Many gardeners on the plot grow various fruit trees. The most popular are apple trees, pears and, of course, cherries.
There are a lot of varieties of cherries,The most common of these is Vladimirovskaya.
.Table of contents
- History of the variety
- Description
- Fruiting
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Planting and care
- Choose a place
- Care
- Watering
- Features of Cherry Cherry varieties
- Protection against pests
- Reviews
History of the variety
Where and who was brought out the variety of Cherry tomatoes is unknown.In the middle zone of Russia, it appeared in the early 12th century, it was brought with it by wandering monks. They began to grow these trees on the slopes, near the monasteries.
The first saplings took root well, but it was not possible to winter to everyone. Observing this, the monks from Greece becamewrap the trees and sprinkle them with snow.
After successful acclimatization, cherries were grown not only in monasteries, but also in estates and estates. Moreover, on the slopes the trees developed and fructified much better than on the plain terrain.
It is interesting thatIn the 19th century the city of Vladimir took the first place in the cultivation of this fruit tree, and still retain this title. Cherry is a symbol of this region, which is confirmed by the monument to this berry.
For many years the VladimirCherry propagated in several ways:
- seeds;
- sprouts.
That's why nowadaysthe fruit of this variety has many forms. The distinctive features are:
- dark cherry fleshy pulp;
- small and medium-sized fruits, weighing up to, g;
- berries are flattened, slightly compressed along the sides;
- round top with a shallow funnel;
- black and red skin with gray spots;
- bone easily leaves the pulp;
- the length of the stalk to 45 mm.
The taste itselfThe berry is sweet and sour, but the sour is predominant.
One hundred grams of the pulp of this class containsthe following components:
- 1,% of dry matter;
- 11% of sugar;
- , 3% free acids;
- , m / g ascorbic acid.
The tree itself grows in the form of a bush with its own well-developed root system, in the grafted form is formed a stump tree with a round shape of the crown.The height can reach up to 5 meters.
The central trunk and branches have a gray-brown color of the cortex with longitudinal shallow cracks.
The young stem forms a round crown, which, over the years, becomes more spreading and weeping. Inside, there are very few leaves, but young branches of yellow-brown color pleases the eye with abundant greens.
Skeletal branches extend from the main trunk at an angle of 50-60 degrees. The vegetative buds are conical in shape, small in size and dark brown in color, the oval form will have a generative kidney.
The leaves of the Vladimir cherry are of average size, painted in a dark green matte color. The form ─ oval, elongate-ovate with notches all over the edge. The length of the petiole does not exceed, cm of average thickness and has a specific color.
Plate leaf forms a boat along the main vein and has a pointed end ─ it is on this basis that this variety is recognized.
You may be interested in our publications:
- A detailed description of Cherry Lubskaja.
- Detailed description of the cherry Turgenevka variety.
At the base of the leaf, on the petiole, there are 1-3 glands of dark red color. The inflorescence is collected from 5-7 flowers saucer-shaped medium size. The divided double apex allows the petals to touch each other.
Stigma and anthers are located on the same level, supports their bowl in the form of an Antonian-colored glass, a pedicel 25 mm long.
This variety is characterized by the typical fruiting of cluster cherries, which explains whyabout 85% of the ovary is on annual branches.
Vladimir Cherry is a self-fertile variety, high yields can be achieved if other trees grow next to each other.
Select pollinators need very carefully, good options will be Greet Moscow, Amorel pink, Fertile Michurina, Lubskaya, Lotova, Turgenevka, Vasilievska, black demand.
In different regions, Vladimir cherry fructifies in different ways. A great influence here is its hibernation, this variety at low temperatures is subject to the freezing of generative buds, which should give the main yield.
The variety belongs to the middle-ripening, from flowering to harvesting berries passes 60-65 days. Harvest is usually collected no later than mid-July. If this process is delayed, the berries will start to fall off themselves, because of a weak peduncle.
A young tree begins to rejoice with its fruits already a couple of years after its planting. The average yield with a favorable climate from adult cherries is25-30 kg of berries.
In the northern region, this indicator is much lower ─only 5 kg.
.Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of this class include:
.- High-quality fruits, which are quite versatile in use;
- relatively high yield;
- It does not require special care;
- the tree looks beautiful in the general picture of the garden;
- good winter hardiness;
- well tolerates transportation even over long distances.
Butthere are at Vladimirovskaya cherry and flaws:
- poor resistance to fungal diseases;
- low frost resistance of generative kidneys;
- need for other varieties for pollination.
But,wonderful taste of fruits smoothes out all the negative aspects.
.Planting and care
Planting of the Vladimir cherry varieties is best donein the autumn or spring period. Gardeners are advised to do this in the spring, there is more chance that the tree will be taken and will develop properly.
Choose a place
This sort of cherry is feeling greaton the hills or on the slopes. Ideally fit mounds in the 8-15 degrees of crout, well-lit and protected from the wind.
Also, it is worth considering the location of the slope itself. The most favorable are considerednorth-western, western and south-western. The soil here warms up evenly and does not have excessive moisture.
The northern slopes of the hilldo not give the cherry a proper portion of sunlight. Such a landing site will entail a much later ripening of fruits and a change in their taste qualities.
Vladimir Cherrycan be planted in the plains, only once you should prepare for the fact that the development will be much slower. And the tree itself will often suffer from freezing in the winter.
This varietypoorly tolerates lowlands and hollows. In such places there is a large accumulation of dampness and ventilation is very poor. These factors negatively affect the development and fructification of this variety of cherries.
Loam or chernozem will be idealwhen choosing the soil for planting.
Planting a tree will take very little time:
- We dig a hole for a seedling with a depth of up to 50 cm, and a diameter of not more than 80 cm.
- In the center we put a peg.
- We lower the seedling near the peg.
- We pour the hole on the soil, mixed with humus.
- Few ground the earth to fill the voids between the roots.
The tree must be strictly vertical to the ground. Seedling must be tied to a peg, the length of which should be just below the very first branch.
Around the hole it is necessary to form a small shaft and to water the sap.
Before boarding it is necessarycheck the rhizome of the seedling. If it is very dry, which indicates a prolonged transportation, it is necessary to soak the roots in a container with water for at least 5 hours.
Care for the Vladimir cherry varieties is inregular pruning of the crown, the introduction of nutrients and preparing it for wintering.
In the springgardeners form the crown and remove all diseased branches.In summerpruning is performed after harvesting. Harvesting branches that do not bear fruit, but only thicken the crown.
Pruning of cherries:
Nutrients, such as manure, sawdust, compost are introduced in the autumn period. This is done to ensure that the tree well wintered and pleased with a good harvest.
Vladimir Cherryprepared for winter in the following way:
- cover the roots with straw or sawdust;
- whiten the trunk, to avoid the negative effects of sunlight and various pests.
For cherriesrecommended four-time watering for 4-6 buckets at a time:
- As soon as the tree began to blossom;
- when the ovary begins to develop;
- when they gathered the harvest;
- in the third decade of October, before freezing.
It is not desirable to do this, since there is a possibility of rot in the roots.
.Features of Cherry Cherry varieties
This variety is universal, fruits are used for compotes, jams, freezing, canning, drying.
Vladimir Cherry is very susceptible to fungal diseases and various pests.
Protection against pests
First of all,when trimming, delete all infected branches, which then should be burned.
After the first frostsThe tree and trunk are treated with a 5% urea solution, which kills all pests.
Leonid, Kursk: "I grow this variety for more than ten years on my own plot. There are no censures. "
Irina, Vladimir: "Vladimir cherry is a favorite sort of our family. Over the entire period of growing, it froze a couple of times, but quickly recovered. "
Nikolay, Vyazniki: "The wonderful taste of berries conquered our grandmother. At the dacha more than ten cherries of this variety. "
Cherry variety Vladimirsky:
Excellent yield, good fruit taste, unpretentiousness in groomingallows to be Vladimir cherry one of the most popular among gardeners of the middle band.