Drain pump for air conditioning - selection and installation rules

  • Why you need a pump for air conditioning
  • Purpose of the device
  • Types and features of the drainage system
  • Specificity of installation of the system
  • Disadvantages of drainage pumps

During operation, the air conditioner produces a large amount of condensation liquid, which must be removed from the system and, accordingly, from the room. It is for this purpose and created a device called - a drain pump or in other words a pump for an air conditioner, which consists of the following structural elements:

  • the bottom compartment, it will accumulate the produced condensate;
  • A special drainage path through which condensation will be transported;
  • drainagea pump for air conditioning.

In this article we will talk about a separate element of the system, namely, we will tell what is neededpump drain for air conditioning,its structure and structure.

Why you need a pump for air conditioning

Absolutely all pumps are equipped with pumps with high performance, so that they can cope with the condensation of the air conditioner, which it produces during operation. Their productivity is denoted as - liters per hour. Also, when choosing a device, the following parameters are adhered to:

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  • height of the water column;
  • noise effect during operation;
  • and other technical characteristics.

Purpose of the device

Often, these pumps are used in the breakdown of air conditioners or their installation in specific conditions, where an additional pump is required to pump condensate.

As a rule, manufacturers pre-manage their drainage pumps, already the initialpomp for air conditioning,thus all the technical values ​​and parameters of these devices already meet all the necessary conditions in order to provide the air conditioner with a full functioning.

The drainage system itself should be installed next to the air conditioner in those cases if a very long route through which condensate flows. After all, it happens when, due to the long path of the fluid, it is necessary to overcome altitude differences, because of which there is a loss of pressure, and it simply does not flow. Selection of the pump for drainage is based on the environmental conditions in which it will be applied. Below we will talk about the types of drainage pumps.

Types and features of the drainage system

All drainage pumps can be divided into several types, and each of them is designed to work under certain conditions:

  • Separate type pumps- they are equipped with a small reservoir, which is equipped with a sensor to determine the level of liquid inside. Due to their special structure, they can be mounted on drainage nipples, on the drainage path itself, or inside the condensate compartments. However, the standard mounting location is a separate special unit, connected to pallets or a flexible tube system, the length of which is two meters. The performance of these pumps ranges from 7 to 60 liters of fluid per hour. This value is sufficient for most modern air conditioner models. Under the conditions of proper installation, they are able to pump condensate to a height of up to 15 meters. However, they are not suitable for installation in specific operating conditions.
  • Pump filling variants- equipped with capacious tanks, and they lack a sensor that determines the water level. They have more power compared to the previous type, since their performance value starts at 80 liters per hour, and can reach up to 1500 liters. However, there is one disadvantage, they are not able to raise the liquid to a high altitude, their maximum about 7 meters. These systems are not designed for liquid lifts, since they were created to service external block multiplex systems, and passing through them the condensate goes directly to the sewer system.
  • Embedded pump type- they are installed in all standard cassette and channel split systems, as well as in air conditioners from the famous manufacturers of this area. With regard to the value of productivity, it starts with a mark of 5 liters per hour, and the maximum reaches 165 liters. They are designed for mounting under specific conditions, except when an additional vacuum source is needed to pump the condensate out.
  • Peristaltic type pumps- created in order to raise water to a height of up to 15 meters. The performance of these systems is very small, it is equal to 10 liters per hour. The downside is that they have an overvalued price compared to their counterparts. And systems with high power will also cost more than other analogues.

Specificity of installation of the system

There are several ways to install a drain pump. However, it is not always necessary, if the drain pipe is installed correctly and at the same time to keep the slope angle, then the condensate will flow itself, then in this case the system will not be needed. But this does not always work, so a drainage pump for the air conditioner was made. With its help, it is possible to achieve all the necessary conditions, in order to ensure that the condensate free, let it be removed in a timely manner from the system.

Disadvantages of drainage pumps

They are mainly concerned with the design:

  • due to the fact that the systems are equipped with a small electric drive that brings the system into operation, it can be somewhat noisy, which causes a slight discomfort to some owners;
  • for the drainage pump is required free access, as it will be necessary to constantly clean filters that quickly clog because of the fact that condensate is produced and the flow takes away dust, and this is bad for the system, which can lead to a deterioration in the functioning or even breakdown.
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