Detailed description of the variety of apples Candy


The most loved fruit is an apple, considered the most revered of all fruits. This source is not only a vitamin, but also a huge fragrant pleasure when it is eaten by both children and adults.

Apple tree "Candy"- the best early variety for taste qualities among all varieties. The name "candy" was received because of the delicate aroma of honey-candy taste.


Table of contents

  • Description of a variety of apples Candy
    • History of breeding
  • Characteristics of trees and fruits
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Region of growth
  • Rules for planting seedlings
  • Caring for trees
  • How correctly to cut off?
  • Diseases and pests of apple trees

Description of a variety of apples Candy

Follower of the great and famous biologist Michurin, a well-known biologist, breeder, head of selection of fruit cropsS.I. Isayev - is the founder of this unique variety.

The earliest fruits can be obtained in two years on a weakly grown rootstock. On medium-sowing root fruiting comes on 3 to 5 year of tree growth.

The fruit ripens in the first days of August. With constantly warm sunny weather, fruiting is possible at the end of July. Fruiting becomes periodic with trees.
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It grows in temperate continental climate. Well tolerates cold climate and low temperatures, has high rates of winter hardiness and frost resistance.

Affected by severe frost, trees are easily restored, continuing to grow and bear fruit.

The apple tree of the Candy variety has a high yield

This unique variety has a high yield: with a 5-year-old tree, you can collect up to 50 kg of apples, and from a more adult 10-year-old - up to 100 kg of fruit. At the same time the yield is constant every year at the end of summer.

A plentiful, stable crop can be reached on moist and fertile soils, with good drainage. The apple tree "Candy" brings the harvest even in darkened places.

Apple trees need help in pollinating varieties, since it is a self-fertile variety. As pollinators, such varieties can be: "Golden China "Red Earlier "Orlovim".

Variety "Candy" is not recommended for industrial cultivationbecause of the difficult formation of the crown of trees and poor transportation of fruits.

Apple tree, sort of Candy:

History of breeding

Apple tree "Candy" was bred in the 40-ies of the last centuryin the All-Russian Institute of Horticulture named after I.V. Michurin, in the city of Michurinsk.

"Candy"was obtained by crossing famous Russian varieties: "Papirovka" and "Korobovka". In Russia, state trials began in 1971.

In the whole world there is practically no analog of this sort.


Characteristics of trees and fruits

Apple tree - a powerful, high and fast-growing. In the first three years, the height reaches up to 3 meters, then there is a slow growth, not exceeding 5 meters.

At the youngest age it contains a narrow-shaped crown and branches that are located at the acute angle from the trunk. In a more mature tree, the crown is sprawling, broad-pyramidal and densely branchy.

The leaves are large and medium in size, leathery and durable, dark green color. Contains a small inflorescence and pink flowers with white filling.

Fruits have a rounded shape and a small size. Characterized by a small ribbed surface. On mature fruit there is a weak wax coating. Weight ranges from an average weight of 80 to 100 grams, to a larger one - 150 grams.

Covering throughout the fetus has a blush of dark pink color with strokes of a red hue. Contains a large number of white subcutaneous points.

Flesh has a cream tint, perfect juicinessand a wonderful honey-candy taste.

During harvest, the fruits of the apple tree Candy can not be shaken off from the branches

Funnel of fruit is wide, but not deep. The heart is shaped like a heart with brown seeds of small size. The pedicel of the apple is of medium length, its broad part is located to the junction with the branch.

Fruit storage is provided for 3-4 weeks. During harvesting, the fruits can not be shaken off from the branches.


Advantages and disadvantages


  • beautiful sweet taste and juiciness of apples;
  • intensively colored skin of fruits, due to the large content of anthocyanins;
  • because of the high level of biological energy - there are no analogues in the whole world;
  • increased energy value, able to extinguish the foci of inflammatory diseases in the human body;
  • branches of trees keep the weight of a huge number of fruits well, without breaking down;
  • there is no fruit carrion;
  • presence of antioxidant properties;
  • resistance to major infections;
  • possession of high winter hardiness and frost resistance;
  • fast, excellent and periodic fruiting;
  • there is no sensation of fruit acid.


  • weak resistance against scab;
  • short duration of fruit storage;
  • poor transport intolerance;
  • The heavily thickened crown of trees requires periodic careful circumcision.

Region of growth

The apple tree variety "Candy" grows mainly in the European part of our country, as well as in Belarus and Ukraine, where this variety is highly valued in amateur gardening, because of its unpretentious care.

In regions with a cold climate and low temperatures - Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk. In the central part of Russia, the cultivation of the variety takes place in the northern part of the Moscow region.

The apple tree "Candy" grows mainly in the European part of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

Rules for planting seedlings

Saplings "Candy" can be planted in the groundin the spring and autumn periods. Warm days create optimal conditions for habituation and strengthening of roots.

The main condition in the process of planting is the mobile level of groundwater occurrence. Constant lifting and not lowering of water, destroying the roots of trees, leads to their death.

You should not plant seedlings in places:

  • sandy dry;
  • dense clay;
  • wetlands;
  • near groundwater;
  • near limestone crushed stone and slabs.

Fall trees in autumnshould be before their active growth.

The best soils for seedlings are:

  • sod-weakly podzolic;
  • sod-carbonate;
  • light loamy.

Prepared in advance a pit for seedlings, with the introduction of fertilizers, at a rate of 1 square. m required:

  • for clay soil: sawdust, sand, lime, humus, mineral fertilizers;
  • for sandy soil: peat, superphosphate, clay, potassium, lime;
  • for peat soil: superphosphate, lime, potassium sulfate, manure, phosphorite flour.

Cooking pit follows six months before disembarkation, it is necessary to dig up the soil with fertilizers up to half a meter.

The place under the planting is protected from the cold wind by artificial buildings, it is possible to take a fence, or natural - a forest, uplands.

A few days before plantingit is necessary to dig up the earth and thoroughly shed it. At the same time, we need to get rid of the weeds by completely ripping out their roots.

Apple seedlings of the "Candy" variety can be planted in the soil in the spring and autumn periods

Soaking the seedlings in water up to a daycontributes to the restoration of moisture. Broken roots should be cut with a pruner or sharp knife.

The choice of seedlings is determined by the following criteria:

  • healthy bark;
  • presence on the crown of 5 - 4 branches;
  • presence of inoculation in 6 cm from the root;
  • set of roots;
  • height m.

Seedling sequence:

  1. Distances between trees should be at least 2 m.
  2. The depth and diameter of the pit is:with good soil- 60 cm;at junk land- 70 cm, with a diameter of up to 100 cm.
  3. Mix with fertilizers: organic - 1 bucket of humus; mineral - 200 g superphosphate, 300 g of wood ash.
  4. A prepared mixture of two-thirds fill the pit. The root neck should be 5 cm above the soil, otherwise there will be a process of decay and the death of the seedling.
  5. Roots should be distributed exactly along the bottom of the pit.
  6. To strengthen the seedlings for stability by pegs.
  7. Make a hole and make watering, about 2 buckets per seedling. This provides the apple trees with the habitability and protects them from freezing.
  8. Refrain the well with a layer of up to 5 cm. This facilitates access to oxygen, moisture and crust on the surface.
  9. Tie the trunks of seedlings with cloth or sift-proof, from sun, frost and rodent burns.
Categorically it is not recommended to whiten the tree - lime burns the young bark, preventing growth.

Caring for trees

Care of seedlings in the first 2-3 yearsconsists in the removal of weeds and constant watering. In summer it is necessary to water once a month, using 3 buckets of water.

In the autumn, on warm days, water should be poured once every 3 days for 10 liters per tree. It is possible to keep brood circles of seedlings under black steam. During the summer, the planting of siderates promotes the decomposition of the leaf mass.

Fruit-bearing apples require watering according to their age: (1 year - 1 bucket).

Fruit-bearing trees need watering:

  • until the moment of bud blossoming;
  • 3 weeks after flowering of trees;
  • 3 weeks before harvest;
  • after harvest, during leaf fall.

Watering apples during harvesting is undesirable.

Watering apples of sort Candy during collection of fruits is undesirable

From rodents, after 5 years, apple trees should be tied with reeds, parchment or lapnikom. With the onset of frosts, the near-trunks are mulched with the help of manure. In warmer localities, they make a 15 cm hill.

In the early spring period, the seedlings are fed as follows:

  • April- Urea - 2 tbsp. spoons for 10 liters of water;
  • May June- foliar top dressing - liquid solution "Ideal" or "Humate of sodium" - 1 tbsp. is false for 1 bucket of water;
  • September- root fertilizing - superphosphate - 2 tbsp. spoons for 1 bucket of water.
Top dressing with fertilizers containing nitrogen should be finished before mid-July, in order to avoid ripening the branches until frost.

For a season fruit-bearing trees are fed with fertilizers 4 times:

  1. April - 500 g of urea.
  2. After watering, the time of flowering is insisted in 20 liters of water:
    • potassium sulfate - 80 g;
    • superphosphate liquid - 100 g;
    • urea - 50 g.
  3. After fading, dissolve in 20 liters of water:
    • dry "Sodium Humate" - 2 g;
    • solution nitrofoski - 100 g.
  4. After harvesting, bring under each tree:
    • potassium sulphate - 300 g;
    • superphosphate - 300 g;
    • humus - 1 bucket.

How correctly to cut off?

Pruning qualitatively affects the productivity of the variety, helps maintain the shape of the tree crown. The process of pruning is carried out in the spring before flowering, and in autumn, after harvesting the entire crop.

The crown of trees is also thinned, because of its spreading form. These procedures must necessarily be done, otherwise trees can die.

Summer pruning of apples "Candy" is not recommendeddue to the intensive circulation of internal tree juices.

The apple tree of the Candy variety needs cutting

Pruning should be done for branches:

  • growing inside the tree;
  • directed parallel to another growing branch;
  • which is at an acute angle;
  • contiguous or intertwined;
  • thickening the crown of a tree;
  • small twigs;
  • cracked or broken.

Young seedlings are cut after planting. The top of the trunk is cut with a secateur, and young buds are left below. This will help the trees grow in the future.

The branches are easily cut off by a secateur, and the stronger can be cut with a saw.

Diseases and pests of apple trees

The variety is resistant mainly to all diseases, in addition to scab. Effective ways are: removing the bark from old trees, whitewashing trunks for the winter.

Control measures against pests - sprayingthrough:

  • 3% chloride solution or Bordeaux liquid, until the bud blossoms;
  • "Raek" preparation - 2 ml per 10 l of water, up to 4 treatments;
  • the drug "Skor" - 2 ml per 10 liters of water, per tree from 2 liters to 5 liters of solution;
  • the preparation "Olekprit" - 400 grams per 10 liters of water, in the spring to eliminate the medina, aphids, mites and scab;
  • the preparation "Carbofos" - 60 grams per 8 liters of water, from pests of leaves.

Also, apple trees are attacked by pests: mice and rabbits.In the fight against rodentsThe trunk and the lower branches are tied with a fir grove.

Kind of apple tree "Candy" - unpretentious popular plantin gardeners. The minimum costs of growing such a beautiful tree, will be awarded with magic apples with a tempting taste.

Such a wonderful variety must grow in the garden of every connoisseur of apples.

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