How to feed cherries in autumn so that there is a good harvest


Cherry and sweet cherry is not accidentally one of the favorite crops of gardeners: admires the beautiful flowering in the spring, remarkable flavoring qualities of berries and products of their processing, and their use helps to strengthen organism. In order to have a good harvest in the summer, it is necessary to feed trees in autumn.

In addition to pruning and care, autumn feeding is included in the complex of activities for preparing cherry bushes and trees for successful wintering and laying a new crop. Let us dwell in more detail on each of them.


Table of contents

  • How to feed cherries in autumn so that there is a good harvest
    • Root feeding
      • Organic Fertilizers
      • Mineral
    • Thoracic
      • Spraying
    • Folk remedies
  • Final Activities

How to feed cherries in autumn so that there is a good harvest

Of all the autumn activities for obtaining rich harvests, it is given the leading place. Since the cherry tree grows on a permanent place for many years, but for decades, the amount of nutrients in the soil decreases andcan not be restored by natural means.

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During the growing season, she actively absorbed organic and mineral substances from the soil. In addition, these substances are partially destroyed with time, and partly taken out of the soil during irrigation and precipitation. Therefore, in order for the cherry to bear fruit well for many years, an autumn top dressing is necessary.

Duration of feeding is dictatedclimatic and weather conditionsterrain. You need to spend it in the middle of autumn, tk. cherry early falls into winter hibernation, and in the spring blooms one of the first, releasing flowers before leaves.

It is important to dress it before the cherry falls into hibernation

In the area with a short fall and early frosts, they finish feedingIn the end of August. In areas that are characterized by a long and warm autumn, supplement feedinguntil the end of September. In regions with moderate climatic conditions, it is possible to fertilizeduring Septemberand ends on the 21st - 25th.

During the first two years of life plants do not carry out additional fertilization.

Well, if before the introduction of fertilizing was conducted a laboratory analysis of garden soil.

Root feeding

This kind of feeding is organic and mineral fertilizers. From organic, you can use any fertilizer - compost, humus, poultry litter. Add fertilizingonly under the root, while it shouldcombine with watering.

Organic Fertilizers

These fertilizers are made after reaching the cherry tree of 4 years of age.

  1. Chicken litteris one of the popular and inexpensive fertilizers, but because of the significant fat content with the wrong dosage can burn the roots of the plant. For the correct preparation of the solution, take a ten-liter bucket from 1 to 1 kg of litter, pour 4 - 5 liters of water, give 2 days ferment, then top up the bucket and mix thoroughly.
  2. Further on the popularity followedcompost, and also dung (for at least 2 - 3 years) manure, which is introduced every 3 years per 1 sq. km. m trunk circle 1 bucket. Manure should not be diluted with water, otherwise it turns into an ammonia mixture. When using compost for trees under 7 years of age, it is necessary to add to the tree trunk, 2 kg / sq. M. m, for older trees - 3 kg / sq. m. m.
A solution of chicken manure is a popular root top dressing


From mineral fertilizers complex phosphorus and potassium top dressings are used. For trees under 11 years of age, 300 gramssuperphosphateand 180 gpotassium chloridein the barrel circle. For more mature trees, their number increases, respectively, by a factor of.

Dosage: superphosphate 2 tbsp. l. and potassium chloride 1 tbsp. l. per sq. m. meter of the tree-trunk for young trees, for fruit bearingincrease the norm by a factor of.


When using liquid dressings, a solution is prepared from the ratio: superphosphate 3 tbsp. l. and potassium sulfate 2 tbsp. l. on a bucket of water. At least 15 liters are poured under adult trees and 8 liters - under young bushes.

In rainy and cold years, the need for potassium increases. Therefore, in such weather, to compensate for its lack in the soil, the introduction of potassium drugs is increased, appliedpotassium sulphate. Some gardeners switch to long-term nutrients used in the West (for example, APION-100).

Apion 100 - top dressing
Strictly should be excluded nitrogen, t. nitrogen will promote growth processes in the fall, which will reduce the winter hardiness of cherries.

It is permissible to use balanced fertilizers, for example nitro-ammophosco, consisting of 4 components: sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen (in small amounts). If the horticulturist negatively concerns the use of mineral fertilizers, it is possible to introduce wood ash - about 2 kg / sq. M. m.


Since they consist in spraying foliage, and the cherry leaves for winter drop,in the fall they are not used. They are held during the flowering of cherries, as well as after the fall of flowers and ovaries.


Sprayingtrunksis performed to compensate for iron deficiency. Applicableinkstonein the form of an emulsion (3 tbsp. l. on a bucket of water) orBordeaux liquid. This procedure is carried out with the onset of the first frost.

Spraying cherry trunks

Folk remedies

  1. Thickeggshell, containing calcium, which requires stone fruit. Cherry grows poorly on acidic soils, and lime contained in the shell reduces the acidity of the soil. Make from 1 to 2 tbsp. l. per square meter when digging.
  2. Sawdust- loosen the soil, pass air well and absorb water. Used as mulch.
  3. Yeast- Introduce into the heated soil during irrigation.
  4. Shoddy- Waste of textile production, are closed in the autumn from the calculation of 6 kg / sq. M. m.
The surplus of fertilizers increases the sap flow, which leads to a decrease in the frost resistance of the plant.

After fertilization, the near-bar is neededcompostlayer thickness of about 10 cm, and best of all a thick, well-compacted layer of snow, covered with straw or sawdust on top.

Cherry, like other stone fruit crops, often pits back the cortex in the region of the root neck, which can lead to the death of the plant. To avoid this, you need several times during the wintercompact the snow around the bale.


Final Activities

To protect the bark from sunburn, the cherry trunks are wrapped

To protect the bark from sunburns in the coming spring, trunkswrapped with breathable materials: white paper, non-woven material or bleached with a solution of lime, in which for strength add glue or flour paste.

To prepare the solution, takeslaked lime2 kg per bucket of water and addclays3 kg andmullein, kg. The solution is filtered and the tree is whitened from all sides, especially carefully - on the south side.

If you follow all of the above, you can prepare a cherry well for the winter season, and it will thank you for the next year with a plentiful harvest.

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