How to choose a pump for watering the garden from a pond, barrel or pond

Stable watering is a guarantee of getting a bountiful harvest from garden beds. If on rainy days the weather takes care of the plants, in the hot months it is up to the gardeners to solve it, using buckets and watering cans. To facilitate the work helps the use of pumping equipment.

The market offers various pumps for watering the garden and it is difficult to get a suitable model, isn't it? We will help you navigate the range of equipment, tell about the features of various modifications and give a step-by-step selection algorithm based on the analysis of the characteristics of the units.

In addition, we will designate brands and brands whose products are in demand and trust among summer residents.

The content of the article:

  • Selection of source for water intake
  • Types of pumps for pumping water
    • Option # 1 - barrel for pumping tanks
    • Option # 2 - superficial for shallow reservoirs
    • Option # 3 - submersible for polluted ponds
    • Option # 4 - automatic for drip irrigation
  • Criteria for the selection of units
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    • No. 1 - calculation of device performance
    • No. 2 - recommended jet head
    • No. 3 - availability of automation system
    • No. 4 - location of the suction valve
  • Overview of manufacturers of pumping equipment
    • Imported global brands
    • Domestic trademarks
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Selection of source for water intake

The selection and purchase of a suitable model garden pump for irrigation depends largely on what kind of water is supposed to be pumped and from where it is planned to take.

Plants can not grow normally without a sufficient amount of life-giving moisture. But only well-settled warm water is suitable for irrigation of green spaces.

Watering the beds collected rainwater

Rainwater is the most affordable version of life-giving moisture, which has a neutral acid-base balance and contains a minimum of chemical contaminants dangerous to plants.

Careful owners collect rainwater in barrels and large containers placed on the site under the gutters. If necessary, it remains only to get it, scooping a bucket or pumping out a pump for watering from the barrel.

Quite often, if the site is present well or well, then water for irrigation is taken from them. But a “cold shower” can cause irreparable damage to the delicate roots of plants: they can start to rot.

For this reason, the water pumped out of a hydraulic structure is first poured into containers, allowing it to heat up under the sun's rays, and only after that it is used for irrigation.

The third, and perhaps the most successful source, from where it is convenient to take water for irrigation, is a natural reservoir located nearby or an artificial pond built on its own.

Irrigation of pond water

Using water from a domestic pond to water plants, you solve two problems at once: giving life-giving moisture to green “pets” and performing preventive cleaning of the water structure

In all the above sources of water according to the degree of contamination of water is very different. And because for each of them developed certain types of pumping equipment.

Types of pumps for pumping water

For irrigation of garden crops used two types of pumps. Depending on the method of water intake and placement of the housing of the unit relative to the source, they are superficial and submersible.

Option # 1 - barrel for pumping tanks

Such devices are designed specifically for pumping water from tanks of small volume, the depth of which does not exceed 1.2 m.

Among the pumping equipment on the market, such units are considered the easiest to use and maintain.

The main advantage of pumps for the production of irrigation from the barrel is compact and mobile. The average weight of the unit is 3-4 kg.

Taking it by the handle, it is convenient to carry it around the section and alternately install it on the containers placed under the catchments. In addition, drum pumps are known for their low noise levels.

Placement option for a barrel pump

To pump out the liquid for irrigation, the barrel pump with the help of the bracket is simply fixed on the edge of the tank and connected to the electrical network.

The use of barrel aggregates is also convenient because the water used for irrigation can be pre-diluted with fertilizers for feeding cultivated plants.

Most models are equipped with a pressure regulator. With it, it is convenient to set the pressure necessary for work. Filters for large particles are built into the pumps for the tanks.

But as noted by the owners, who have already tried out household models of this type, the built-in filters do not always cope with the task. As a result, even expensive systems quickly become clogged and fail.

The easiest way to solve this problem is by arranging an additional home-made filter in the form of a cut from folded 2-3 layers of gauze or net tulle.

The pump is simply placed on a canvas suspended in the form of a hammock so that the mesh layer between the suction device and water does not allow debris to leak.

Rust and sludge deposits can be prevented from entering the system by placing the pump inside the tank so that it does not reach the bottom of the tank by 5 cm.

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Rainwater pump

Pumps for pumping water from tanks can be used not only for watering the garden, but also for transporting water to other tanks

Pumping equipment installed on the bottom of the tank

The pump for rainwater is installed at the bottom of the tank, located under the drain funnel or standpipe

Preparing the pump for irrigation

Preparing the pump for irrigation, pumping water or cleaning the site consists in attaching a hose to a telescopic rod, allowing you to set a comfortable height

Connection to a sprinkler pump

Hoses of various diameters and nozzles are included in the package of pumps for the use of rainwater, a sprinkler can be connected to the unit

Mode switch

There is a switch for choosing the optimum operating mode of operation; for prolongation of the resource there is protection against dry running

Filter and bottom support ring

The mechanical part of the pump is protected from damage by an integrated filter. Hitting large parts prevents the support ring

Automatic float switch

Automatic switch-on and similar shutdown provides a float device that reacts to the maximum allowable lowering of the water level

Assembly of the storage pump

The telescopic bar to which the hose is connected is assembled to give a compact shape, the spouting it serves as a carrying handle

Rainwater pump

Rainwater pump

Pumping equipment installed on the bottom of the tank

Pumping equipment installed on the bottom of the tank

Preparing the pump for irrigation

Preparing the pump for irrigation

Connection to a sprinkler pump

Connection to a sprinkler pump

Mode switch

Mode switch

Filter and bottom support ring

Filter and bottom support ring

Automatic float switch

Automatic float switch

Assembly of the storage pump

Assembly of the storage pump

Option # 2 - superficial for shallow reservoirs

When planning to use an artificial reservoir or well as the main source of water intake, it is worth considering models surface pumps.

They are placed in the immediate vicinity of the source, and water is taken by immersion in the construction of the suction hose.

External devices are capable of pumping water from a depth of 8 m and delivering a jet to a level of about 30-50 m. Thanks to this head, several rows of beds can be watered from one point.

Preparation of the unit for operation

To start the pump for irrigation from the reservoir, you just need to install the instrument housing on a flat surface, attach the suction hose and the outlet nozzle to it, and then connect it to the power supply

A metal pipe is used as the outlet of most models of surface execution. The rubber hose is not suitable for this purpose due to the fact that at the time of pumping fluid inside it creates thin air.

As a result: elastic walls begin to contract, preventing the water flow from moving normally to the exit.

The only drawback of pumps for irrigation from shallow reservoirs is the vibration and the formation of noise during operation.

You can get rid of the loud "growl" by placing the unit in an economic building, or by placing the unit body on a rubberized mat or stand.

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Garden pump with two outlets

A suction and water supply pipe is connected to the garden pumps. In the photo, a model with two outlets, which allows to supply water to two watering tools

Built-in filters to protect the pump

Built-in filters prevent contamination and large solids from entering the pumping system

Stable rubber feet

Reduced noise and vibration during operation of the unit quench resistant rubber supports

Proper preservation of the surface pump

At the end of the irrigation season, the pump is removed for storage, before that water is drained from the unit through a screw plug

Garden pump with two outlets

Garden pump with two outlets

Built-in filters to protect the pump

Built-in filters to protect the pump

Stable rubber feet

Stable rubber feet

Proper preservation of the surface pump

Proper preservation of the surface pump

Option # 3 - submersible for polluted ponds

Submersible pumps are rarely used for garden purposes. The working part of this type of device is immersed directly in the source, deepening below the water level. The evacuated liquid is pumped to the surface through rubber pipes.

The principle of the immersion model

Unlike external models, submersible units are capable of covering long distances to garden beds without losing pressure, which is especially valuable when the source is located remotely

Depending on the type of model, submersible pumps are capable of pumping water from a depth of up to 80 m. This parameter is relevant when using as a source of water intake for irrigating a drilled well.

By way of water supply submersible pumps for irrigation are presented in two variations of execution:

  1. Vibration. Work due to the movement of the membrane located inside. It causes pressure drops, under the action of which the water is first sucked in and then pushed out. Vibration instruments have a low price, but are afraid of clogging with silt.
  2. Centrifugal. Raise the water to the surface due to the rotation of the blades and wheels. They “grind” water with such force that they are not afraid of minor pollution. But there are such units much higher than vibration ones.

The outer shell of pumps of submersible design can be made of stainless metal or plastic. Each of these materials is designed for constant contact with designed for continuous contact with the working environment.

If it is necessary to use a pond as a source of water intake, the water in which is not very clean, the preference should be attributed drainage models.

Such units are methods of “processing” weakly and heavily polluted water, which contains various kinds of impurities with a diameter of 5-10 mm.

The use of drainage device for garden purposes

For irrigation of garden beds, drainage devices equipped with shredders designed for pumping out cold drains are quite suitable.

The grinder located just above the suction device during the pumping process will crush leaves, silt and other debris into the device with the smallest particles.

Due to this, irrigation water will be additionally enriched with organic fertilizers, which will only positively affect the yield of cultivated crops.

A significant drawback of drainage units used as pumps for irrigation from the pond is low pressure in the system. So you can water the garden with their help only by gravity.

If you plan to use a nozzle or a divider, the water may not go at all. You can get out of this situation by completing the work in stages.

First, with the help of a drainage unit, the liquid is pumped into the storage tank. And then after it is settled and the heavy sediments are settled, the garden is watered using a surface and submersible garden pump.

Option # 4 - automatic for drip irrigation

Especially popular are automatic pumps equipped with timers. They greatly facilitate the task of the owners, who do not have the opportunity to waste precious time and excess moisture for many hours watering.

Pumps for drip irrigation are equipped with a pressure switch and hydraulic accumulators. Control in such systems can be both manual and automatic.

Adjustment of watering with an automatic pump

The task of the owner is to set the minimum level of pressure at which water will flow from the outlet pipe in a thin stream

Although such equipment is not cheap, but the costs over time completely pay for themselves, allowing more rational use of hundreds of cubic meters of moisture supplied during the season. Yes, and the owner freed a lot of time that previously would have been spent on watering.

Criteria for the selection of units

Choosing pumping equipment, you need to determine for yourself the following factors:

  1. Distance from the source of water intake to the garden beds.
  2. Height difference from the installation site of pumping equipment to the extreme point of the garden.
  3. Plot sizeset aside for crops that need frequent watering.
  4. Watering type (close-up, drip, sprinkling).
  5. Frequency of use pumping equipment.

For drip irrigation is enough to install low-power equipment. When planning to irrigate crops through sprinkling, it is worthwhile to give preference to systems that can safely withstand a lot of pressure.

Technical parameters of the device

When purchasing a model, you should pay attention to the volume of the tank it is designed for and how much it is able to pump water in one hour.

The most reliable are units with two-stage mechanisms. Such powerful units are chosen by the owners of large plots, which have a large area for garden plots, a flower garden and a garden in need of watering.

No. 1 - calculation of device performance

To calculate the required performance of the purchased pumping equipment usually take averages.

Depending on the climatic conditions and the state of the soil according to the current SNiP for watering the beds of 1 sq. M. m requires from 3 to 6 liters per day.

Therefore, for the garden area of ​​200 square meters. m daily rate will be: 200x6 = 1200 l.

Powerful irrigation units for large areas

To meet the needs in this case will have to purchase a unit with a capacity of 1.5-2 cubic liters per hour

The maximum productivity of barrel units makes 4000 l / hour. Choosing among low-power devices designed for pumping liquid from storage tanks, you should look at models with a capacity of 2000 l / h.

The price of such devices starts from 2.5 thousand rubles.

When arranging drip irrigation, the most reliable type of pump is centrifugal. After all, only he is able, without prejudice to the motor overheating, to pump large portions of water under high pressure for a whole day.

When choosing among drainage models, keep in mind that such units have a capacity from 83 to 250 l / min with water supply from 5 m to 12 m.

When using water for irrigation from especially polluted reservoirswhose diameter of impurities is 15-55 mm, it is worth choosing units with a capacity of from 37 to 450 l / min. They are able to provide feed to a height of 5-22 m.

No. 2 - recommended jet head

Under the pressure of the pump means the mechanical work of the unit, as a result of which the fluid pressure increases and it is pumped. In this case, part of the drive energy in the process of pumping is converted into the kinetic energy of the liquid.

The relationship created by the pressure head with fluid flow

The pressure created by the device and the flow rate of the pumped liquid are directly dependent on each other, in graphical form, this dependence is displayed as a characteristic of the pump

The higher the value of the generated head, the greater the distance can be maintained between the pump and the source of water intake. When calculating the power, also consider that the ratio of the length of the vertical and horizontal is 1: 4.

At the same time, when it comes to watering, too much pressure is more trouble than good. After all, the expulsion pressure can not only damage the dividers, tearing them off the hose, but also harm green plantings.

No. 3 - availability of automation system

Automation significantly increases the cost of pumping equipment. But it plays a significant role, preventing overheating of the "heart" of the unit - the motor.

Float automation system

The float mechanism is triggered by the action of a steel ball placed inside the box, which closes the contacts when the water level changes

A float switch protects the instrument engine when the specified minimum water level is reached. This prevents the unit from “running dry”, thereby minimizing the risk of breakage.

Choosing a unit equipped float switchDuring the operation, you will not need to control how empty the barrel is.

You are only required to wash the float switch under the pressure of the water only once a season to prevent the box body from sticking to the outlet.

No. 4 - location of the suction valve

The suction valve may be located above the engine compartment at the top of the device, or on the bottom of the case.

Suction valve filter

The presence of a filter on the suction valve of the device will make it possible to trash debris falling with water, thereby prolonging the life of the unit

More practical model, the water intake which is located in the upper part of the body. Such a constructive solution reduces the likelihood of silting and penetration of sediment and sand particles into the chamber.

When using submersibles for irrigation, the suction valves of which are located in the bottom of the hull, use special supplies.

By placing the pump on a stand, you can partially protect the working chamber from the entry of fibrous inclusions, crushed sand slurry and large debris.

The pumps usually include adapters that allow you to connect flexible hoses and rigid pipes with a diameter of 1ʺ and 1 1/4ʺ. In budget models, most likely, a watering hose and spray nozzle will have to be purchased additionally.

Overview of manufacturers of pumping equipment

High demand for pumping equipment for domestic use encourages manufacturers. Today, foreign and domestic manufacturers offer a wide range of equipment in different price categories.

Imported global brands

Among foreign manufacturers, well-established in the pumping equipment market, it is worth highlighting:

  • "HAMMER". German leader in the production of first-class pumping equipment. A wide range of products, unique technical solutions and the highest reliability - all this combines the products manufactured under this brand.
  • "PATRIOT". One of the oldest American brands. The quality of products manufactured by this company has been tested by generations. The domestic buyer under this brand is more known for reliable and easy-to-work chainsaws. But the pumping equipment is not inferior to them.
  • Calpeda. Recognized champion in the global market. The Italian company is famous for its good technical traditions. All equipment is manufactured using high-precision technology.
  • "QUATTRO ELEMENTI". Another famous Italian brand, representing high-quality equipment. The company, founded by like-minded engineers, focuses on the reliability and maintainability of products.

Barrel models for watering the garden of these brands can be purchased at a price of 5.5 thousand rubles. More powerful surface and submersible units will cost 6 thousand and above. BUT drainage installation average power - within 9 thousand rubles.

Time-tested equipment

Choosing products of famous brands, even in the event of a breakdown, it will be much easier to find spare parts for them, and the masters take them more willingly for repair

Among the companies that are only increasing their potential, but have already earned a positive reputation among a wide range of consumers, it is also worth highlightingMakita"And"Gardena».

Domestic trademarks

Popular brands of pump equipment of domestic producers:

  • "Vortex". Leading Russian manufacturer. The main advantage of the products is convenience in operation, quiet operation and minimal hydraulic losses in the process of pumping.
  • "Dzhileks". The Russian company produces reliable pumps that can be used as pumping clean and slightly polluted water for irrigation.
  • "Gardener". Products manufactured under this brand successfully combine an affordable price with decent quality. Compact centrifugal devices easily handle contaminated water.

The price of centrifugal submersible pumps of these brands starts with a mark of 4 thousand rubles. Drainage units of average power cost from 5 thousand and above.

Budget models of domestic production are also very popular. "Stream" and "Kid". The price of products ranges from 1.5-2 thousand rubles.

But it is worth noting that they are very sensitive to voltage fluctuations in the electrical network. To work in our conditions, it is better to choose centrifugal models for which no such sin has been noticed.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Recommendations for choosing an electric pump for irrigation:

Video review of the use of a drum pump "Karcher":

Equipment for pumping polluted pond:

And finally, I would like to note that, regardless of the model chosen, the deficiencies in equipment most often manifest themselves due to improper handling..

If the device is designed for pumping clean water, then you should not lower it into the tank with rainwater. Fallen leaves and sand will quickly clog the filters and disable the device. And it’s not the producer who is to blame for this, but only an impolite owner.

Have experience using pumping equipment for watering garden beds? Please share information with our readers, tell us which pump you use. You can leave comments in the form below.

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