Diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse - how to warn and what to treat

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The main sources of any cucumber disease in the greenhouse can be seeds, soil, film, greenhouse constructions. It is impossible to provide complete protection of plants without prevention measures, the integrated use of biological, chemical protection. Let's get acquainted with the symptoms of diseases of some cucumbers, with biological products that protect the crop, the rules of cultivation of soil, seeds, greenhouses.


  • The main diseases of cucumbers
  • Root rot - prevention and treatment
  • Prevention of ascochitis and gray rot of cucumber
  • Prevention, treatment of mealy and downy mildew
  • Treatment of the greenhouse after harvesting
  • Preparation of seeds of cucumbers for sowing
  • Growing seedlings
  • Preparation of soil before planting seedlings
  • Prevention of cucumber diseases, their protection during the growing season
  • Biopreparations for the prevention, treatment of cucumber diseases, their properties
Greenhouse with cucumbers - harvest
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The main diseases of cucumbers

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Root rot - prevention and treatment

The complexity of fighting the root rot of cucumber is due to the fact that it is usually a mixed (fungal + bacterial) infection. Drugs for treatment should have fungicidal and bactericidal activity.

When wilting plants from root rot, it is necessary to use double doses of Alirin-B + Gamair preparations (40 tablets each). of each biopreparation per 100 m2). When wilting is strong, it is necessary to water under the root chemical pesticides according to the following scheme: Previkur (15-20 ml + 10 l of water), after 3-5 days, irrigate with Fitolavin, VRK (15-20 ml + 10 l water).

After application of the preparation Phytolavin, both pathogenic organisms are destroyed and useful microflora, therefore it is necessary to irrigate biological products Alirin-B + Gamair (according to 20 tab. of each biopreparation per 100 m2).

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Prevention of ascochitis and gray rot of cucumber

Preventive measures must be started before the first signs of the disease appear: spraying on the leaf with a mixture of biological preparations Alirin-B + Gamair (10-20 tab. of each drug + 10 liters of water).


The causative agent of ascochitis first affects the weakened plants, so for prevention, spraying plants with growth regulators Epin (2 ml + 10 l water), Ecogel (100 ml + 10 l water), starting with cultivation seedlings.When there are obvious signs of diseases, in addition to the use of biological products, effectively spraying with Strobi preparations (15-20 ml + 10 L of water), or Quadrase (5 ml + 10 L of water).

To combat gray rot, spread the affected stems with a mixture of Rovral and chalk (dilute to the consistency of sour cream) ratio .

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Prevention, treatment of mealy and downy mildew

Powdery mildew - greenhouse

The use of biopreparations before the appearance of the first signs of diseases is capable of maximally pushing the beginning of the defeat of plants.

Spraying plants with a mixture of biologics Alirin-B + Gamair (10-20 tab. each + 10 l of water) or Narcissus B (50 ml + 10 l of water) is not only a good preventive agent, but can also be used to treat the disease when the first signs appear.

From chemical agents against powdery mildew, treatments with Quadris preparations (5 g + 10 L of water) are effective. Topaz (5 g + 10 l of water), Tivit Jet (20-30 g + 10 l of water).

Against the powdery mildew (peronosporosis) in summer and autumn, Quadrass (5 g + 10 l of water), Ordan (30 g + 10 L of water), Previcur Energy (20 g + 10 L of water) can be used.

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Treatment of the greenhouse after harvesting

On the health of plants in the greenhouse, prevention, protection from diseases must be taken care of in advance - in the elimination of plants that grow earlier.

Before the removal of old plant-bearing plants, which carry a whole "bouquet" of diseases, pests, it is necessary to spray them with a mixture of fungicides, disinfectants, insecticides (for example, Bayleton + Pharmayod-3 + Aktellik), or use the "Climate" or "Fas" drafts for disinfection of 1 draft per 10-20 m3 greenhouses.

The question may arise: why should we treat the lobsters of cucumbers if they are thrown away anyway?


Liquidation is necessary for the destruction of the nursery of diseases, pests that in the next turn or season will find a way to "fly" into the greenhouses for new planting of cucumbers.

After removing old plants, it is necessary to carefully clean the greenhouse of weeds, plant debris, to process the structures, perennial film with disinfectant Pharmajod-3 (100-200 ml + 10 l water).

Processing of semi-dried cucumber plants, disinfection of structures, cleaning from plant residues will save considerable funds that can be spent for the treatment of plants in the following season.

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Preparation of seeds of cucumbers for sowing

Very often the source of infections that spread rapidly to the soil are non-etched seeds. The consequences of development of some seminal infections can be manifested during growth, development of cucumbers: wilting plants, spots on leaves, fruits, total loss of harvest.

Etching seeds of cucumbers with biological preparations Alirin-B + Gamair (5 tab. + 5 table. + 1 liter of water) will create a barrier, will counteract the development of pathogens.

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Growing seedlings

Healthy, strong seedlings are a very important stage for the formation of a good harvest of cucumbers.

Since any substrate includes pathogens of plant diseases, to create conditions for a normal initial development before planting in a seedling pot in the volume of 300-800 ml next to the seed (2-3 cm), it is necessary to add 1 tablet of Gliokladin - a fungal-based biofungicide trichoderma. Simultaneously with the growth of the spine, the "spider webs" of the mycelium of the fungus will begin to grow, which gradually fill the entire volume of the planting pot, thereby displacing pathogens.


It is important to correctly insert the tablet into the soil: make a small depression, put the tablet in a moist substrate, sprinkle. It will be after this approximately 5-7 days - pour the seedlings with a solution of Alirin-B + Gamair (2 tablets. + 2 table. + 10 l water) at the rate of 30-40 ml of the finished solution per 1 seedling pot.

The use of a complex of biological products at the stage of cultivation of cucumber seedlings is a reliable means of prevention, treatment of diseases of cucumbers, mainly - root rot.

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Preparation of soil before planting seedlings

Soil in the greenhouse is able to accumulate a huge number of pathogens of various diseases. Soil disinfection is perhaps the most difficult, costly stage for the prevention or protection of future crops, but soil preparation pays off by reducing pesticide treatments during the growing season, by increasing the total productivity.

To disinfect the soil before planting, it is possible to water the soil with a solution of the following preparations: Farmayod-3 (100 ml + 10 l of water) or 5-10% hydrogen peroxide (-1 l + 10 l water). The consumption of the working solution of the preparations is 1-2 l / m2.

After the disinfection of the soil, it is necessary to fill the space free from pathogenic microorganisms with a useful soil microflora.

1-3 days before the transplanting, seed Trichocin, JV at a rate of 30 g per 500 m2, is applied. The preparation is applied by spraying or watering the soil (can be done with the help of drip irrigation), with subsequent treatment of the soil with a hand cultivator or a motor block (if the greenhouse is large) to a depth 15-20 cm. The drug is quickly distributed throughout the capillaries throughout the bed.

Active growth of soil fungus Trichoderma contributes to the filling of free space, leaving no room for the development of soil pathogens of plant diseases.

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Prevention of cucumber diseases, their protection during the growing season

Preventive measures to protect the cucumber from the main fungal, bacterial diseases begin from the moment of planting the seedlings.

Planting seedlings on a permanent place is the strongest stress for plants, caused by a sharp change in conditions. Any stress leads to a decrease in plant's own immunity, the greatest vulnerability, exposure to infection by pathogens.

To prevent infection, raising the immunity, it is recommended during planting or after it to water the plants with a mixture of Alirin-B + Gamair (2 table. + 2 table. + 10 liters of water) at a flow rate of a working solution of 10 liters per 10 m2.

With droplet irrigation, the norms of Alirin-B + Gamair are 20 tablets. on 100 m2.

The effectiveness of biopreparations will increase if you add the immunomodulator Ecogel, BP (100 ml per 100 m2) or Narcissus H (100-120 ml per 100 m2) to them.

After 25-30 days after planting, it is necessary to repeat the application of biologics Ekohel or Narcissa H, increasing the norm of Alirin-B and Gamair up to 30 tablets. on 100 m2.

The subsequent application after 25-30 days is carried out with the consumption of biological preparations 30-40 tab. on 100 m2. This sequence of application will help to maintain high plant immunity, will create a permanent presence of a useful bacterial culture within the root zone, near it.

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Biopreparations for the prevention, treatment of cucumber diseases, their properties

Alirin-B (in tablets) is a long-acting bacterial preparation, a biological fungicide. Effective against root rot, wilting of different nature, ascohitosis, anthracnose, powdery mildew, other fungal diseases of cucumbers.

Gamair (in tablets) is a long-acting bacterial preparation, a biological bactericide. Effective against bacterial rot, some species of phyto-pathogenic fungi.

Gliokladin (in tablets) is a microbiological fungicide against the causative agents of root rot. It is distinguished by high efficiency against fusariosis, which develops well in organic soils rich in organic matter.

Trichocin, SP (trichodermine) (powder) is a microbiological fungicide, created on the basis of a soil fungus-antagonist of the genus Trichoderma. The drug prevents the development, spread of pathogens of root rot.

All biological products after water dissolution can be introduced through drip irrigation systems, any types of sprayers. Biopreparations are compatible with mineral fertilizers for foliar dressings, growth regulators, humates, insecticides. Shelf life of biopreparations is 2-3 years.


A modern system of plant protection in greenhouses can not be imagined without the use of biological products: their biological effectiveness when used with the recommended technology is high. Proper use of drugs can be an alternative to the use of chemical protection. Biopreparations for plant protection have such important qualities as high efficiency in the absence of the possibility of "getting used to" the action of biological products in the causative agents of any cucumber disease.

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