Night vision device do it yourself

Today, let's skip the medieval alchemical method, which allows you to make a night vision device with your own hands. You can easily manage if sulfuric acid and tin chloride are stored at home, but this approach is dangerous and unwise for the authors. Work plan today: we briefly discuss the principle of the night vision device. We will help you to collect, if you are not sitting in place, perhaps we will do a brief excursion concerning the shops: we will discuss the stale area of ​​the hunting equipment.

The principle of operation of a night vision device

The eye is a passive radar that receives radiation emitted by objects. The visible spectrum is a small range of oscillations of the body of the universe surrounding humanity. The predator from the film of the same name switched ranges, a representative of a developed civilization is unable to cover the total spectrum! In the dark, the eye is powerless to see, inaccessible to Homo Sapiens to observe infrared radiation. The bodies will emit waves at low ambient temperatures, the power density falls. The first night vision device emerges. Nothing to do with the military. The device is used by builders.

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Meet a thermal imager that receives infrared radiation from objects. The device is not designed for viewing the dark landscape, but you can see the front view. The gizmo has a number of settings, the following symptoms are typical:

  • temperature 10 degrees Celsius heat looks orange glow;
  • house walls look reddish;
  • surrounding inanimate nature of different shades down to black.

Forget your own thermal imager forget, you can buy thousands for 50.Having spent seven thousand, you will get a night vision device( NVD) in the store. Specifically, the thermal imager does not make sense to take the aim of the vigil in the dark; it helps the builders to assess the quality of the thermal insulation measures. If there is a familiar foreman, you can admire nature in the dark for free by borrowing a unit.

A night vision device is implemented by the above processes, so as not to irritate the eyes with a radiant rainbow, inside the factory product there is a transparent plate covered with semiconductor material, using an internal photoelectric effect, allows you to "see" the infrared radiation of objects.

For reference. The photoelectric effect is the phenomenon of transition of electrons of a material to new energy levels under the action of photons of light. It is incorrect to use the term for invisible radiation, because the concept of literature is played up, so we avoid contradicting other( authoritative) sources.

Under the action of invisible "photons" the electrons of the plate receive energy. Information can be read on the change in the transparency of the material, the electrical conductivity of the substance. Microchannel manufacturing technology of sensitive elements helps to avoid the illumination of neighboring pixels. The first to solve the problem approached the Nazis. Germany enjoyed the work of talented scientists. Some voluntarily, others were forced. A rifle sight weighing 2.25 kg with a suitcase of batteries( 13.5) kg was created. Would allow, probably, to make a lot of feats( or crimes), if the Soviet troops in May 1945 did not take Berlin.

Sometimes radiation is additionally amplified by photomultipliers. It helps to get a bright contrast picture of a night vision device. Often, external radiation is not enough, in the course is the illumination of the infrared range. Lamps are used, semiconductor diodes of a special type are often used. You can find in the store hams. By the way, the coherence of the radiation of LEDs is high. This means that the interference will not affect the quality of the picture.

For reference. Coherence goes back to wave synphase interpretation. Such light is concentrated by a narrow segment of the spectrum( the vertical line of the graph), it is easily folded, giving greater brightness than other sources of radiation. As a result, low power get high-quality lighting.

Night vision devices are divided as follows:

  1. The nature of the impact on the environment:
    1. Active with LED illumination.
    2. Passive, receiving only the radiation of other objects.
  2. Received signal processing method:
    1. Gain.
    2. Deprived Gains.
  3. Signal presence of information storage:
    1. Registering.
    2. Not registering.

Now you can assemble a night vision device with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself night vision device

Night-vision device includes:

  1. Infrared to video signal converter.
  2. Similarity of an eyepiece that could display a signal in real time.
  3. Illumination.

There are many devices in the store that help you shoot at night. The night vision device is obviously based on the same technology. Black and white microcamera fit. It is not cheap, it is available to adapt the gadget to other purposes, if the night vision device is bored. An example of a device would be JK 007B, JK-926A.The main thing is that the device has video output, the port of any camera is built-in, otherwise why is it even needed! The purchase price should not greatly exceed the store value of the night vision device( see above), otherwise greed will be stifled. Be comforted, our device will be able to register, the option costs extra money on the counter.

Find an old viewfinder. Visit the salon engaged in the repair of household appliances, if there is no suitable good at home. The viewfinder is equipped with one input for video according to the protocol used by the camera.

The question can be clarified by interviewing local pros, check the operation by connecting the device with a cable. It works - it remains to buy the backlight. Order LEDs on the Internet, shake the nearest market. How to check? There is a video camera shooting at night. Go into the darkness, turn on the power, see if the radio element glows: point the lens at the video camera.

Dozens of LEDs foreign amateur do-it-yourself recommends that you combine garlands of 6 pieces per branch. Supply a bunch of 10-ohm shunt, energize the battery. To confuse the polarity is difficult, just in case, use a special reference to the LEDs. The backlight unit is ready. LEDs are mounted on a homemade case: an ordinary children's pencil case, packaging.

Actually, ready. Connect the video cable to the camera, the viewfinder, placing the lens in the same plane with the LEDs. Given the size of the device, they will hold one pencil case. The viewfinder is attached to the side. For the recording device, you need to mount the corresponding connector into the case. Night vision devices from China can not be compared with ours! Consider the operation:

  1. A night-time camera captures the surroundings.
  2. LEDs illuminate objects for better visibility.
  3. The viewfinder projects an image that is visible to the eye.
  4. If necessary, a registration is made through a special connector.

Do not be surprised, having failed to consider distant objects, do not reach the rays of the LEDs. The night vision device has drawbacks: there are no glasses, the cost of the components is high, it is necessary to buy them and place them in the battery case. Explained in simple language the principle of the device. Objective: to show how to make a night vision device from improvised means. However, in the chemistry room, probably, a pair of reagents was lying around. Try to bang the teacher!

Store-vision night-vision devices

The night-vision device Cyclops is so named because it received a monocular instead of glasses. Would be useful to the one-eyed giant. As others, the night vision device is characterized by three parameters:

  1. Resolution in angular minutes. The smallest part of the scope of the review, which can be distinguished from the neighboring similar size.
  2. Gain.
  3. Field of View.

For operation, the devices lack a faint gleam of stars, if the moon is illuminated by the moon, the picture will become clear. Celestial bodies will illuminate the landscape no worse than the LEDs discussed above. Of course, if you look at the sky, you can study the Big and Little Bears, but the picture will be flooded with a whitish glow.

Monocular Night Vision Zenith has a built-in backlight, a piezoelectric energy converter for power. Brand supplies hunters with sights, do not confuse. Especially for people with blurred vision is available to adjust the lens to the missing diopter. Get night vision goggles for reading in the dark!

NPF Dipole night vision equipment produces, affordable products are no different. However, you need to look at the purpose of the device. It is possible to pay 190 thousand rubles for points, for this money Belarusians will sell a cool unit for a nightly inspection of the surroundings. Catch hijackers, watch the shameless, returning from the party, punish the defilers of the area!

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