Pear wildflower blooms in April

Caring for a tree in autumn

Throughout the warm period behind the tree was a care: watering, treatment from pests, nowit is necessary to properly prepare the tree for cold and frost.

  1. The most important stage will bepruning.
  2. Treatment of insecticides against diseases and pests, which can persist throughout the cold in the bark of the tree, then in the spring they will begin active activity. It is better to prevent the multiplication of pests and diseases, than to fight actively with him.
  3. Fertilizing fertilizersshould be carried out in early autumn.
  4. Digging and deep wateringpristvolnyh circles.

Harvesting and storage, the benefits of dried fruits

Fruits are medium in size, ovoid in shape, covered with a thin, but rather dense, rough skin. At the stage of removal, the fruits are greenish-yellow, well-ripened pears of golden-yellow color. The pulp is yellowish, with a sweet and sour taste.

Compote from a pear duck for the winter

Fruits retain their appearance and taste for six months. The tree for a season can give more than 20 kg of a crop. Use fruit is recommended in fresh, dried and canned. They can be used for making desserts, juices, wine drinks. Of dried fruits make compotes.


Features of this variety

  1. Pears wild game, tearing off the tree,keep in a warm place, where they mature. During this time, the flesh turns yellow, loses firmness, becomes sweet.
  2. Fruits of pears of wild game are much more useful and richer with active substances, than usual grades. Due to the large content of vitamin, microelements, mineral substances, the fetus has disinfectant, tannic properties.
  3. Pear wood is highly valued in the production of first-class furniture. It can be cut in all directions by removing the layer by layer gradually chisel.

Diseases and pests, methods of treatment

Sheet gall midges- a dangerous pest pear, which is an insect of brown color. The larvae are laid by insects, they eat the tissues of the leaves. This leads to the appearance of outgrowths, the leaves become brittle, yellow and twist. It is possible to fight the problem only with insecticides or mechanically. Collect the twisted leaves and destroy, the soil under the trees in the fall must be digested.

Pear Gall mite

Mednyatsya- pest of a small size, which harms the tree. The insect secretes sticky excrement, which blocks the development of the tree. An ugly form is acquired by the fruit, the branches shrink, the plant is weakened. You can protect the tree. For this, be sure to plow the soil, remove the fallen leaves. Spray the pear with insecticides (metaphos, ambush, decis).

Pear Suckling

Scab- affects leaves, fruits and shoots. The infected tree starts to bear fruit poorly, the yield decreases several times. It is necessary to fight cardinally. The tree is sprayed with a solution of urea or a solution of ammonium nitrate.

The defeat of a pear with a scab

Wild pear is normal in appearance and taste. butit has a virtue - it's medicinal properties, which contains the fruit. Therefore, such a tree can easily replace the pharmacy.

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