Selecting and installing an antenna to give

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Even on vacation, a person wants to keep abreast of the latest news, getting current information through television. To get a high-quality TV signal, you need an antenna for the dacha, which is suitable for the technical capabilities for a specific locality. Its choice depends on the type of signal transmission and the distance of the TV tower.

Types of antennas

To date, there are several types of antennas that differ in the quality of image transmission and the cost of equipment:

  1. Analog TV. Used to transmit images and sound an electrical signal in a certain range of waves. It is dominant on terrestrial terrestrial channels in Russia. The minimum cost of the antenna is 200-500 rubles. The quality of the transmitted image is average. In adverse weather conditions, the transmitted signal may not be recognized by the equipment. The range of channels is from 4 to 15.
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  2. Satellite television. The TV signal is transmitted to the consumer via an artificial satellite located in the Earth's near-earth orbit. To receive waves requires special equipment, configured for retransmission. The cottages are equipped with dish antennas that support more than a hundred television channels. The signal power is constant and does not depend on the terrain. The minimum cost of equipment: 5000 rubles. It is also necessary to pay an annual fee for a single package of TV channels.
  3. Digital television. Transmitting a television image and sound with a special coded video signal. Installing an airborne DMV antenna and a Set Top Box with a tuner, you can view up to 15-20 channels in good quality. In modern TV models, the supporting format is already installed, you only need to properly tune the antenna. If the television tower, the distributing wave, is far from the suburban area, the signal may be interrupted and disappear. In remote villages located in mountainous or forested areas, digital television does not work.

When choosing an antenna for a TV, it is necessary to take into account the location of the site, the distance a repeater tower and the presence of natural or artificial obstacles for the tele signal - hills, high trees, thick walls.

Indoor or outdoor

The indoor antenna for the dacha is used to cover a small communication radius. It is installed in suburban areas located in close proximity to the repeater. It catches a signal in the suburbs, next to motorways and highways. If the house is located near the power line, the signal may become intermittent, rendering the image less clear.

You can make your own TV-set for a dacha. Aluminum wire is connected to the corresponding connector of the TV and fixed to the ceiling with a thread. Carefully move the antenna, detecting the places where the signal is best received.

The higher the indoor antenna is placed, the better the image will be transmitted to the TV set. Reception of the signal increases near window and door openings.

An outdoor antenna is installed in cottages located from the transponder for more than 10-15 km. It is indispensable in suburban areas located in lowlands, on hilly terrain, surrounded by forests.

Broadband or narrowly focused

Broadband TV antenna for cottages refers to all-wave equipment. A compact device with built-in three broadband lines accepts transmitted signals at all frequencies, broadcasting a quality image and sound. The broadband antenna is bulky and has a long bar.

An all-wave TV antenna with an amplifier requires a special installation in the villa area. Incorrectly attached equipment can transmit a poor-quality image during a bad weather.

A narrowly directional antenna receives a signal only in one range of HMW or MF frequencies. With the help of a cable and a connector, the equipment can be manufactured by hand. The range of channels is 2-6. The image quality depends on the weather conditions and the terrain. Interruption and disappearance of the signal is possible.

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Active or passive

The active equipment is equipped with a built-in signal quality amplifier. The antennas receive more channels, the image does not vanish under adverse weather conditions. The average price of equipment: 300-600 rubles.

An active antenna for the TV is installed on the roof of the villa or on a special pole.

Once in 2-3 years, a board replacement in the amplifier is required due to the oxidation of the contacts and the elements. Otherwise, the number of received channels will decrease, and the image quality will deteriorate. Due to voltage surges during stormy weather, the board may burn out.

The oxidation of contacts can be slowed by filling the new board with silicone on both sides. The place of cable connection is sealed - this will improve the quality of the received signal.

Passive antennas are a design without an amplifier. It must be purchased separately and connected to the antenna in addition. The amplifier is installed in the attic space, attaching to the equipment with a special connector and cable. This simplifies the replacement of the failed board: there is no need to climb the roof and repair equipment.

The number of channels transmitted by the passive antenna is smaller, but the picture and sound quality are higher. Signals are not interrupted during wind and rain.

Passive antenna - the best choice for giving. Separate amplifiers can be tuned to 2 ranges of DMV and MV. If the site is located far from the repeater, then some signals are clogged by stronger waves and do not give a clear image. Occurrence of overlapping of a wave, there are interferences. Individual adjustment of the sensitivity of the range will help to cope with this problem.

In modern models of TVs "LG" and "Samsung" the function "amplification of a weak signal" is provided. In this case, you do not need to connect an amplifier to a passive antenna. When you turn on the mode and set the equipment correctly, the TV will show a minimum of 4-5 channels.

Choosing an antenna for giving

Each owner of a summer residence is concerned with the question of how to choose an antenna for a summer residence. First determine the type of antenna and the manufacturer of the product. This will help you advice from experts, user recommendations and feedback from friends.


Popular manufacturers of television equipment:

  1. Locus. The Russian company exists on the market of television receiving antennas since 1998. A whole line of products for cable and terrestrial television has been created. The manufacturer offers active and passive antennas, amplifiers, receivers and accessories at a reasonable price. The cost of the antenna varies from 500 to 2000 rubles. The assortment is constantly updated and updated.
  2. Harpoon. The company presents passive antennas of Russian production. The equipment takes in the zones of the DMV and MB range. Antennas are recommended for installation in areas with an uncertain wave reception. Price of the product: 1600-2600 rubles.
  3. Delta. The Russian company represents a wide range of narrow-band and broadband antennas. Some models have a built-in F-connector through which the cable is connected. The equipment receives signals at a great distance from the TV tower. The image quality does not depend on the weather conditions.
  4. GoldMaster. A popular producer of television equipment. Antennas are designed for areas of uncertain coverage. The signal remains clear even in adverse weather conditions. Digital antennas for a summer residence are presented. The cost of equipment: 700-2500 rubles.
  5. REMO. The Russian manufacturer of antennas for digital terrestrial television has been operating on the market since 1991. The assortment is represented by television antennas, equipment for transmitting and receiving signals, amplifiers, Internet providers. The company's products are patented, protected from counterfeiting and copying.
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Correctly choose a television antenna for the villa will help the company's specialists or consultants on television equipment. In addition, you can order installation and tuning of the antenna, issue a post-warranty service coupon.

Correct installation of the antenna in the cottage

Before installing the antenna in the country, determine the location of the equipment. In the settlements located far from the repeater, the antenna is fixed on the roof or on a special pole. The equipment is attached to the metal mast by means of special clamps.

For the antenna for a dacha with built-in amplifier and receiver, choose a folding mast. This will facilitate the process of replacing the board, cleaning contacts and repairing equipment.

The antenna can be fixed on a wooden or metal pole with a diameter of 6-9 cm. The mast is fixed to the fixed part of the house or outbuilding. You can attach a pole to a tree or a pillar dug near the dacha.

With a solid finish of the house and roof, the antenna is attached to the pediment of the building. It is not recommended to install the equipment on siding-walled and aerated concrete. This is difficult, and can bring to the deformation of the walls.

To install the construction is best at the highest point of the roof. With the help of metal rings, the mast can be fixed to a pipe, rafters, a ridge. Using special stretches, the antenna is fixed to the roof.

The necessary tool for work:

  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver with nozzles;
  • drill;
  • a hammer;
  • spanners.

The antenna frame in the form of an iron corner is fixed with brackets, bolts or special brackets. First, make small holes for the fasteners. Then insert the anchor bolts in them, see Fig.

A firm fixation of the equipment will provide stretch marks. Cables are attached to the mast, fixing the antenna in a certain position. Stretching will protect the antenna from wind load, improving the quality of the received signal.

When fixing an external TV antenna to the pediment, remember that the distance between the fasteners must be at least, m. Otherwise the structure will be unstable, and in case of windy weather the signal can be interrupted and disappear.

Tips for installing the antenna:

  1. The antenna line must not completely coincide with the power line. This can lead to a short circuit, distortion of sound and image.
  2. When installing the antenna, use a safety line and a secure ladder. Do not fix the antenna on a wet and snow-covered roof.
  3. Set up the equipment in pairs. One person turns the pole with the antenna, the other - fixes the transfer of the image to the TV.

In case of a weak signal, move the mast with the antenna to a more open position. Do not install the equipment near spreading trees.

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If the quality of the air connection is low, consult a competent aerial repairman. It is difficult to detect and repair the malfunction independently. Cables or connectors, an antenna combiner, a plug or a socket may be damaged. The specialist will quickly and accurately repair the malfunction and adjust the equipment.

Fastening the cable to the equipment

Choose a proprietary SAT 50 or SAT 703 cable. The quality of the cable depends on the clarity of the image and sound. Do not purchase wires from dubious suppliers. Before buying, examine the safety certificate, the product must pass the necessary quality control.

During the installation of the antenna, the cable is lowered down the mast, fixing the clamps every 40-70 cm. Having lowered the cable to the level of the roof, it is necessary to stretch it along the ridge and bring it to the bracket, which is fixed near the window opening. Fixing the wire on the bracket, you need to bring the cable into the room, pushing it through the hole in the window frame.

The hole in the window frame is drilled with the inclination up. This prevents rain drops from entering the room.

If the external antenna for the TV is inactive, and the amplifier is installed in the attic space, then the cable from the antenna must be held first to it, and then brought to the TV. When laying the cable, avoid bending and twisting. Do not over tighten the wire with clamps and clamps, this can degrade the picture and sound quality.

Before starting work, lubricate all bolts, nuts and connections of the antenna "Movil" or "Lithol". The treatment increases the life of the antenna and protects the parts from oxidation and rust.

Antenna grounding

Most experts agree that grounding the antenna at the dacha is necessary. This will reduce the electrical voltage to a safe level and protect equipment from fire when a lightning strike occurs. The collectors are connected to grounding devices, and the lightning bolt is redirected to the ground.

On grounded equipment, the amount of interference is reduced, the image and sound become better.

Grounding options:

  1. An antenna drop plug is inserted into the jack. The wire is soldered to the socket, connecting to the ground.
  2. A two-wire cord is soldered to the vein and sheath of the drop wire. Cord veins are released from insulation, soldered and connected to a ground wire.

Grounding can be traditional and internal. With conventional grounding, lightning receivers and current collectors are installed. Internal grounding provides for the work on the protection of electrical wiring in the cottage.

The opponents of grounding are appealing by the fact that all lightning discharges appearing in the vicinity will fall into the antenna. This is fraught with the combustion of the board and amplifier, which will need to be replaced. If the antenna is below the power line, there is no need to ground it. Lightning always hits the highest grounded point.

Each summer resident is wondering what kind of antenna to buy at the dacha. Today, the market offers a wide range of equipment, differing according to the principle of action, capacity, size, weight and cost. The choice of the antenna should be based on the terrain and terrain remoteness. With the right selection and installation of equipment, the TV will please the truckers with a quality image and sound in any weather.

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