Flexible connectors for fan

Flexible connectors for industrial fan quenched vibrations, compensate temperature changes size, reducing noise, in parallel increases the durability of the duct tract. Factory products are different, of course. Are meant to pass air, aggressive media, evacuating combustion gases of heating boilers. Used diverse materials, form factor changes solyushka remains the same. Each flexible connection the fan is formed by two flanged, Chomutov tough fixtures with fabric insert in the middle. Most are not designed to bear the load of the fan mounts should worry alone.

The design of flexible inserts for fans

Pobalakat First, find out what is needed flexible connectors. Details are preferably used commercially. Standing in the house of the plastic duct, flexible inserts are not necessary, the material is endowed nemerenno elasticity. Longer plays the role of vibration factor. But on the air is not the dust settles. The new Dyson vacuum cleaners in 2014 used a similar scheme, shaking off the dust back into the cyclone, trying to get inside the narrow channels. Each is equipped with a rubber cap, by virtue of the elastic vibrating nemerenno, forcing the dust to float in the air, dirt entrained vortex. If plastic ducts are slightly vibrate at a high frequency, the process prevents the penetration of the smallest particles inside.

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flexible insert

In light of this, can not be considered uniquely flexible connectors factor beneficial to the fan, necessary in all cases. Another thing, if a metal duct. Will rattle joint bolts incur additional unnecessary burden. In industry, the most powerful fans are used that can cause irreparable damage to building structures mechanical loads. Flexible connectors dampen vibration, preventing spread of harmful factors along the duct. Elements simplify assembly / disassembly, deforming. However, it is not intended to carry a mechanical load.

Different flexible insert for fans following characteristics (except for the size and form factor):

  1. Operating temperature range.
  2. Breathability.
  3. Resistance to aggressive media.
  4. Resistance to abrasion.

Often there are rectangular flange flexible connectors for fans, attached on one side to the duct, the other - to the fan screws. Round sploshnyakom supplied clamps to tighten around the pipe. For calculations of the constructor given nominal dimensions flow section, installation dimensions for flanges, clamps. Information about Flexible connectors for fans so little to say no joy. It remains to tell what materials are going gizmos:

  • For normal conditions without high temperature, corrosive environments of metal elements are made of galvanized steel as insulating fabrics used vinyl, canvas.

Insert fan

  • Required to raise the temperature of operation, the basis of a silicone fabric. Thing sold on alibaba integral rolls, has a specific chocolate, reddish color. Operating temperature product reaches 310 degrees, the heat resistant flexible insert for Kompenz Elastic fan withstand only 200.
  • With regards taps aggressive media, it takes Teflon. Special fabric with lamination material resists difficult conditions. Simultaneously, Teflon exhibits good heat resistance. Without fear vapors sulfur oxide used duct component, which discharge combustion gas. Resistance rates to flexible fan extends up to 285 ° C.
  • At temperatures above that recommended for special expansion joints. Multilayer (composite) elastic members ducts, specially aimed at the use in aggressive environments. Including high temperatures. Compensators used in abrasive flow pollution. Due sandwich construction flexibly chosen material composition that best meets the defined criteria.

It allows for extremely high temperatures it is logical to apply the ceramic fabric. The existence of exotic material flexible inserts manufacturers are silent. Let's say a few words, of which going to flexible connectors for fans.

Flexible connectors for fan


Brand keramotkani Kevlar belongs to the American company DuPont. Fragile exterior material is 5 times stronger than steel without fear holding abrasive effect. Carbon black, coal dust, sand, salt uneasy. First produced 50 years ago, the material 1965 is released from the conveyor on an industrial scale. More than a century the company for the production of gunpowder improved in chemistry was not in vain. Teflon, neoprene, freon, lycra. Have you heard? Hazardous useful! The motto of the company, under pressure from Greenpeace technologies become more environmentally friendly.

Among the developments of firm arms. First of all, napalm. Defoliants cause defoliation. Just want the facts show, the company made great strides in knowledge-intensive areas, selflessly working, profiting. Kevlar:

  • not afraid of targeted killings;
  • stronger than steel;
  • resists abrasion.

The durable polymer composite materials is the leg of the leg with an epoxy resin in such a state is bad dwellings. However, the surprise appearance. Just home rug, fabulous opportunity. Developed by scientists for the manufacture of tires, still pleases the manufacturer. World-wide application in the manufacture of protective clothing, sports equipment speaks for itself, a truly fabulous miracle properties of the polymer shows a part of body armor. Decomposition temperature surpasses 400 ° C, the tissue type can be considered promising from the viewpoint of manufacturing condensers, cheap material name language is not rotated.

Insert vibration damper

ceramic cloth

Group chemically resistant materials without proprietary name contains predominantly two oxides:

  1. Trivalent alumina.
  2. Tetravalent silicon oxide.

Both substances are resistant to chemical attack, the second region defines a tissue applications. Ceramic fiber not withstand exposure to hydrofluoric acid solvent laboratory glass. Affected and gaseous phase substance. Soft inserts fans of ceramic cloth will successfully withstand aggressive media. An example may serve as a producer IFI Technical Production, produces a variety of products. We heard even coil induction heaters for melting and warming up steel covered with ceramic heat-resistant cloth, holding a temperature of over 1000 ° C.

The Chinese company has exclusive rights to develop graphite, please another interesting material - graphite cloth.

graphite cloth

Graphite fire-retardant fabrics, the material is not afraid of high temperatures, exposure to fire. Plaiting thread prepared by pyrolysis at 1200 ° C using a binder coke. Then, graphitization occurs, for example, by Acheson. Column material transmits an electric current that is used as a secondary winding of the transformer.

The result is a material resisting without fear of corrosion, chemical attack environments friction. Often involved in the production of low-frequency vacuum induction furnace.

Impregnation and impregnation with special resins provides a completely sealed material. Carbon felt is often used as a thermal insulator. Most applications of graphite fabric lies in the field of solid composite materials. This fabric is not very different from ceramic and Kevlar.

Carbon fiber is 11 times stronger than steel. As the graphite fabric are often used to replace the cheap, high-quality basis for composite materials. The composition sandwiches carbon fiber is, for example, for finishing walls. Needless to say, the installation process is conducted in respirators, the hardened layer is harmless, except that subject to depolymerization. It already belongs to adhesives.

The process of selecting a flexible insert

Manufacturers firmly kept secrets issue of extraordinary products, but when ordering a large batch production of flexible panel material, try to discuss a secret technology. Joints and all are composite in nature. In terms of fitness for work with certain fans differ only in form factor and size. Flexible insert for radial fans CT / KE do not differ from the axle, the first section can be varied, the second shape close to a square, a circle.

With regard to domestic air lines, easier to use rubber gaskets. You can choose to cut out parts of the channel form. The choice of flexible insert for the fan falls to industrial designer objects. Such articles may be accompanied by recuperators, lobed calorimeters, any arrangements with engines that are present in the path of air ducts.

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