Favorite dish of Asian people - soup with cherry plum and lamb

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In the East, spring is met with a large culinary scale. In the arsenal of each cook a special place is taken by soup with cherry plum and lamb, which is so perfectly combined with a fragrant cilantro. In the preparation of this dish there is nothing special. Still need to learn some secrets of Azerbaijani, Armenian and Georgian cuisine. After all, lamb is their proprietary ingredient.

From European oriental soups are distinguished by their rich and thick consistency. Therefore, for one serving of the dish you need only 1, a glass of water.

Lamb cooking technology

Because of the peculiar smell, many Europeans do not really like the meat of these animals. But unlike pork, lamb is more nutritious and does not cause allergies. The peculiarity of this soup is that you first need to boil lamb separately, and then introduce the rest of the ingredients. This is one of the reasons why cooking can take about 4 hours. And here's the first version of meat processing:

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  • it is necessary to select a beautiful sheep's breast, scapula, fillet, neck, leg or rib (1 kg or 500 g);
  • Separate the film and tendons;
  • rinse carcass under running water;
  • cut into small pieces. If you choose a loin on a bone, then you should clean it properly;
  • pour a liter of cold water and put the pan on a strong fire;
  • as soon as the foam begins to form, it is important to carefully remove it, which is done until the broth becomes transparent;
  • simmer on low heat for 2-3 hours;
  • last 15 minutes boil the broth with bay leaf and onion, in the end to salt and pepper;
  • select pieces of meat, and the broth to drain into a new saucepan.
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The second technique is roasting lamb. This technology is needed to give the dishes a special taste.First of all, the frying pan should be thoroughly heated. It is advisable to choose deep dishes, because then it is suitable for frying the temperature. Then throw a decent slice of butter.In the process of frying abundantly water the meat with olive / sunflower oil.

That in soup with cherry plum and mutton felt a contrast of tastes, many recommend in ghee add spices. For example, finely chop the garlic.When it is fried, it should be discarded and only then put the fillet. Lamb should have a rich burgundy shade. With fried pieces, then broth is prepared according to the already familiar technology.

Experts do not advise frying the leg, neck or shoulder blade, because in these parts many concentrated tissues are tight. They can only soften with prolonged extinguishing. But the fillet, the knot and the tenderloin are an ideal option for this.

Some differences in recipes

In each Oriental nationality the set of ingredients is different. Some make it on the basis of rice, and others - peas chickpeas, pre-soaking it for 10-12 hours. Everything depends on the name of the soup with cherry plum and mutton in this or that area. A separately taken culture offers its interpretation of this dish.

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Azerbaijani recipe - piti

In Azerbaijan, soup with lamb is known as piti or putoc. This thick soup is prepared in small pots. To cook a rich man, the hostess needs:

  1. At the bottom of the dishes put meat, chopped onions, dried plum, as well as fat (Kurdyuk). All this pour cold water.
  2. After boiling the broth, you need to collect the foam and add a little brew. Tumble on low heat for about 3 hours.
  3. At the end of time, fall asleep chickpeas. Let a little piss out, and then you can put the potatoes.
  4. After 20 minutes, season with salt, pepper and saffron infusion (for 250 ml, 1 gram of spices is necessary, the infusion time is 90 minutes).
  5. Serve the soup in a hot dish on a wide plate. From above, you must sprinkle with finely chopped mint.

If you cook several servings at the same time, then the soup recipe with cherry plum and mutton is slightly modified. Separately, cooked meat, after which the broth is filtered into a new container and brought to a boil. Then potatoes and carrots are added, and after ten minutes half-cooked rice (70 g). Onions, as well as pitted alech (100 g), pass in a small amount of butter and together with slices of lamb are added to the broth. Bring the mixture to a boil, while removing the foam, and then pour into plates. This soup is seasoned with finely chopped cilantro.

Meat can be cut into portions in raw or cooked form.

The offer from Georgia - kharcho

In Georgian cuisine this dish is called as soup kharcho. According to the principle of cooking, it is somewhat similar to chakapuli. It is clear that lamb - all the head, but often it is replaced with beef. The only difference is the fact that in the prepared broth add a few grated nuts (walnuts), as well as puree, prepared from dried plum.All these ingredients are introduced into the brew 15 minutes before the readiness. Fresh parsley and fragrant basil will give the dish a bright fresh aroma.

Rice should be added 20 minutes before readiness. It can also be boiled in advance.

The versatility of Armenian cuisine - bozbash

The Armenian version of the soup with cherry plum and lamb is bozbash. It combines amazingly fruits and vegetables along with fragrant meat.Peas, carrots, potatoes, lamb chop and onions are complemented:

  • tomatoes;
  • chestnuts;
  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • apples;
  • a quince.
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In the end, everything is filled with wine vinegar, pomegranate or lemon juice. These components not only remove the unpleasant odor, but also saturate the dish with an acidic aftertaste.Cilantro and curly parsley will make an excellent company such a delicious dish.

Serve these soups with dry wine and toasted bread. When serving the table, it is important not to forget to put a spoon, fork and knife.

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