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Preparation of delicious and healthy dishes takes a lot of time for the housewives. The chopper for vegetables and fruits can be alleviated by an electric. This small device will quickly cut the products into slices, straws, cubes. In modern stores there is a huge selection of such equipment. In order not to get confused in such a variety, remember a few rules.
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Principle of operation of the device
An electric shredder for fruits and vegetables is called a special device, with which you can shred and crush various products. This device allows you to handle any herbal ingredients, nuts, sausages, meat and much more.
The operation of such a device is based on the rotation of sharp steel blades, which is carried out by means of an electric motor. When in contact with food, they cut them. In addition to the knives, the vegetable shredder has a plastic container in which the ingredients are laid.
Modern models are able to perform the following functions:
- Cutting in small and large pieces.
- Grinding of meat products to the state of minced meat.
- Mixing of components to obtain a homogeneous mass.
- Beat the ingredients. In this case, the chopper acts as a powerful mixer.
Such a variety of functions for one device is achieved through replaceable nozzles. The more they are bundled with the device, the more diverse the scope of its application.
Advantages and disadvantages
Crushers for kitchen electric in comparison with the mechanical analogues possess a number of advantages:
- Convenient to use. You can shred the food by pressing one button. No effort will not be required.
- In a matter of seconds, you can process several kilograms of vegetables and fruits. This is important when preparing workpieces for the winter or banquets for many people.
- One device performs several functions at once, so no additional devices are needed.
- Compact, do not take up much storage space.
Despite all the advantages of such devices, there are several drawbacks: depend on the electrical network, some models slide on the table during operation, make noise. The warranty period for such devices does not exceed a year. Therefore, it is better to purchase a product from a trusted manufacturer.
Basic rules for choosing a quality device
Effectively cope with its functions will be only a high-quality blender - shredder. When choosing it, it is necessary to consider the following aspects:
- Power. The device with a small capacity can not cope with solid products. Prefer models with a figure above 600 watts.
- Quality of materials. If the bowl is made of low-quality plastic, it will quickly crack. The value of the knives also matters. Instances of low-grade metal will not be able to cope with their task well.
- Capacity of the bowl. The more it is, the more products can be processed at a time. If you do not plan to cook for big companies, then choose models with small bowls.
- The cost. Refuse to purchase cheap choppers for vegetables and fruits electric. They are not of high quality and will not last long. Expensive models have many different functions, not all of which are needed regularly. Therefore, it is better to choose a practical unit of an average price category.
- Guarantee period. If there is a warranty card, you can contact the service center for assistance in case of a breakdown.
Being guided by these criteria, it will be possible to choose the qualitative device which will serve to you not one year.
Make purchases only in large stores that value their reputation. In them, the quantity of low-quality goods is minimal.
Most popular models
It is not difficult to get confused in the assortment of modern stores. On the shelves are represented a variety of units. Among the most popular models of recent years are:
- Fresh Express Cube from Allows you to cut products into cubes, straws, slices, grate and shred. It is equipped with five nozzles. Easy to use. The disadvantages are small power and high cost.
- MW-1303G from Maxwell. It is equipped with 6 different nozzles. Allows to cut into cubes, straws, rub and shred. Has a large bowl, a large opening for the passage of food. It is easy to clean and properly stored storage baits. Among the shortcomings noted: the lack of a nozzle for cutting cubes, the products occasionally can get stuck inside the apparatus.
- PKA-FP4 from Redmond. This electric chopper of products for the kitchen looks like a small meat grinder. It is equipped with two kinds of teetas and two nozzles for cutting with a cube. Excellent cope with the declared functions. This model is inexpensive and has an attractive design. The only drawback is the low power.
Correctly matched chopper of fruits and vegetables will become a reliable assistant to every mistress. With its help cooking dinners will turn into an easy and fascinating occupation.