How to grow an apple from a seed or a branch at home?


To grow a tree, gardeners resort to the help of special farms and acquire seedlings for planting. But there is another way, which is much more complicated and will take more time.

You can grow an apple from a bone.


Table of contents

  • Is it possible to grow a tree from apple seeds at home?
  • How to choose a seed for growing an apple tree?
  • Bone planting conditions
    • Transplant to open ground
  • How to grow apple from a branch?
    • How to prepare cuttings for reproduction
    • How to properly plant prepared planting material?

Is it possible to grow a tree from apple seeds at home?

This process takes a long timeand can be quite risky. Because the fruits can be very different in taste from the original plant.

Growing an apple from a seed, the result of planting will be known only after the first fruiting, which comes on the 5th year of life.

As a final material, one can obtain:

  1. A full-fledged tree that brings tasty, varietal fruits.
  2. Wild apple with small fruits, suitable for processing.
  3. Also, there is a possibility of obtaining an ornamental plant, the fruits of which will be beautiful, but not tasty.
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If you comply with all the conditions for growing apple from the seed,there is a high probability of obtaining a varietal tree. The best option is to use a one-year-old seedling in the form of a rootstock to an already adult tree.

To protect yourself from not receiving material suitable for planting,better to germinate a few seeds, extracted from different varieties of apples.


How to choose a seed for growing an apple tree?

It is worth remembering that growing apple from a seed is a laborious and lengthy process, and that it ends with success,you need to choose the right seeds.

They must be dense and ripe. Such a planting material differs in dark color and uniform color.

Also on the seeds there should be no mechanical damage, so extract them from the apple should be as carefully as possible.

Seeds for germination should be ripe, without damage

For proper preparation, the following actions are performed:

  1. Washing- to get rid of the inhibiting layer that interferes with germination, the selected seeds are placed in a container with warm water and for 3-5 minutes to stir a small spoon, this procedure is better to repeat several times. Then the water is drained with a sieve or gauze.
  2. It is better to use a wooden spoon or wand, because such a material is less likely to damage the seeds.
  3. Soak- then the seeds are poured with water and put in a warm place for 3-4 days. On day 3, experienced gardeners recommend adding a growth stimulant to the tank. Water should be changed every day, to avoid stagnation.
  4. Stratification- with the help of this procedure, the seeds are tempered and prepared for natural habitats.

There are several ways to stratify:

  1. The planting material is mixed with peat and sand in a proportion of 1 to 3, then the obtained mixture is moistened until such condition, until water begins to seep into the surface.
  2. According to gardeners, the best substrate is moss, mixed with wooden sawdust.
  3. Also use a combination of sand, sawdust and activated carbon.

In the selected substrate seeds should be 6 daysat room temperature. At this time they will swell. Then they are moved to the refrigerator for 2-3 months.

How to grow an apple from a bone. Stratification of seeds:


Bone planting conditions

After the first sprouts appear,the strongest and healthiest ones are selected. For the transplantation of seeds at home, any time of the year is suitable.

Once the material is ready, do the following:

  1. For sowing seeds, a special container is prepared, most often a box or a container. At the bottom must necessarily be a hole to drain excess moisture.
  2. Then a drainage layer is made of expanded clay, pebbles and other similar materials.
  3. As a fertile soil, chernozem is used, such a soil has all the substances necessary for a young tree.
  4. During planting use the following scheme: the width between the rows is 15-20 centimeters, and between the seeds 2-3.
  5. The depth should not exceed 2 centimeters.
  6. Then the soil is watered abundantly.
  7. During the watering of plants, they act carefully, so as not to blur the soil and not to bare the seed that has not yet become stronger.
  8. Once the second pair of leaves appears on the grown up trees, they need to be sorted, removing weak plants and wild apple trees. They differ from the varietal ones in that they have smaller and brightly colored leaves, spines appear on the trunks. Thus, the distance between the trees increases to 7-8 centimeters.
After the appearance of the first shoots, the most robust

At home, apple trees are kept for at least 4 years, in this case they will be able to get stronger and will be ready for further transplantation into the open ground.

If the apartment does not allow such a long period of time to contain a small tree, it can be transplanted on a garden site, but at the same time protect the plant from cold temperatures, pests, wind and other troubles.

Every year, it is necessary to increase the capacity of the container in which the apple tree grows. This technique will help the tree to develop the correct root system.


How to grow an apple from a bone. Transplanting sprouted bones into the ground:

Watering- for a young apple tree, timely irrigation is the main source of livelihood, without it, more not strengthened root system can not get enough moisture and the tree can to perish.

To conduct such a procedure is best once a week, not allowing the formation of a dry crust.

Additional fertilizing- it is worth considering that in the first years of life, active organic additives, which include manure or bird droppings, can harm the plant.

They can cause burns and can cause various bacterial diseases. Therefore, it is better to replace these fertilizers with humus infusion.

To stop the growth of leaves and improve the maturation of wood,at the end of August the apple tree is fed with potassium-phosphorus additives.

For each square meter of crops the following amount of fertilizer is poured out:

  • 15-20 grams of potassium chloride;
  • 30-40 grams of superphosphate.

In order for useful substances to penetrate to the root system, during fertilizationThe soil must be gently loosened and watered abundantly.

A young apple seedling needs weekly watering, fertilizing with fertilizers

Transplant to open ground

As soon as the seedling reaches 4 years of age, it can be planted in the open ground. This procedure is best done in late April - early May or in September.

To the tree could take root in a new place, you need to select the right site for planting.

For starters, it is worth considering that over the years the root system of the apple tree will grow, so this tree may need a lot of space.

You may be interested in the following articles:

  • Sugar apple - an exotic fruit with medicinal properties.
  • 5 ways to freeze apples at home.
  • Unripe apples: what can be done with them?

Good lighting contributes to the proper development and quality ripening of the fruit.

Alsoyou need to pay attention to the level of groundwater, they should be at a depth of not less than 1 meter. The technology of the process does not differ from the planting of seedlings purchased in the nursery.


How to grow apple from a branch?

If the way of growing a fruit tree from a seed seems too complicated,can resort to the propagation of the cheren. To get a seedling from the branch, the preparatory work starts from the end of autumn.

Such a process is also quite laborious, butit will take less timeand it will be most likely to obtain the desired variety.

How to prepare cuttings for reproduction

Many gardeners are trying to get a seedling by cutting off unprepared branches and placing them in water. But in this case it is unlikely that we will wait for the appearance of roots.

To the process ended with success,In the late autumn and early winter, cuttings are prepared for reproductionwith the following actions:

  1. For starters, a strong, young and ripe branch is selected, its age should be 1-2 years.
  2. Its middle should be carefully broken, without damaging the bark. For this, the selected area is folded until a crunch appears.
  3. Then the injured place is rewound with tape or tape.
  4. The last stage will be the attachment of a support, in the quality of which an ordinary stick can perform. She will not let the bent branch straighten.
Cultivation of the apple from the cuttings will take less time than from the seed

How to properly plant prepared planting material?

After the formation of breakage, the tree will try to cure them on its own, for this purpose a large number of nutrients will be sent to the injured places.

With the help of such manipulationsIn April the apple tree will be ready for the beginning of the process of reproduction:

  1. First, remove the winding, after which the branch is cut in damaged areas.
  2. For germination of cuttings, it is better to use a trimmed dark bottle filled with melt or rainwater.
  3. For the best efficiency of the process in water several tablets of activated carbon are dissolved.
  4. If you fill the tank to a level of 10 centimeters, you can put 10 cuttings in it.
  5. After 3 weeks, under the kidneys that are in the water, the roots will appear.
  6. A bottle with germinating branches should be placed on the windowsill.
As soon as the roots reach a size of 7 centimeters, they can be safely transplanted into the open ground.

If the young tree is provided with regular watering and protection from bright sun rays, it can quickly adapt to new conditions.

Cultivating an apple from a seed is a very complex process, which can only be carried out by an experienced gardener, but the cuttings reproduction is suitable for gardeners-beginners.

In any case, the resulting tree will be one of the most loved on the site.

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