How to quickly remove the smell in the refrigerator: effective tools and tips


  • 1 Causes of nasty aroma
  • 2 Effective means for cleaning the refrigerator
  • 3 Get rid of the smell quickly
    • 3.1 Detergents
    • 3.2 Odor Absorbers
    • 3.3 Folk remedies
  • 4 Flavor Absorbers
  • 5 As prophylaxis
  • 6 Finally
Does the smell from the fridge discourage your appetite?Does the smell from the fridge discourage your appetite?

Unpleasant smell in the refrigerator - the problem is as old as the world. Every housewife is facing her, and everyone is looking for ways to solve the problem. To help you cope with this scourge, I found the most effective ways to eliminate excess odors in the refrigerator.

Causes of nasty aroma

Such a situation can not be called pleasant!Such a situation can not be called pleasant!

To understand how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator, the first thing to do is find out the reasons for its appearance. There may be several:

  1. Food storage without compliance. Fish or sausage stored without proper packaging is the most frequent source of unpleasant aroma. He also can emit spoiled products, not sent in time to the trash.

Carefully examine if you have a small convolution in the fridge that has not been there for the first week.

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. That it can be a source of not only undesirable smell, but also harmful bacteria.

Check the shelf life of your products.Check the shelf life of your products.
  1. The effect of "novelty." If you do not like the scent of a newly purchased device, then do not rush to complain about the products. Perhaps the matter is in the smallest plastic dust particles living on the shelves and walls of the refrigerator. In this case, it will be sufficient to thoroughly wash the unit.
New fridge needs to be washed thoroughly.New fridge needs to be washed thoroughly.
  1. Random defrost. Due to a power outage, the refrigerator may defrost or simply break. In such a situation, products from the freezer are thawed, which leads to the spread of an unpleasant aroma.

Effective means for cleaning the refrigerator

And now I will tell you how to remove the smell from the refrigerator, and what means it is better to use. A positive result can be achieved through:

  • The use of special household chemicals. Despite the effectiveness of this method, it has a big disadvantage. All the same chemicals for cleaning the place where food is stored should be used only in extreme cases. And the price of these drugs can hit you hard.
Use chemicals as a last resort.Use chemicals as a last resort.
  • Good old folk recipes. The safest of the above methods due to the fact that it is based on exclusively natural and harmless products.
Instead of chemistry, it is better to use folk remedies.Instead of chemistry, it is better to use folk remedies.
  • Ozonizers air. Special ozonizers that regulate the concentration of ozone in the unit will help to remove the smell from the refrigerator. The main disadvantage of them is the fact that it is advisable not to open the refrigerator door during operation, which rarely happens.
The ozonizer may become invisible, but a useful assistant.The ozonizer may become invisible, but a useful assistant.

In addition, ozonizers are quite difficult to purchase in regular stores, because of what will have to resort to shopping online.

  • Fresheners and odor absorbers. They are miniature and do not take up much space, which is a huge advantage.
You no longer have to wrinkle your noseYou no longer have to wrinkle your nose

Get rid of the smell quickly

Regardless of how you decide to eliminate the smell in the refrigerator, you should start with the preparatory stage. First remove all food from it, then rinse the device with plain water. Pay special attention to the drain hole, clean it in case of clogging.

Unpleasant smell in 5 minutes is not removed - will have to tryUnpleasant smell in 5 minutes is not removed - will have to try


Special powerful tools used for cleaning units in meat processing plants, in less than 12 hours will eliminate all unpleasant odors. Many of them are fairly concentrated, so I would recommend using more benign options. Among them I can highlight:

  • Indesit for refrigerators. Comes in a handy spray bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters. The instruction to the preparation says that it is enough to put it on the inner walls of the refrigerator, wait half an hour, then wash the product with a cloth moistened with water.
Convenient sprayer makes cleaning your own fridge much easierConvenient sprayer makes cleaning your own fridge much easier
  • TOP HOUSE. It is produced in the same container and with a similar sprayer. It should be used in the same way as the previous version.
TOP HOUSE - another option to maintain a pleasant smell in your refrigeratorTOP HOUSE - another option to maintain a pleasant smell in your refrigerator

Odor Absorbers

Deciding to use the odor absorber, you will encounter a huge range of similar accessories on the market. All of them differ in the form, method of work and smell. I propose to consider the most popular options.

  1. Freshener balls. In each package are three balls and a container with a special solution of silicogen, which is responsible for getting rid of bad flavors. The package should be opened only before use, otherwise the silicogen may lose its properties..
A special gel is poured into the balls, after which they can be used for more than 3 months.A special gel is poured into the balls, after which they can be used for more than 3 months.

The balls are very economical in spending, one pack is enough for a whole year, so this option can be considered quite budget. Do not forget to put unused balls in a plastic bag until they become necessary.

  1. Egg shaped sinks. At room temperature, the eggs have a bluish-white color, but it is worth putting them inside the device, as the shade becomes white. Consider, if the egg color has not changed - insufficient temperature conditions are set in the refrigerator, from which products spoil.
The photo is one example of an egg-shaped odor scavenger.The photo is one example of an egg-shaped odor scavenger.
  1. Dispenser absorber. Possesses the replaceable filter in which there are coal granules. Despite the fact that the air freshener does not have its smell, it perfectly removes foreign aromas in the refrigerator.
Usually, two replaceable filters are included, each of them is effective for two months.Usually, two replaceable filters are included, each of them is effective for two months.
  1. Gel absorbers. Most often for their use extracts from plants and algae and lemon extract. This option freshener is able to quickly get rid of the unpleasant smell.
And this is what gel absorbers for refrigerator scents look like. Its consumption must be monitored.And this is what gel absorbers for refrigerator scents look like. Its consumption must be monitored.

Packing with gel is best placed in the tray for eggs, so you will be better seen when the tool is over.

  1. Ionizer-absorber odor for the refrigerator. The main advantage of this option is its ability not only to prevent harsh odors, but also to restrain the process of rotting products. Ionizers also destroy bacteria, which fully justify their high cost.
One type of ionizers for the refrigeratorOne type of ionizers for the refrigerator

Folk remedies

If you do not want to use the services of household chemicals, but still want to return the fresh scent to your refrigerator, it is not a sin to use proven folk methods. I made a convenient table, where I described the most popular recipes.

Handy tools will help to keep the normal smell in the refrigeratorHandy tools will help to keep the normal smell in the refrigerator
Why pay more when you have everything you need at hand?Why pay more when you have everything you need at hand?
Main ingredient Method of use
1. Ammonia The use of ammonia passes according to the following recipe: dilute a teaspoon of alcohol in a liter of water, moisten a sponge in solution and thoroughly wipe the refrigerator with it. You should start from the camera, moving gradually to the processing of all major parts. In the end, process the drain hole and seal the refrigerator.
2. Soda. This component acts as an absorbent and absorbs all the unnecessary odors. Pour the baking soda into several small containers and place them on the shelves of the refrigerator.

Note, soda can not cope with microbes, so it will not be superfluous to wash the refrigerator before using it.

3. Vinegar. Another popular way for housewives. It must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1, and the whole unit should be washed with the resulting solution. If the smell is pungent enough, it is worthwhile to put a glass of liquid in the refrigerator.
4. Coffee beans. Not the most effective way, since the grains do not eliminate, but simply mask the unpleasant aroma. But it is great for maintaining freshness in the unit.
5. Activated carbon. It is enough to crush about 20-40 tablets of activated charcoal, put them on a small saucer and place in the refrigerator overnight.
Activated charcoal - excellent absorbent of caustic odorsActivated charcoal - excellent absorbent of caustic odors

With the help of these simple and handy tools, you can eliminate the smell and return the former freshness to your refrigerator.

Flavor Absorbers

If the smell in the fridge is not critical - you can get by with very little blood, you can use special ones. expensive products, and some products that have proven to be excellent absorbent. Among them:

How to prevent odor?How to prevent odor?
  • Black bread. It is enough to cut a loaf of bread into pieces, spread them out on all the shelves and leave overnight. Do not forget to remove the product, otherwise you will have to solve the problem of eliminating the nasty smell of bread mold.
A sliced ​​loaf of black bread helps prevent unpleasant odorsA sliced ​​loaf of black bread helps prevent unpleasant odors
  • Lemon. Put a few drops of lemon into a glass of water and put it on the shelf of the device.
  • Rice or salt (sugar will also do). Pour the ingredient into the saucer and put it in the fridge.
Even salt can be your assistant.Even salt can be your assistant.

The list of absorbent products also cannot be dispensed with the mention of garlic, onions, spices and citrus.

As prophylaxis

To the question of how to destroy the smell in the refrigerator almost did not bother you, you should follow a few rules.

  1. Any food should be placed in the refrigerator only closed. For these purposes, suitable and plastic bag, and the bank, and food container.
Any product must be contained in a container.Any product must be contained in a container.
  1. Do not forget to regularly wash the unit.
Permanent cleaning of the refrigerator - a pledge of a pleasant aroma in itPermanent cleaning of the refrigerator - a pledge of a pleasant aroma in it
  1. Immediately wipe any spilled liquid, be it milk or sauce, from the shelves.
  2. Do not delay with the defrosting process. After all, in the end, it is not only an opportunity to rid the refrigerator of excess ice, but also to wash it.
  3. With a long departure, it is better to turn off the refrigerator from the network, and remove all products from it.
Defrosting a refrigerator is an obligatory procedure during its operation.Defrosting a refrigerator is an obligatory procedure during its operation.


I told you how to remove the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, and by what means you can use it. I think with them your unit will be not only clean, but also safe for food storage.

More detailed instructions for ridding the refrigerator of stale aromas are contained in the video in this article, so I strongly recommend that you read it. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments.

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