How to plant cherry seedlings in autumn?


Relative winter hardiness, drought resistance and unpretentiousness of cherriesmake its cultivation available to any gardener.

But, appeared relatively recently fungal diseases coccomicosis and moniliasis, made this process somewhat problematic.

Increase the resistance of cherries to diseases and natural disasters can already be in time for planting, but to prevent possible problems with the help of agricultural technology of culture.


Table of contents

  • Benefits of autumn cherry planting
  • When to plant a cherry in autumn: choosing the right time and a good seedling
  • Where can I plant a tree: the choice and preparation of the site
  • Shaping pit formation, soil preparation
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Planting a Seedling
  • Nursing in spring and summer, preparing for winter

Benefits of autumn cherry planting

There is definitely no established opinion about the season of planting a cherry. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages. Regardless of the recommendationsit is important to focus on the regional climate and varietal characteristics of cherries.

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When planting in the spring, the seedling can be affected by recurrent frosts, arid winds and sudden changes in daytime and nighttime air temperatures. In addition, in the spring, the period of rest necessary for rooting the tree is much less than in the autumn.

When planting in autumnThe influence of unfavorable factors for the rooting of the seedling is minimized.

After the planting of cherries until the middle of October, a period with a stable temperature of + 10 ° С- + 15 ° С will follow and the seedling will have time to acclimatise before the first frost.

In addition, a long period of rest promotes the healing of wounds received during the transplant.

Seedlings of autumn planting outstrip the development of trees planted in spring, for 20 days. This is achieved through the development of the root system in autumn, when the buds of the tree are at rest. And therefore in the spring, cherry immediately begins to build up the vegetative mass.

All nurseries dig out seedlings for sale in the fall. Planting material, which is sold in the spring, is stored in special conditions throughout the winter.

The storage process, even with observance of all rules, is already a violation of the natural development of the seedling. In this case, the roots or internal structures may be damaged, which is difficult to determine by external features.

In autumn it is possible to purchase a seedling with a fresh root system, on which you can determine the health of the tree. A large amount of seedlings for implementation affects the pricing, and therefore planting material in autumn is cheaper, and the choice of varieties is more.

Seedlings of autumn planting outstrip the development of trees planted in spring for 20 days

Autumn planting is relatively simpleand saves gardener's time. It does not involve additional work, except for the correct planting and sheltering of the seedling for winter.

Regular rains will provide the tree with the necessary moisture, and it will develop the root system until the temperature of the soil drops to -4 ° C. This is a significant time saving in spring during the peak of garden work.

There are cherry trees and flaws in the autumn planting. This possible frosting of the root system and the aerial part under conditions of a strong lowering of the air temperature in winter. Damage to icing, squally winds or heavy snowfall is also possible.

There is a risk of damage to the seedling by rodents. All these factors need to be taken into account when planting and minimize the possibility of each problem appearing


When to plant a cherry in autumn: choosing the right time and a good seedling

Despite the generally accepted recommendations on the timing of planting cherries,You need to focus on the average temperature of your region.

An important criterion is planting 15-20 days before the first frost. Otherwise, with periodic freezing and thawing of the soil, the roots of the cherry will be severely damaged and will not be able to solidify.

Articles that may be of interest to you:

  • Benefit and harm of cherries for the human body.
  • Planting and caring for a felt cherry.
  • Detailed description of Cherry Cherry varieties.

Approximate dates of planting:

  • in the middle belt and the Moscow suburbs, cherries are planted after the fall of the fall until the middle of October;
  • in the southern regions, planting begins in early October and continues until mid-November;
  • in the northern regions and in the Urals, cherries are planted only in the spring.

You also need to consider the cherry variety, if the tree is characterized by poor frost resistance, planting is better to postpone until the spring.

You should not plant seedlings, if the optimal time is missed, they need to be stored correctly until the spring. For this, a trench is formed. It has seedlings at an angle of 30 °, the roots and root neck are sprinkled with soil, the branches are bent to the ground and fixed with boards.

Most varieties of culture are self-fruitful, sofor a full fruiting tree you need to purchase at least three seedlings of different varieties.

In addition, the practice has proved that with the combined planting of self-fruit varieties of cherries, the yield is increased several times.

Most varieties of cherries are self-fruitful, for a full fruiting tree you need to purchase three seedlings of different varieties

Quality indicators of seedlings:

  • one-year (70-80 cm), two-year (110-120 cm);
  • the developed furry root system is not less than 25 cm;
  • Aging wood with no damage.

The growth of seedlings is too highabout the overfeeding of the plant by nitrogen, which greatly reduces winter hardiness. Planting such plants before winter is likely to lead to the death of the tree.

Saplings can be implemented inoculated or proprietary. The grafted cherry is distinguished by an earlier introduction into fruiting.


In the root trees, the best indicators of winter hardiness and a wider reproduction potential.


Where can I plant a tree: the choice and preparation of the site

Adults cherry very badly tolerate transplant. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a site for growing a fruit tree taking into account the life expectancy.

With due care and favorable conditionsbush cherry lives up to 18 years, tree-like up to 25 years.

The ideal place for a cherry is a well-lit upland or a gentle slope facing south or south-west. It is necessary to protect the site from cold winds and drafts.

Cherry grows well on loam and sandy loamwith a neutral alkaline reaction. It is important to take into account the occurrence of groundwater, it should be no higher than a meter.

Sour soil on a peat basis for fruit tree is not suitable. Therefore, the replacement of the upper layer by at least 20 cm is required.

The roots of cherries do not compete well with weeds, therefore to dig a site it is necessary some times, carefully removing the rests of other plants.

Before planting cherries you need to dig a site several times, make fertilizer superphosphate, compost or manure

Whereinat a rate of 1 m2 in the ground need to make:

  • compost or manure 8-10 kg;
  • superphosphate 60 g;
  • potassium chloride 30 g.

When landing in the lowlands, where the stagnation of moisture and cold air is constantly formed, or the tree develops badly on the areas constantly blown by winds.

Cherry suffers from bark and root neck, the freezing of floral ovaries, gumming and desiccation of branches. This creates a favorable environment for the formation of dangerous diseases, so you need to look after the cherry.


Shaping pit formation, soil preparation

Planting pits are prepared in advance, at least 15 days in advance. Recommended layout for the bush type 2x2, for the tree, x,. The optimum size of the pit is 50x50x50.

Also in advance it is necessaryprepare the soil for filling the pit. To do this, use the top layer of soil, postponed after digging the pit. It is mixed with nutrients:

  • humus 1 bucket;
  • potassium sulphate (30 g);
  • superphosphate 200 g.

Heavy soil is structured by adding 2 buckets of river sand. At the bottom of the pit lay a drainage layer of expanded clay and fill up 1/3 of the pit with prepared soil, tighten well.

During the planting of fruit trees, the use of nitrogen fertilizers is excluded. Mineral poorly affects plant survival.

AlsoIt should be remembered that nitrogen is found in large quantities in chicken litter and pig manure.


Step-by-Step Guide to Planting a Seedling

Before planting,once again inspect the seedling, prune all the damaged parts of the roots to a healthy tissue. All leaves which will promote evaporation of a moisture are removed.

If the roots are heavily dried, then they must be lowered into the cold water for 12 hours to the root neck. In some cases, the stem of the seedlings also dries up, in this case it will need to be immersed in water by 1/3.

Significantly increases the survival of seedlingsRoot immersion in a solution of heteroauxin- an organic growth stimulant.

Step-by-step guide and landing stages:

  • installation of a stake (2 m) on the north side of the pit;
  • formation of a mound of prepared soil mixture;
  • uniform distribution of the roots of the cherry on the surface of the mound;
  • backfilling of roots and compaction of the surface of the near-trunk circle;
  • watering 2-3 buckets of warm water.
Before planting, inspect the roots; pour the seedling so that the root neck remains 3 to 5 cm above the ground surface

Root neckshould remain 3 to 5 cm above the ground surface. Over time, shrinkage will occur, and it will equal the soil. If, after irrigation and shrinkage, the root neck is still not at the desired level, it needs to be corrected.

This indicator applies to bush varieties, despite the name, they are planted in the same way as tree cherry.

Cherry planting:


Nursing in spring and summer, preparing for winter

If there are no regular precipitation in the summer,around the tree you need to make a hole for watering, and with the advent of frosts to fall asleep, otherwise the water will stagnate there.

Until the cold snapPristrugny circle of the seedlings must be covered with peat or sawdustlayer of 10-15 cm and a seedlings seeding on a height of 30 cm.

The branches of the tree are tightly tied to the cola with soft material.The trunk is tied with a warm breathable material, a garden net is laid on top and covered with a dense layer of lapnika.

To scare off rodents will help a mixture of mullein and clay 1: 1, which has a sharp enough and unpleasant odor. To do this, apply a thin layer of the mixture to the cherry tree.

In the spring, it is necessary to carry out the unloading and preventive treatmentsfrom bacterial and fungal infections. Before waking up the kidneys, it is necessary to trim the conductor and each branch by 1/3. This is done to regulate the ratio of roots to the above-ground part, which is disturbed during the digging of the seedling.

With this approach to planting in the open groundcherry has a resistance to disease in advance, and with regular preventive measures, there are practically no chances of infection.

Thus, the basis of stable fruiting and abundant harvest and durability of the fruit tree is the correct planting in the cottage and the survival of the seedling.

thereforeThis event should be taken particularly carefully, in advance planning each stage.

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