Detailed description of the Spartan apple variety


Every gardener aspires to plant on his plot an apple tree with tasty fruits. Such a tree is well tolerated by the changeable climate of the central strip of Russia and does not require excessive attention.

Apple Spartan was bred by Canadian breeders in 1926, through the crossing of varieties such as Mackintosh and Pepin Newtown Yellow.

The goal of breeding was the urgent need to grow apples on an industrial scale. So I neededgrade with good marketability, transportability and long shelf life.


Table of contents

  • Description of variety of apples
    • Characteristics of fruits and trees
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Growing conditions
  • Rules of landing
  • Care of the tree
    • After planting
    • Watering
    • Feeding
    • Trimming
    • Preparation for winter
  • Diseases and pests
  • Reviews about Apple Spartan

Description of variety of apples

It prefers a mild climate, with warm winters and no humid air.Frost resistance is weakIf the tree is not prepared for the cold, it can die.

Fruiting begins with the third year of life. On average, an ode to a young apple tree (up to 10 years) can bring from 15 to 35 kilograms of harvest, but more mature trees bring up to 80 kilograms.
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The ripening period falls on the middle of October. Refers to self-pollinated varieties.

Characteristics of fruits and trees

Apple Spartan is fast growing, but at the same timethe tree reaches medium heights. Leaves are small or medium, dark green, smooth, the edges slightly curled up.

The branches with respect to the trunk are located at an angle of 70 degrees. Crohn is very lush, has a predisposition to the appearance of unnecessary unnecessary stems. Shoots of unusual, dark cherry color, slightly pubescent.

Due to the nature of the structure of the tree,apple spartan must not be forgotten and skip trimming procedures.

Apple Spartan is fast growing, but the tree reaches medium heights

In most cases, the fruits are round with slight flattening, but conical apples can also occur. Because of their Canadian origin, such fruits can boast an unusual color.

Initially, they are yellow, but as the maturation begins to appear dark maroon and purple spots, which gradually cover almost the entire surface. Also on it there is a wax coating.

Such apples do not differ in size, only 130-190 grams.They taste sweet, juicy and fragrant, with a dense consistency.


Advantages and disadvantages

If the tree is properly tended, then it is able to bring a large amount of harvest,such a tree fructifies annually.

Excellent taste qualities and the maintenance in such apples of a plenty of useful microcells. For example, ascorbic acid in this variety is much larger than in others.

Good transportability. Very rarely they are exposed to various diseases.

If you create a favorable temperature for apples, thenThe harvest can be stored for 4 to 7 months.

If the tree is grown in the northern regions or in the middle band,will have to take care of its winter shelter. Apple Spartan does not tolerate frosts and minus temperatures.

The small size of the fruit, which can gradually decrease due to poor thinning of the branches.


Growing conditions

In the 1980s, the apple tree Spartan was distributed throughout the territory of Ukraine, but to a greater extent it took root in the north of the country. Hence we can conclude that such awood prefers a temperate climate.

It does not tolerate both frost and drought, and heat with high humidity.

Apple Spartan does not tolerate both frost and drought, and heat with high humidity

When choosing a landing siteyou need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. The place must be bright and sunny, otherwise the amount of harvest can be reduced several times.
  2. The site must be fertile soil.
  3. Do not overmoist the root system, so you should avoid places with a high level of groundwater.

If the entire site is located in a territory with a high level of groundwater, do not despair,You can plant trees on the mounds and dig a ditch to drain excess moisture.


Rules of landing

The best period is considered to beend of April or early September.

To plant an apple tree Spartan must be prepared and come as much as possible responsibly. Seven days before the actual work, it is necessary to prepare pits that must be planted.

The tree loves loamy soiland in order to create a comfortable environment, in clay soil should be added:

  • sand;
  • peat;
  • rotted compost.

Sequence of work:

    1. Pits should be pulled out at a distance of 4 meters from each other, while their depth should be 50-60 centimeters, and a diameter of 1 meter.
    1. Approximately 30 centimeters of the bottom should be carefully loosened.
    1. To protect the plant from the appearance of excessive moisture and the accumulation of water on the bottom of the pit, drainage is laid out. It can consist of any means at hand. For example, stones or cut branches of plants.
    1. After all the works concerning the protection of wood from moisture have been performed, the pit is half filled with fertile layer of soil, then fertilizers are added, consisting of: superphosphate, potassium sulfate, wood ash, decayed manure.
    1. At the end of such a procedure, the soil is to be dug into the pit. Due to the addition of fertilizers and drainage, a mound is formed, in which it is necessary to dig in a peg, it will be the basis for a still not grown seedling.
  1. When planting the seedling should be accurately placed on the mound and sprinkled with a fertile layer of earth so that the root neck was 5 centimeters above the soil level.
The best period for planting apple trees Spartan will be the end of April or the beginning of September

Care of the tree

After planting

Once the young seedling is placed in the ground, it must be carefully poured with water until the soil begins to repel moisture. After that, the soil around the tree trunk should be covered with a 5 cm layer.

To improve the formation of the crown, the branches of the seedlings are cut to a third.

In the first year of life of a tree, it is recommended to cut all flowers, in order that it would quickly take root in a new place.


One tree requires 20-30 liters of water, water it in the evening, as the soil dries. In hot weather, it is recommended to practice drip wetting.

When there is a lot of precipitation, you do not need to water the apple tree. It is enough to make punctures around the tree trunk. Their depth should not exceed 40 centimeters. As a tool, you can choose a fork or scrap.


To feed the apple tree Spartan needs four times per seasonat the certain time.

During the tying of flower buds, for such purposes it is best to use natural fertilizers, such as urea or manure humus.

As soon as flowering begins, the tree must be strengthened with the following solution:

  • 100 liters of water;
  • 400 grams of potassium sulfide;
  • 500 grams of superphosphate;
  • 250 grams of urea.

On one young tree you need 15 liters of fertilizer, and on an adult 50.

To feed the apple tree Spartan needs four times a season at a certain time

When the tree begins to bear fruitit must be fed with 30 liters of the following solution:

  • 100 liters of water;
  • 500 grams of nitrophase;
  • 10 grams of sodium humate.

After harvesting in wet weatheraround the tree you need to scatter the following fertilizers:

  • Potassium sulphate - 300 grams;
  • superphosphate - 300 grams.

If on the street it is dry and hot, this feeding should be dissolved in water.


Growing a variety of Spartan apples, you should pay special attention to pruning. It is best to perform this procedure in the spring, when the tree has not yet passed into the flowering phase.

In the first year of life, the apical bud is removed and all shoots, which are located under it. To ensure that the lateral branches are not fragile, and do not break off during fruiting, you can not leave two symmetrically located lateral shoots.

When forming the tree crowns, emphasis is placed on the lateral growth of branches. This is necessary in order to increase its diameter, and accordingly the stability of the whole apple tree.

It is necessary to remove shoots that are not positioned correctly. For example: woven, grow to the trunk, not from it; rub against each other.

It is necessary to remove the dry and suspicious branches. This procedure is the main prevention against many diseases.

Growing a variety of Spartan apples, you should pay special attention to pruning

Preparation for winter

Given that the apple tree Spartan does not like the cold,In the winter, she needs additional protection. Best with the advent of the first frosts abundantly watering the tree and prikopat peat by 30 centimeters.


Diseases and pests

A distinctive feature of the Spartan variety isHigh resistance to damage by diseases such as Scab and Mildew. But with insufficient or incorrect care, the risk of the disease does exist.

Scab- the initial sign will be the appearance of black dots on fruits, such apples are already unfit for consumption.

To combat the disease, it is necessary to remove the affected fruits in time to prevent the scab from spreading. An effective remedy in this case will be the preparations Horus and Skor.

Powdery mildew- is extremely rare. It is expressed in the appearance of a white coating on the leaves, which gradually becomes brown and coarsens.

Measures of struggle will also be the removal of diseased branches and the use of the drug Strobi.

A distinctive feature of the Spartan variety is its high resistance to damage by diseases such as scab and powdery mildew

Fruit rot- the essence of the disease is expressed in its name, such apples become inedible. This fact significantly reduces yield. As a prophylaxis, use of Skor.

Cytosporosis- represents a danger to the tree itself, if you do not notice and cure the disease in time, the apple tree will dry up and die. At the initial stages, dark spots appear on the cortex, which must be treated with Hom or Funadozol.

Apple Fruitboard- eats seeds and accordingly gnaws fruit. To get rid of the pest, the tree is sprayed with Fastan.

Apple Cvetod- caterpillars, which can cause significant damage to the yield as a whole. You can get rid of them with the help of Tsymbush.

To avoid repeated infection sick branches and fruits must be burned, they can not be used as mulch or for other purposes.

Reviews about Apple Spartan

Elizabeth: "Very tasty apples, although the size is too small. In addition, they are very long and belong to winter varieties, so you can treat yourself to fresh fruits all year round. All the friends who grow this variety, very much praise it. "

Catherine: "Apples are sweet and crunchy, but their skin is thick and stiff, but then as you like, this factor does not bother me. It's hard to take care of the tree, you can not skip the procedure of defusing the branches, otherwise the crop may not be. "

Peter: "Sort Spartan well kept, but there must necessarily be a cold room, otherwise apples will lose their juiciness and sweetness. By the way, of all my apple trees this is the hardiest, even a hot and arid summer. "

Apple Spartan is perfect for the middle zone of Russia. It rarely undergoes various diseases and brings a tasty and numerous crop.

The main thing is not to forget to take care of a tree and prepare it in time for a meeting of colds.

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