Why the refrigerator is cracking

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The refrigerator is not a noiseless technique, so it makes sounds when you work. When you hear a quiet murmur of freon in the tubes or a rare "growl" of the compressor when turning on - this is not a breakdown, but the normal functioning of the systems. If the refrigerator is very cracking - this is a sign of a problem, the elimination of which should not be put off for a long time.

Important! Pay attention when there is a crack - when you open or close the door to find the cause of the failure.

Consider the causes of cod in modern refrigerators and ways to eliminate this problem.

Content of the material:

  • 1When the crackling is not a problem
  • 2Cracking the refrigerator: the main reasons
    • 2.1Electricity problems
    • 2.2For models with No Frost
  • 3Replacement fork
    • 3.1Choosing the right plug

When the crackling is not a problem

If the refrigerator is new, crackling is often not associated with technical problems. During operation, the system is periodically heated and cooled. Materials used by the manufacturer in the manufacture of equipment are expanded and compressed when the temperature regime changes. Such crackling disappears with time.

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If it's been several months already, and the cracking has not stopped, it's time to sound an alarm. Especially quickly it is worth reacting, when previously a quiet refrigerator began to make abrupt sounds of unusual sounds and crackling.

Just brought the refrigerator from the store, and it cracked? Turn the device back to itself and unscrew the transport bolts on the compressor - they create noise and can cause a serious malfunction. If the equipment is under warranty, repair of the breakage will be paid, because the case is not guaranteed and arises due to the negligence of the user. Instructions for dismantling the mounting are given in the user's manual.

Another uncritical case, in which the refrigeration equipment (CW) crackles during work, is an uneven floor in the apartment or incorrectly adjusted legs. Change the technique or twist the legs.

If nothing has helped, look for the cause of the failure in the systems and nodes. Let's consider the possible reasons for the failure further.

Cracking the refrigerator: the main reasons

Cods lead to such factors:

  1. Some fasteners are not adjusted.
  2. Have you used XO for a long time? The compressor broke or lost its performance, which caused the noise to start.
  3. When switching temperature conditions plastic parts, as we said above, are expanding. Try to ensure a stable temperature regime in the chambers, do not open the door for a long time, do not put many non-refrigerated products on the shelves.
  4. The reason is the contact of the parts with the motor tubes. The compressor can touch the rear grille and other accessories.
  5. Deterioration of shock absorbers of the motor.
  6. Poor attachment of the capacitor. The cracking is accompanied by a perceptible vibration.

Electricity problems

Sometimes XO crack and spark at the same time. Hence, there are problems with the electrical component. What you need to look at first:

  • outlet;
  • power cord and plug;
  • carry out maintenance of the wiring;
  • the control module - it may be blown and emits a crash (the refrigerator will stop working or the light bulbs flash on the control panel).

For models with No Frost

Models with "Know Frost" are arranged slightly differently than usual. In their design there is a fan that circulates the cooled air in the chambers. With a mechanical or system malfunction, or if there is no annual defrosting of the blades, the cooler can become ice. Then there will be noise, and crackling, and screeching.

What to do? It is necessary to conduct urgent defrosting. No Frost models are defrosted for 24 hours. If the sound does not disappear after switching on the network, then there are other breakages in the system.

Replacement fork

If you find that the crackle comes from the plug, it's worth replacing it with a new one. Do not attempt to repair this part by wrapping it with insulating tape, otherwise you will receive in your home a potential source of possible fire or electric shock. In refrigerators of all brands - "Indesit "Atlant "Ariston "Samsung" and others - plug replacement takes place depending on the type of plug:

  • If the plugunderstands,then a ragged or broken wire can be cut, stripped and installed inside the plug.

Important! Wire can be mounted only inside!

  • Whennon-separableFork, go for a new one. Do not attempt to cut the cord at the point of damage and twist it - for your own safety, avoid doing so.

Choosing the right plug

Determine which plug you need - with or without ground. For the refrigerator, you need a plug with a ground terminal. But, if you live in an apartment building of old construction, where wiring does not provide a grounding conductor, do not waste money.

When choosing, pay attention to the electrical power - it should be higher than the power that the refrigerator consumes.

The replacement is as follows:

  1. Strip the ends of the power cord from the side where the broken plug is screwed.
  2. Twist the cable tightly.
  3. If technically possible, zaludite ends with a soldering iron.
  4. Disassemble the purchased plug. Near the hole where the cord passes, there is a clamp that fastens the cable, - then press the cord with it, so as not to tear it from the plug, if you sharply pull the wire for an emergency shutdown of the equipment.
  5. Screw the ends of the wire to the terminals in the plug. You can put the conductor in the hole and tighten the bolt, or twist it with a ring and tighten the seal under the washer. The choice of method depends on the design features of the plug.
  6. Clamp the cable using the clamp provided.
  7. Assemble the plug.
  8. Check the operation of the device.

Important! If you change the grounding-type plug, remember or photograph the wires so as not to confuse the ground wire with the others. As a rule, this is a yellow-green cable, but it's better to insure yourself. Also note that the ground wire is always connected to the metal part of the refrigerator body.

If the cracking stopped after replacing the plug, you did everything right. And if all the reasons listed in the review are excluded and checked, and the sound does not disappear, contact the service center to find the true cause of the failure.

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