Detailed description of the autumn variety of pears. In memory of Yakovlev


At one time, in the gardens of the central part of Russia, except currants, raspberries and cherries, practically nothing more grew.

But the work of breeders does not stand still, therefore for many years many varieties of fruit trees have been hatched that can grow and bear fruit in a harsh climate. To such trees belongs andsort of pear In memory of Yakovlev.


Table of contents

  • Description and characteristics of the variety, terms of fruit ripening
  • Planting and care of a pear In memory of Yakovlev
    • Place for planting
    • Landing
  • Further care for the autumn variety
    • How to form a crown from a pear
  • Reproduction

Description and characteristics of the variety, terms of fruit ripening

Pear variety Yakovlev's memory was bred by breeders of the All-Russian Research Institute named after Michurin. He received a cross of varieties with the theme of the French variety Olivier de Serre.

In the breeding of the autumn variety PN Yakovlev, S. P. Yakovlev, I. FROM. Nesterov and R. M. Korshikov. This is their long and fruitful work.

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In our time, the Yakovlev memory is widespread in many regions of Russia. Cultivated and propagated by fruit trees. It is perfectly adapted for growing in the Central, Central Black Earth and Middle Volga parts of Russia.

Tree fast-growing, self-fertilized, low. Has a round crown, medium density. The branches of the skeleton are located at a right angle to the tree.

On the branches, numerous eyelashes are formed with age. Stamp branches and main ones are painted in gray. The bark is scaly.

The pear of the Yakovlev memory is low, self-fertilizing, fast-growing

From other varieties is characterized by high awakening of the kidneys, as well as shoot-forming ability. Fruit formations are simple and complex rings.

Last year's shoots are painted in a light brown color. They are cranked. Chechevichek on them a little andthere are spines.

Conical buds are bent away from the branch and they have a large adrenal pad. The leaves are of medium size. Ovoid ovoid with a twisted apex.

White flowers. Inflorescence consists of 4-6 saucer-shaped flowers. Separate petals with a flat edge.

Fruit ripening - in late August, early September, and the harvest is collected throughout September.

Locatedon a long peduncle. Broad-shaped. The average weight.

The skin on them is shiny. In removable condition painted inlight yellow color with a slight blush. Consumer coloration of the fetus is yellow with orange blush.

Pear fruit Yakovlev's memories mature at the end of August, the stalk is long, the pulp is sweet, without the astringency

Fruits with creamy pulp, which is juicy and sweet. Without tartness.

They hang fast on the branches.Stored for several weeks. They are used fresh and are recycled. Transport is well tolerated.

Fruiting begins with 3-4 years. High, stable yield provided good care. Since the tree is low, it allows you to carry out compacted planting.

The average yield from a tree is 25 kg. In good years, with adequate and timely care yields can be higher.

High winter hardiness. In very cold winters there is a slight freezing, but it is quickly restored.

Requires abundant watering. With good watering, it generates greater yields and improves the taste of the fruit.

Do not suffer from such a disease as scab.


  1. Not high.
  2. Fertile.
  3. Winter hardy.
  4. Self-fertilized.
  5. Resistant to scab.


  1. Fruits of different mass are found at high yields, as well as in trees aged.
  2. Stony cells.

Variety of pear In memory of Yakovlev:


Planting and care of a pear In memory of Yakovlev

Any planting of the fruit tree begins with the selection of the seedling. When inspecting the plant, pay attention to its condition.

Seedling must have a healthy appearance. Without any black spots. No signs of decay. Have fresh, not dried up wood. Healthy roots.

You should not buy seedlings on the market,it is better to buy it in special fruit trees.

Place for planting

The pear should be planted on an even, dry place. It should be well illuminated by the sun. Places with high groundwater are not suitable for growing a tree. The soil must be fertile and well-fertilized.

Planting a seedling of Yakovlev's memory is possible only in the spring. A young tree should be planted in the soil immediately after purchase.

The fact is thatpear does not like frequent transplants, so we determine her permanent place at once.

The Memory of Yakovlevself-fertilized, so no planting of pollinator plants is required, which is very good for small areas.

Plant a pear Yakovlev's memory can only be in the spring, she does not like transplanting, does not need pollinating plants

For the planting of the tree we excavate a deep pit. The pear has a strongly developed root system, soplaces for her need a lot. The depth of the pit is not less than 1-1.2 m. The diameter is 0.8-1 m.

Since the pear loves fertile soil, so in the pitfertilizers should be introduced:

  • humus 2.5-3 buckets;
  • sand 2 buckets;
  • potassium sulphate 3 table spoons;
  • superphosphate 1 glass.

We mix with the land that was dug from the pit.

Now in a bucket of water stir 2 glasses of dolomite flour or lime. You can also make a solution of wood ash. Pour a hole in this solution and leave it for a week.


In a week, proceed directly to planting. In the middle of the pit, drive a peg. The peg should be such that on the surface it was slightly higher than the seedling. This is approximately 0.5 m.

Next, pour a mound of pre-prepared land. Take the seedling, and gently spread the roots on the mound, fill it with soil.

Tip: that the landing was successful, it is better, if you do this, you will be alone.

At the top of the landing, fall asleep with ordinary land. During planting, shake the fathoms, so that there is no void between the roots.

Pay attention to the location of the root neck: it should be above the ground level by 5-6 cm.

When planting a pear seedlings in memory of Yakovlev, pay attention to the location of the root neck: it should be above the ground level by 5-6 cm

After the tree fell asleep, the earth around it needs to be compacted. Nowpour it in two or three receptions. First pour out one bucket and after the water has absorbed, pour out the following.

To reduce the evaporation of water and protect against weeds,bulldep. Layer of humus or peat fill a layer of 5-6 cm.


Further care for the autumn variety

Furtherfor pears we look after apple trees. Watering is required abundantly, especially if the summer is arid. Weeding the circumferential circle from the weeds. Fertilizing fertilizers and fighting diseases.

Although the grade of Yakovlev's Memory is not exposed to scab, all the same, preventive work should be carried out. For this, in the spring period, treat the trees with a Bordeaux liquid.

The difference in caring for a pear issheltering a lot of snow in winter. Some gardeners pour water before frost.

It is covered with ice, which protects the pear from freezing. Since young pears are more prone to freezing than apple trees.

Pear needs fertilizers: nitrogen, carbide, urea, potassium, phosphorus, superphosphate

Against diseases for prevention we use fungicides.Early spring or late autumn sprayplants 3% Bordeaux mixture.

During the flowering of the pearYou can use Strobi or Inta-Vir.

Fertilizersyou can sprinkle on the snow in early spring. Carry out nitrogen with carbamide or urea. In summer, in conjunction with watering, make potassium. After the vegetative period, phosphorus is required. During digging, add superphosphate.

How to form a crown from a pear

The pear is usually formed naturally, so special pruning is not required. But here, if the branches are frozen, then they form many wolf shoots.

In this case, some of these shoots should be cut off, and the remaining ones should be given a horizontal position. Pearfructifies only on horizontal branches.



To save the new saplings mother signs,to multiply a pear better with layers. To do this, select a branch on the tree. But since this tree, and bend the branch like a currant does not work, you can use another option.

Under the selected branch, substitute a box with soil. Before, fill the box with earth, put a polyethylene film in it. The film will not allow moisture to evaporate from the box.

Now bend the branch to the box. Make a few transverse cuts on it and pin it to the ground. Top up with earth.

To make the roots formed faster, use Kornevin or Epin. A solution of the drug should be watered a branch. Then cover the ground in the drawer with a film, roofing material and a layer of peat.

Maintain the humidity in the box. Roots on the branch are formed all season, but in the fall it is too early to transplant the plant. In the winter, you will well insulate a box with a seedling and fill it with snow.

In this waywe grow a seedling for two years. After this period, the plant is separated from the tree and transplanted to a permanent place.

With this method of reproduction, the layers retain their maternal characteristics and begin to bear fruit earlier than ordinary seedlings.

From all written, it is necessary to allocate those facts,that the variety Yakovlev's Memory is very convenient for cultivation. In the care of him, even a novice gardener can cope.

Variety of pear Yakovlev's memory is well reproduced by layers, very convenient for cultivation

It is common in the gardens of Central Russia, as well as Siberia and the Far East.

Gardeners liked this variety forunpretentiousness, early fertility, resistance to diseases and high winter hardiness. Very tasty fruit without tartness.

Having planted a pear of Yakovlev's memory on your site, you will not regret about your busy place.

Pear of the variety Memory of Yakovlev:

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