Full description of the variety of apples Bogatyr


Virtually in any garden you can find apple trees of different varieties. In the CIS countries, the cultivation of these trees is very common.

Quality care and good varieties, each year bring an excellent harvest of these beautiful fruits.

In this article, welet's talk about Bogatyr, consider the history of breeding, the rules for planting and caring for a tree, and also talk about the disease of the tree.


Table of contents

  • Description of the brand Bogatyr
    • History of selection of apple trees
    • Characteristics of wood and fruit
  • The maturation period of apples, when to collect, store
  • Rules for planting trees
  • Features of care
  • Diseases and pests

Description of the brand Bogatyr

History of selection of apple trees

This variety was obtained by one of the Soviet scientists Semen Fedorovich Chernenko, he was a breeder and fruit grower. The variety was personally approved by V.M. Michurin.

At the given moment Bogatyr grows and thrives in almost every corner of Russia, those who once planted this tree fall in love with him forever.

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They created it as a late-winter variety, so ripe apples, gaining flavor almost until the end of spring. Bogatyr is the most productive of the late-winter varieties.

Derived variety when crossing the variety of Antonovka and Renet Landsberg, it was the latter that gave the apple a huge size and a wonderful taste.

Characteristics of wood and fruit

This variety grows quite high, up to 5 meters, more or less thick branches are fixed with the trunk, the color of the bark is olive. Almost does not grow twigs in the inner part of the crown, it is practically naked.

The shape of the leaves is oval, jagged along the edges, and they are lowered at the bottom. Attached to branches reddish petioles.

Pinkish white flowers, a little less than usual. Anthers are about 2 cm below the stigmas.

To taste, apples Bogatyr sweet and sour, with a chic flavor

The formation of fruits occurs on the rings more often than on the twigs of the crown. On such fruit trees it is possible to form several apples, but not more than 3.

They have a rounded shape, they become a narrower cone to the calyx.Large enough smooth apples, light green colorwhen removed, but when stored, the color changes to yellow.

From the south side on themin sunny time there is a blush of red color. To taste, apples are sweet and sour, with a chic flavor, unlike Antonovka, they are more sweet.


  • early fruiting;
  • stable good harvest;
  • perfectly tolerate transportation;
  • good marketability;
  • excellent taste qualities;
  • good resistance to scab;
  • winter hardy.

disadvantages: the color when harvesting ripe apples is greenish.


The maturation period of apples, when to collect, store

Usually apples hang on fruit trees until the harvest.The maturity for collection comes around the beginning of October, but too early they are advised not to collect, because with long storage they will cringe.

Apples mature for the consumer around the end of December, at the same time Antonovka does not have any of its qualities, they are loosened and darken.

If the Reaper is removed in time, they can be stored all spring, and even more, while not losing any flavor or crunch.

The roughness of apples is estimated at almost 90%, of which 60% is of the highest grade. The average weight of apples is 160 g, maximum 390 g.

The variety begins to bear fruit after budding for 7 years, after planting in gardens for 4 years.Harvest will be pretty good when the tree is about 9 years old, in flesh up to 50 kg, and from older 15-year-old trees it is possible to receive up to 80 kg.

The harvest is going on annually, unlike Antonovka, although its weight may decrease.

Apples of Bogatyr variety are harvested in October-December

Rules for planting trees

You can plant an apple tree in both autumn and spring, it is better to do this before the onset of cold weather. In fact, planting a tree is not difficult, but for a quality landing, you need to consider some aspects.

For a good growth of the seedling, so that nothing could stop him,you need a place on a hill. If nearby groundwater or the site can flood, it is better not to plant trees at all.

For the seedling, you need to dig a large pit. Its depth should be about 80 cm, the width of the hole is 1 m. Do not forget that the variety is very tall and spreading, trees should be planted at a sufficient distance from each other.

While seedlings will grow, the distance between them can be used for any purpose. For example, to grow vegetables, but you can not plant sunflowers or corn, as they will absorb all the useful substances.

In cases where the soil poorly passes oxygen,it is recommended to add peat, humus and sand to it. Such a fertilizer will improve the patency of oxygen, the roots will breathe well, and there will also be no moisture stagnation.

In the spring, when the tree has already dissolved the leaves, it is necessary to spray it from pests with an insecticide, which is suitable for apple trees. The well for the seedlings should be dug in advance and covered with compost, humus and sand.


Features of care

Quality care for the cultivar Bogatyr is divided into stages. Each of them needs a special approach and special procedures.

In the year of planting, about 80% of the flowers should be torn off. This helps the tree to get better. Later it will be necessary to cut off half of the crop, when the fruits have just begun to mature to 2 centimeters in diameter.

Such actions are called normalization. Now, when forming the crop, your fruits will be much larger and tastier, besides this, the tree is so much easier to prepare for the winter.

To water a tree it is necessary 4 times a month, on type: one bucket on one tree two times a day

To water a tree it is necessary 4 times a month, on type: one bucket on one tree two times a day. Watering is especially important at the end of summer, when the tree is bearing fruit, and lays almost, which will form the next crop.

Irrigation should be monitored, paying attention to weather conditions.To finish watering we advise in August, otherwise the shoots grow too much, and the tree will be more difficult to survive the winter.

Of course,apple-tree frost-resistant culture, but to help the tree to survive the winter, it is possible to mulch with the horse's humus the near-barren circle.

How to trim apple trees? Quality cropping regulates the yield, the size of the fruit, and also helps to rid the tree of various diseases:

  1. If you plant a branch of a young seedling, you need to trim the third part. This will speed up the laying of the crown.
  2. You need to trim the trees every year in the beginning of spring before the buds are dissolved.
  3. If you completely cut the branch, you need to do this at the bottom so that the hemp does not remain.
  4. It is necessary to clean branches with fruits, which get to the ground and lie on it.
  5. In order to increase the yield, you need to thin the apple trees every year.
  6. Of the new shoots, only the most direct and strong ones should be left, the weak ones must be cut off. But do not confuse a strong escape with a top.
  7. Cut can be well, more than 4 of the shoots of the total mass.

Diseases and pests

Disease of scabis harmful to the fruits and leaves of the tree. The earliest signs of the disease you can observe in the early spring.

On the leaves of the apple tree, greenish-brown specks will suddenly appear and the leaves will fall off. A lot of small brown spots will form on the fruits.

The apple variety Bogatyr is resistant to scab, but instead of it he suffers from powdery mildew. It resembles flour grains, with white spores.

This disease affects the flowers, ovaries and leaves, they simply crumble. Also there is a curving of tree shoots.

How to deal with this disease:

  • Fallen leaves should be dripped or processed;
  • infected shoots need to be cut and burned;
  • it is required to spray the tree with a solution of manganese - 7%;
  • repeat in a week - 5% solution;
  • after harvesting, spray again.

Fruit rot- on the fruit, brown spots are formed, their number is constantly growing. After that, white fungus spores appear on them. In the end, the fruit either falls off, or the dried leaves remain on the tree.

Control measures: all fallen and infected fruits must be removed from the garden, treated with 1% Bordeaux liquid. After harvesting it is required to spray the trees with a solution of copper sulfate.

The main pests of the apple cultivar Bogatyr - moth, aphids and hawthorn

Major pests:

  • moth;
  • aphid;
  • hawthorn.

It is necessary to take measures on their destruction in time, otherwise the tree will die.

Aphids eats the kidneys from the inside, sucks the juice of leaves and flowers, while rapidly multiplying.

Methods of struggle:

  • burn out the damaged parts of the tree;
  • To process the damaged parts with a solution: 40 g of soap with garlic broth or yarrow;
  • processing by special means.

Hawthorn - gray-brown caterpillarand dark stripes. It attacks trees early in the spring, eats leaves and kidneys.

The way of struggle:

  • attract birds that feed on them;
  • sprinkle with special means: sagebrush, tomato, and yarrow.

Pedunclealso eats leaves and almost, and also because of it in fruits worms are formed.

Method of struggle:

  • Burn the damaged parts of the tree, also dig through the soil next to the tree;
  • hang on branches of naphthalene or wormwood, their smell will scare the pests;
  • to process biological preparations.

Variety of apples Bogatyr - the dignity of any garden. The quality of the fruit does not leave any person indifferent.

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